Success Stories
Sharing Information and Resources
A consumer recently met their goals. We provided some resources and information on the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) programs.
The consumer said, “I wanted to thank you for the tax information you shared! You literally saved me over $600 dollars. I was trying to get the funds together which was causing me to work way harder than normal. It was so bad I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do my taxes this year, for the first time ever.”
Finding The Right Fit
A consumer has been working diligently with our staff on looking for jobs that fit their needs. We helped them fill out an application at Duke Energy. They got an interview and were hired on.

The consumer will now be working as a call taker on the IT first-level team!

Our vision is to see North Carolinians who experience a disability live in the communities of their choice and be empowered to address their own needs.

With your support, we can make that vision a reality!

Support Alliance of Disability Advocates today!

Casino Night
Alliance hosts an annual fundraiser to support our existing programs and our paralympic sled hockey team. This year, proceeds from the event went to support our State Reentry program.

Reentry assists individuals coming out of state prison to live in the community through independent living skills development, peer support, and other services.
Thank you to everyone who attended and for everyone's continued support of our mission.
We can't thank our community enough.
See you next year!
Did you know Alliance of Disability Advocates provided Reentry assistance? Our Reentry work is led by our Reentry Program Manager, Sharif Brown.
Sharif Brown headshot
Our Reentry team works to improve transition outcomes after incarceration for
individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD).

The goal is to reduce recidivism such that at least 80% of participants live in the community successfully for 7 years.

Transitioning into and living in the community with the support and services necessary to thrive is a component of this initiative.
Disaster Preparedness - Plan, Prepare, Stay Informed
June is the start of hurricane season. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration expects a seventh consecutive year of above-normal activity. (source).

We encourage everyone to prepare an emergency kit and stay informed at
ReadyNC graphic listing plans to prepare for hurricanes
Having an emergency kit allows people to survive for a few days with little or no outside assistance. Assemble an emergency supplies kit that includes enough non-perishable food and water to last each family member three to seven days. Other essential items include:

  • First-aid kit
  • Weather radio and batteries
  • Prescription medicines
  • Sleeping bag or blankets
  • Changes of clothes
  • Hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and deodorant
  • Cash
  • Pet supplies including food, water, bedding, leashes, muzzle, and vaccination records
  • Face masks and hand sanitizer (source)
Click the link below to download a copy of ReadyNC's Hurricane Guide.
COVID-19 - Get Your Second Booster Shot!
Second doses of booster shots are available. Ensure you and your loved ones are protected from COVID-19.
woman and daughter smiling outside
You are eligible for a second booster shot if:

  • You are 50 or older and got your first booster shot at least FOUR months ago, or
  • You are 12 or older and have a compromised immune system, and got your first booster at least FOUR months ago, or 
  • You received a total of two shots of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least four months ago. 
Get a booster anywhere COVID-19 vaccines are available. Booster doses are free for everyone. No insurance or doctor's note is needed. 
For Questions, email us at:

Support Alliance of Disability Advocates with Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile banner
Choosing Alliance is easy and only takes a couple of clicks to set up. Here are the instructions: 
1.) Click here to add Alliance as your nonprofit of choice.
2.) Click on "Start Shopping"
3.) Sign in to your Amazon Account
4.) Bookmark to your browser 
What We're Reading
Feds Warn Employers Against Disability Discrimination

Increasingly common methods that employers are using to select new hires, judge performance and determine pay or promotions may discriminate against people with disabilities, federal officials say. The U.S. Department of Justice and the Equal...

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Ed Department To Update Disability Regulations

Federal education officials say they plan to revise regulations for one of the main laws affecting students with disabilities after leaving them largely untouched for 45 years. The U.S. Department of Education is considering amendments to the...

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This project is supported, in part by grant number 1902NCILCL-00 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201