Maria Shaw’s

Starscopes Newsletter 

November 28, 2023

I'm off the road and available for phone readings all week!

They include astrology, numerology, mediumship, psychic and your questions answered. I have readings to suit all budgets. You will also receive a recorded version of your call you can download and listen to over and over again. Consider gift certificates in an denomination for the holidays! Book here

If you don't need a full reading but just have one burning question, order it here.

I will reply anywhere from the same day to 48 hours. Your recorded answer will be sent to your email to listen to at your leisure.

Book Your 1 Question here

Order two questions and get a third one for free!

If you use this specific link, you can order two at the same time and automatically get one for free!

Ask anything, any topic; love, money, home, family, past lives, career and so much more.

Order here

Astro News

with Maria Shaw

Where has November went? It flew by! Now we are almost into December and it seems time is speeding up. When we look back over the past eleven months, we see a lot of changes. Change is the name of the game into the new year as well but with more twists and turns expected; many in positive ways! 

I will talk in detail about these new year shifts in my annual Predictions webinar. You can register here before December 1 and save $10 on the 2 hour webinar. Watch live on December 27 or we will send you the replay.

Before the year ends, we will be forced to slow down and ponder what we really want 2024 to look like. December will be a time for reflection in many ways. 

Mercury Retrograde will be challenging us through most of the holidays. So work around it or with is, as best you can. It runs December 14 through January 1st. Because Mercury rules short trip, travel, computers and even the mail, I am advising everyone to get their Christmas cards and gifts sent out before the 13th if possible. Delays with mail and travel are likely. 

Mercury will be retrograde in two signs this December; Capricorn and Sagittarius. So, those two zodiac members will feel the wrath of the retrograde much more so than other zodiac signs. Capricorn will feel it more so December 13 - 22 and then Sagittarius will get hit December 22 - January 1. Sagittarius represents travel by car so that energy will make driving more chaotic throughout the busiest part of the holiday season. But if you are flying somewhere, still get to the airport early for check in and have a back up plan in case you are delayed.

Tuesday November 28

You may still feel the energy of yesterday’s full moon in Gemini.  There’s lot of communication and chit chat. Many people are out and about. You will feel some great energy around 1p.m. eastern time. You’re in a joyful mood. But be careful of what you hear and believe to be true in the afternoon hours.

Here’s some highlights:

Someone may try to deceive you between 3 and 5p.m. eastern time. 

Do not make any important decision at 4:30p.m. eastern. 

Avoid conversations that could lead to arguments around 8p.m. 

Wednesday November 29

-You will feel more sensitive to things today when the moon moves into the sign of Cancer.

-It will be easy to blow your diet today as you’ll be searching for comfort food. Many of you will crave mashed potatoes and mac and cheese.

-We have some lovely energy most of the day.

-If you are up as early as 3:50a.m. eastern, you will feel your Guardian Angel near. It’s a time to receive blessings and wisdom from your spiritual guidance team. Tune into the energies at that specific time. 

-Later in the day, around 3:20pm you will feel very positive about life in general. Relationships with women are favored. Schedule talks with a female supervisor around this time if you need to meet for something.

Thursday November 30

Your feelings could easily get hurt this morning. But it’s really an old wound being triggered. Sometimes old hurts come up, to let us know they still need to be healed. Other than that harsh aspect around 7:30a.m. eastern time, things look pretty good. Afun surprise or gift from the universe may manifest in the afternoon! Expect the unexpected in a good way. 

Heads Up!

Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn this week.

People from your past may show up out of the blue.

Do not go back there! Do not entertain getting back with an ex, going back to a former employer or accepting a so called friend back in your circle. 

These relationships are supposed to be kept in the past…for good reason. But this astrological energy can bring people back around. This is NOT a sign to allow them back into your life.

Free Webinar Tonight (Tuesday)

Each season, astrologers do an astrological chart to see what the themes will be for the upcoming months. A chart is made for the exact moment that fall turns into winter which we call the winter solstice chart.

The Winter Solstice chart holds many promises for the season ahead. It has some very good aspects. We will cover them as well as some other predictions for the following 90 days and take a look at how the solstice energy will affect each of your zodiac signs.

One of the things I designed especially for the Solstice is the Winter Wishing Yuletide Bowl. Many of you already purchased one last year. Remember, they can be used each year. You do not need to get a new one. If you do not have one, feel free to order one here now. We have a limited number of them. They will be shipped out right away and will have them to use through the Solstice and New Year.

The Yuletide Winter Wishing Bowl contains:

-A bag of genuine gemstone crystals that you pour into your bowl. 

-A Sage stick to clear the the energy around you, in your home, etc. to raise the vibration to attract what you wish.

-The Winter Wishing Solstice Oil

- The Yuletide Wishing Bowl

- Blue Gold stone or Maifinite Gemstone bracelet to enhance your manifesting skills.

- Three Astrological/Lunar Return forecasts for the winter months based on your astrological chart. I will need your birthday, time and city born as well as where current local city for the winter to do your forecast. ($66 value)

1. You will write five wishes and place them in the bowl on separate sheets of paper. 

2. On each piece you want to anoint the wishing papers with the winter solstice oil after you write the wishes out.

3. Dab the Wishing Oil on your pulse points each day December 21 through December 31. This constantly raises your vibration and reminds you/connects you to your winter wishes every day.

4. On New Year's Eve, retrieve the winter wishes from your Yuletide Bowl and read them out loud, affirming them to the Universe.

5. Over the course of the winter months, expect and watch your wishes unfold!

6. You can leave your Yuletide Bowl up and then put away when spring arrives, to be used on the next winter solstice. You may want to store it with your holiday decor so you don't forget to use it each year.

7. I suggest you read the Winter Forecast Reports at your leisure before winter arrives. You can refer back to it over the winter months as needed. But it will give you good idea of the energy of the season and how best to use it.

Order yours here while they last. We do not have enough for everyone who registered for this webinar. So order early. Makes a nice gift for like minded friends.

Just tune into my Facebook fan page French Quarter Medium Maria Shaw

These cover 8-10 areas of your life (at least).This is a very affordable way to get a forecast based on your zodiac, by yours truly.From money, to love, lucky periods, career, home, challenges, your overall theme, travel and so much more, these readings are worth much more than the $22 I am charging. They come to your email to download and save.

Order yours here

All 12 zodiac signs are available here

with Big savings in a bundle price

Lucky Birthdays

For the week

Now through Sunday

If your birthday falls during these periods, you could be extra lucky this week.

June 9 - June 18

August 13 - August 23

October 14 - October 23

December 12 - December 21

February 9 - February 18


Buy one, Get one Free on the following items

No need to order the freebies. They come automatically!

Lucky Moon Calendars

Wall Size

Order as many as you wish and we will match the number as these are BOGO

only this year! Order here

Frankincense and Myrrh Oil with Lava Bracelet

Wear the Spirit of Christmas with you all the time when you apply the healing oil to your lava bracelet. Now, you can get one of you and one to give as a gift.

Order here

Stress Reducing Hematite Bracelets

Buy one, get one free this holiday season. Makes great stocking stuffers or individual last minute gifts for everyone. Order as many as you wish and we will match the quantity!

Order Yours Here

Special Bundles discounted up to 80%!

Maria's Best Seller Bundle

Value $997 You Pay $159

You Save $838

Moldavite and Herkimer Diamond ring Value $89

Maria’s Book "40 Day Journey” Value $24.99 (not kit)

Pay Me Oil Value $28

Five 2024 Moon calendars Value $110

Premiere Pass Value $199

Selenite Tower or Candle Holder Value $24 or $35

Sage Soap Value $8

Cards of Destiny Report Value $75

Black Tourmaline Bracelet Value $30

12 Zodiac forecast; each forecast is $22 Value: $264

Event Ticket Value $49 to $99


Peace Bundle

Value $445 Actually! You Pay $119

You Save $326 Free Shipping!

Selenite Ruler to cleanse gems and jewelry Value $18

Aromatherapy Pendant with our oil choice Value $29.99

Lift Me Up Oil Value $28

Hematite bracelet Value $15

Hematite zingers Value $8

Three moon calendars Value $66

Chakra bracelet and stones Value $29.99

Chakra Healing Report Value $35

Palo Santo Milled Holy Wood 1 pound Bag Value $42

Your Choice of 1 winter webinar Value $49.99

Palo Santo Bracelet Value $29.99

Event Ticket $49 - $99


Abundance Bundle

Almost 80% off!

29 Items!

Up to $533 value for $119.99 Includes free priority mail shipping which is almost $20!

“An Abundant Array of Manifesting and Prosperity Gifts”

-Pay Me Oil Bottle $28 value

-Pay Me Oil Lucky Gemstone Aventurine Applicator $25

-Big Manifesting Box $149 value

What’s in the Big Box?

A Manifesting Wooden Tool Box

Palo Santo

Sage Stick


Sea Salt

Gemstone XL

Lucky Chinese Coin

Pay Me Oil Booster

Manifesting Notebook

Grid Instructions

7 Gemstones for Manifesting

Lucky Feng Shui Items

Hematite Gemstone bracelet


You will also receive the following:

-3 Lucky Moon Calendars $66 value

-3 Prosperity/Money Inspired Gifts of our choice $25

- Super Hit Lucky Soap $8

- Amethyst Gemstone Bracelet $24

- Prosperity Report $35

- Money Manifesting Candles w/chime candle holder $10

- First 5 orders, get Lucky Horseshoe $18 value

  • One Winter Webinar of your Choice $49 value
  • 1 Event Ticket of your choice $49 to $149 value

Minnesota Winter Convention and Fair Feb 24-25, 2024

Frankenmuth MI Winter Convention and Fair March 17,

Lansing MI Master Class Convention March 22-24


Maria's Messages

Jessie - The old car is on its last leg. Time to consider buying a new one.

Jamie - Your ex is trying to find out from friends just how happy you are being single. He has some regrets about letting you go.

Danielle - The house in your neighborhood will soon be coming up for sale and you will be able to purchase it if you can come up with a decent down payment.

Kelsey - Save some money this holiday season as your washer or dryer may give you.

Angie - You will be accepted in the new school and also some of your tuition will be covered.

Top View of Boot on the trail with the text  Whats Your Story

Do You have a Birthday Soon?

Within the

next 90 days?

Get Your Cards of Destiny Report

Birthday to Birthday Forecast

with Free Solar Return

Just as you were born under a zodiac sign or have a Life Path Number in numerology, you were also born with a Destiny Card! This report represents everything you need to know about your card and your forecast for the year ahead in a special emailed copy. Each year of your forecast is broken down into 6 week intervals and tells you what to expect doing that time.

The Cards of Destiny will tell you so much about the year ahead; Positive times and challenging periods.

This is one of the best reports. I have ever offered. Everyone raves about it and it's fun to read too. Order the Cards of Destiny and get your $35 Solar Return Birthday report for free! Just send me a note you want it with your Cards of Destiny order.

Order here

The Solar Return

Your Magic Moment Happens Once Every Year

Each year there is a magical moment that occurs at a specific time around your birthday. If you know the exact minute it occurs, you can tap into a powerful energy and make magic happen in your life for an entire year. Your Solar Return paints a picture of your entire year ahead. It’s like a map of what’s to come. I can send your solar return report and give you your magic moment time. I will need you birthday, time and city as well as where you will be for your upcoming birthday. The report is about 18 to 22 pages long. Order here  or get it free when you order the Cards of Destiny now and I'll have your report back today!



90 minutes to 2 hours.

You will get a recording to replay

Step by Step, I will guide you through the new year with specific dates to make the most of 2024!

  • Learn about the shift in good fortune for all zodiac signs!
  • Find out where you will be the luckiest in 2024
  • What signs will find true love
  • Who will experience the biggest success
  • Discover what your biggest challenges will be
  • Get predictions for yourself, family and friends!

I will make predictions on the weather, economy, political climate, real estate, banking and financial systems, job market and more. She will share news on a life changing astrological aspect that could better mankind. I will give predictions for each zodiac sign too.

There’s so much more to 2024 than you'd ever imagine!

As time permits, there will be a question and answer session

Get the webinar for only $39 if you register before

 December 3. After that the price increases to $49

Save $10 if you order now here

Or Get all 3 webinars here and save

Holiday Psychic Convention

and Fair

Minneapolis MN

December 9 & 10

9am to 5pm

Marriott Minneapolis Airport Hotel

Across from the Mall of America

Click here to register

This is the last convention you can get a

free $89 Weekend Pass. In 2024, ticket prices go back into effect!

Includes all classes both days!

Saturday December 9

10a.m. Maria Shaw's

Astrological Predictions for 2024

1p.m. Michelle Case; Holiday Healing

Forgiveness; learn to create change in your life and relationships.

3:30p.m. Maria Shaw's

2024 Predictions for all of the 12 Zodiac Signs

Sunday December 10

10a.m. Maria Shaw; Holiday Messages from Heaven. Crossing Over Gallery.

1p.m. Char Savoie; The Greatest Gift- YOU!

Learn how to protect your energy throughout the holidays by grounding, clearing, and setting boundaries. Learn simple techniques and tips to help you manage your energy in any family or social gathering.

2:45pm Dr. Mary - The Spirit of Santa Workshop

Psychic Fair ongoing $10 admission and Readings $20 on a walk in basis. Metaphysical gifts and shopping. Special Free Santa Gift Bags to the first

25 people each day with paid admission!

Ask Maria


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