FX Thunder H.O.G. E-Newsletter | News from the April Get Together
Sunday Funday Breakfast
Sunday, May 22 - Combined with the Brew n' Bikes Ride (see below)
What you need to know about E15 Gasoline and your Harley
by Darryl Sapoff, your FX Thunder HOG Director
Bottom line: DON'T DO IT!!!

The E15 Gasoline that has been approved for "Summer Use" throughout the USA, may be coming to our area soon enough. You may also encounter the gas while traveling this summer.

E15 was designed for "flex-fuel" vehicles, cars and trucks whose engines can handle the increased ethanol in the gasoline. This is not your Harley motorcycle!!!

The heart of your Harley - i.e. your bike's engine - was never designed for more than 10% ethanol added to your gas (usually noted on gas pumps). Never pump E15 into your bike's tank.

Should you pull up to a gas station that has E15, look for the High Octane Gas -that typically has E10. Most gas stations in our area have non-ethanol high octane, however that could be a different story when traveling.

Remember, most newer bikes can handle up to 10% ethanol (E10) in the gas -which is the norm for most places. You can also use a gas additive like K100, Star Tron, STP, and Lucas Oil when you're pumping High Octane E10 gas into your bike.
May Happenings
  • Saturday, May 14 - Picnic Ride (*closed): Meet at FX Caprara Harley-Davidson, registration starts at 10am, KSU at 10:30. Will be heading out to Cape Vincent for a Picnic Lunch -so bring your own lunch or buy one along the way. This is our first Camp Chair Raffle Ride Challenge  event!
  • Sunday, May 15 - Group Riding Skills Review: See the top of this e-newsletter.
  • *NEW::Saturday, May 21 - Ladies Only Ride: Led by Dawn, this ride is to celebrate Women Riders Month at FXCHD. Meet at the dealership at 10:30, KSU at 11:30, bring your lunch or buy one along the way. We're riding to the Salmon River Falls for a great time with good friends old and new.
  • Sunday, May 22 - Brew n' Bikes (combined with Sunday Funday Breakfast -*open): Our First!! We'll meet up at 8am at Beese's Depot Cafe in Adams Center. KSU at 9am for a 30 minute ride to the Sandy Creek Fairgrounds for the Thunder in the Creek Ride. Registration for that ride (if you wish to go) is from 9-11am -check out Fire & Iron Station 1438's Facebook Page for more info.  This is a Camp Chair Raffle Ride Challenge  event!
  • Friday & Saturday, May 27 & 28 - H-D Demo Truck Test Ride Event: That's right- the Demo Truck is making a return this year!! This is an Open Event and anyone with a "M" endorsement on their valid driver's license can test ride any and all of the bikes. Check out FXCHD.com for all the latest info
Get the Details at FXThunderHOG.com/Events
Overnight Rides Update
Whatsapp Groups have been created for the "1" Ride and the Almost Heaven Ride (that way we can make plans, share pictures, etc. and not bother the Main Group on WhatsApp)

Both groups are beginning to plan routes & where to stay...


Are you interested in going on one or both of these Grand Motorcycle Adventures?

Contact Dawn at Dawn@FXHarley.com or through WhatsApp to let her know!!
News from Harley-DavidsonÂŽ: The wheels for the MoCo's 120th Anniversary Celebration are already turning!!

SAVE THE DATES: JULY 13-16, 2023

The inaugural four-day event will come to life in Milwaukee, WI and welcome riders, enthusiasts and fans as we all come together in celebration of Harley-Davidson and motorcycle culture. Find out more by clicking here.

Our HOG Chapter went in 2018 for the 115th Anniversary and had a BLAST!!! So the question is, do we want to do it again??
Would you be interested in Riding out to Milwaukee as a HOG Chapter for the 120th Anniversary?
Strong Maybe... Have to see
In the HOG Pen
  • Happy Birthday to Billy Caprara -5/3, Barrett Hoover -5/6 Roger Fontaine -5/21, John Randall -5/24, and Alan Turner -5/28 🎂
  • The Destinations have been set for our Picnic Rides: June's Ride will go to Sodus Point, and the Gems along the Mohawk will be our destination for our August Picnic Ride. Our website will be updated soon with meeting & KSU times so stay tuned!
  • For those Members not going on the "1" Overnight Ride, our own Chapter Co-Director Clint Loren is putting a Tug Hill Loop Ride for July 16th. Will update once the remaining details come together. So again- stay tuned!
FX Thunder H.O.G. on WhatsApp
Interact with other Chapter Members easily and instantly!
If you’d like to join the group, all you need to do is:
  • Go to your smart phone’s app store and search “Whats App Messaging” (look for their green phone logo) and install.
  • Once installed, open and start a chat with Dawn/Irish FXCHD (315-405-7939) -you might have to add her as a contact in your phone.
  • In the chat, let her know your name and that you’d like to join the FX Thunder H.O.G. Group.
  • You’ll see it once she’s added you, and then you’ll be able to reach everybody in just one text, pic, link or whatever else you’d like to share