February 8, 2024

Prayers Lifted on

Sunday Feb 4th, 2024

During last Sunday's worship service, we received the following requests for prayers...

  • Of healing and peace for the wounded children of Gaza
  • Of healing and peace in Ukraine, especially for Dr. Igor and his staff at Hospital #5 in Kharkiv
  • For Matt Engel, choral scholar here at CUMC, who will become and Eagle Scout tonight at his Court of Honor
  • Of gratitude, for Ron's birthday yesterday

Church News

Faith Formation Matters

Faith Formation (Sunday School) takes place on Sunday mornings at 11:15 am for

Kindergarteners and up!


This Sunday, February 11, all ages, High School and younger, will meet together in the Wesley Room with Pastor Sharon, Jenee James (Whirl Kids leader) and Matthew Beland (Middle School group leader). We’ll continue our discussion of Holy Communion, one of two sacraments (along with Baptism) in the United Methodist Church.

We’ll be exploring the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

of Holy Communion.

Hope to see you there!

Adult Discussion Group

Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday. The story has lots of puzzling features about it, and it’s almost dream-like in its character. Come join us as we try to unpack what’s happening on the mountaintop and in the cloud. 

We meet in the Asbury Room at 11:15am, right after worship.

Looking Ahead to Lent

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 13th at 5:30 PM

Come and enjoy some conversation and enjoy fellowship over a delicious meal of pancakes and more!

We'll have pancake races, some singing, and a ritual with last year's palms, which will become the ashes for Ash Wednesday on February 14th.

Free will offering will be taken for RISE Mission Trip 2024.

Ash Wednesday Service

February 14th at 7:30 PM

Ash Wednesday worship service and the distribution of ashes

will be held in the Sanctuary on February 14th at 7:30 PM

Looking Ahead

Easter Lilly Dedication Forms

Coming Soon!!

Lenten Small Groups

Begin Sunday February 18th

Wherever you may be on your faith journey, we welcome you to connect with fellow pilgrims for conversation, study, prayer, and community in a Lenten Small Group. Each group meeting lasts approximately one hour. Through the Valley: a Lenten Series on Lament explores the biblical and spiritual practice of lament: crying out to God when we are troubled, confused, or in pain. Using passages from both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures we’ll consider topics including Lament and Honesty, Lament and Hope, Lament and Community, Lament and Action. While this is a series, each session also stands on its own, so it is fine to attend one, some, or all sessions. No book, no homework, just show up!

Groups will meet:

Sundays (2/18 – 3/23) at 11:15 am (Ron Yarger, facilitator)

Mondays (2/19 – 3/24) at noon (Pastor Sharon Yarger, facilitator)


Groups will meet in “hybrid” format – in person in the Asbury Room as well as via Zoom.

For further information, or to receive the Zoom invitations, contact Associate Pastor Sharon Yarger at [email protected]

Chatham UMC Podcast Spirituality Group

Wednesday evenings in Lent, from 7:00 - 8:00 PM on Zoom

February 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20, 27

Focus of discussion:

The podcast is called "Another Name for Every Thing" with Richard Rohr. Participants are invited to listen to the podcast during the week. During our hour long Zoom meeting we’ll talk about what we found interesting, helpful, challenging and wise about Richard Rohr’s description of the Universal Christ. Richard Rohr’s book of the same title is steeped in Christian tradition and the natural world, affirmed with good science, neuroscience, astrophysics and illumined with ancient wisdom. Link to register below.

Here are the links to the first podcast:

On Spotify



On Apple Podcasts


Pastor Jeff will be facilitating these online small group discussions.

Tom Franklin will be our technical host with the sign ups.

To participate, register by going to our Eventbrite page and reserve your spot: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/richard-rohr-another-name-for-everything-discussion-group-tickets-827709450247

We celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism for Elliana Smith during our worship service on January 28, 2024.

Here she is with her proud Grandmother, Mother, Pastor and Aunt!

The lovely ladies of the Sarah Circle got together on Tuesday in the Asbury Room to chat and enjoy delicious homemade treats. We caught them for a quick photo shoot at the end of their meeting. Here we have the 'kitchen crew' on wash-up, and rest of the group mingling for a few minutes more before departing.

Sunday’s 10:00 a.m. service will include the Instrumental Ensemble performing Going Home by Anton Dvorak, arr. by Paul Clark and The Covenant Choir singing Holy Spirit, Hope, and Healer by Mary Kay Beall and John Carter. Join us!

The Ukulele Orchestra will next practice together on Saturday, February 10th at 10:00 a.m. online and in person. For more information contact Peter Hill, Director of Music Ministries at [email protected].

Chatham UMC’s sanctuary will host a historic joint recital of two local music clubs: The Suburban Music Study Club and the Plainfield Musical Club, on Sunday afternoon, February 11th at 3:00 p.m. The program will feature two noted performers from each club: Paul DiDario, piano, Jonathan Morales, voice accompanied by Peter Hill, piano, Sophia Agranovich, piano, and Viviana Kaszubski, voice, accompanied by Hannah Comia. All are invited to this free recital with refreshments following the performance. 

Come and attend the recital with time to spare before the kickoff of the

Super Bowl at 6:30 p.m.!

Church Office Administrative Assistant

The Chatham United Methodist Church is actively seeking an organized and detail-oriented Church Office Administrative Assistant to keep our church running smoothly and efficiently. This is a great opportunity to assist the church staff, congregation and ministries with its diverse activities and provide general administrative support on a part time basis (22 hours/week).

Applicants should possess strong communication and recordkeeping skills along with financial and light bookkeeping skills to assist the Financial Manager. Solid computers skills are also required- working knowledge in Word, QuickBooks, and Excel. This position will also support the Community Relations & Communications Coordinator with the church's interface with outside groups and the greater community. Resumes may be sent to our church office at Chatham UMC, 460 Main Street, Chatham NJ 07928, or to our Office Manager at [email protected]. For more information about our church please visit: www.chathamumc.org

Ministry Opportunity at CUMC!

The Staff Parish Relations Committee is looking to hire a Director of Children's Education and Youth Ministry. This is a part time job of 25-27 hours per week, with salary commensurate with experience.

Please feel free to share this opportunity with anyone you believe may be interested in this position and in becoming a part of the new thing that God is doing here at CUMC!

Click here for job description.

Questions, interest, and resumes can be sent to:

Rev. Jeff Markay, Senior Pastor

460 Main Street

Chatham, NJ 07928


[email protected]

office: 973-635-7740

Community News

CUMC Food Pantry

Help keep our food pantry and weekly distribution sustained.

 Click Here to donate online!

Want to know more about our Pop Up Pantry and how to help? Check out our webpage.

Or, if you wish, you can contribute directly online by visiting our donation page.

Online Worship Liturgists Needed!

Please sign up to record yourself reading scriptures; this will be a blessing to our online worshiping community. 

Sign up here.

Bread Ministry

The bread ministry is looking for more volunteers to assist in collecting bread from Panera. Please contact the church office for more information.

Communities of Care

If you wish to receive a call, a text or an email from someone at the Chatham UMC community please contact the church office.

Chatham United Methodist Church

460 Main Street

Chatham, NJ 07928

(973) 635-7740

Email: [email protected]

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