Elixir Brew Co. (Downtown Buford)

Sunday Worship (10am)


Good News Family & Friends,

This past Sunday was very inspiring hearing so many people share how they came to know the love of Christ. To hear those stories in the midst of Ray's message, click here.

This upcoming Sunday, Sept. 29, we'll be covering Galatians 2:1-21. Feel free to read and become familiar with the text. Also... be thinking about a good news highlight from your week and/or a Bible verse of encouragement that you might be willing to share.


Tuesday, Sept. 24 (6pm - 8pm) - ALPHA @ ELIXIR (Dinner included)

Come join us TONIGHT for Week 3 "Why Did Jesus Have to Die?" If you missed Week 2 "Who Is Jesus?", click here to watch.

Wednesday, Sept. 25 (6:30pm - 8:30pm) - MEN'S MINISTRY & DINNER @ Hillside

All men are invited to join us for dinner, connection, and conversation as we watch the Bible Project videos on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). We're meeting at our Hillside Retreat House (5879 Hillside Farm Rd., Sugar Hill, GA 30518). For questions or to RSVP, email David Fearon.

Thursday, Sept. 26 (6:30pm - 8:30pm) - WOMEN'S MINISTRY @ Hillside

All women are invited to join us as Sally Conroy facilitates us through this fantastic devotional practice of Journaling with Jesus. Appetizers, desserts, and beverages available. We'll meet on the following Thursdays: 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5. For questions or info, email Sally or call / text at 678-314-3864‬.

Friday, Sept. 27 (5:15am) - PRAYER FOR OUR COMMUNITY @ Lanier High School

Lanier High School Principal, Dr. Chris Martin, has invited us to come and pray for the school and our community. As we think about the tragedy a few weeks ago at Apalachee High School, this is our opportunity to be proactive in praying God's blessing and protection over our schools and community. The Longhorn Dads Breakfast (sponsored by Good News Church GA) starts at 6:15am, so feel free to stay after prayer and check out. For questions, email Drue WarnerFor more info and additional dates, click here

Sunday, Sept. 29 (10am - 11:45am) - BREAKFAST & WORSHIP @ Elixir Brew Co.

Join us every Sunday at Elixir Brew Co. in downtown Buford. We'll bring the coffee and juice. You bring a breakfast item to share (optional). Children's ministry and nursery are both available. NOTE: Parents, please walk your children down to Prim Rose event space during the 2nd worship song, and then pick them up during the closing song. Thank you!



Verse of the Week

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace." - Isaiah 55:12a

  • Isn't this really the essence of relationship with Christ?

Quotes of the Week

“You don’t have to give up your intellect to trust the Bible. You have to give up your pride.” - R.C. Sproul



The vision of Good News Church GA is "to experience and express LOVE from God to others." The verse that undergirds our vision is Galatians 5:5b, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” We value people, community, relationships, prayer, and Bible reading. We also value being able to be yourself. We’re all struggling with something, so there’s no need to pretend that we have it all together.


The mission of Good News Church GA is "to connect with people and build relationships through community workshops, neighborhood-focused ministry, serving local needs, mentoring, and worship."



If you'd like to make a contribution the ministry of Good News Church GA, we would be grateful for your support! Your giving enables us to sustain the work of ministry in the church and in our local community. See ministry partners listed below. You can give online here, text the word "GIVE" to 855-363-5096, give via check or cash on Sundays, or mail a check payable to "Good News Church GA" to 5879 Hillside Farm Rd., Sugar Hill, GA 30518. Good News Church GA is a 501(c)3 non-profit. All contributions are tax deductible.

Ministry partners include Sugar Hill Elementary Good News Club, Lanier High School Longhorn Dads, North Gwinnett Cooperative, Good News at Noon homeless ministry, Purple Recovery for Men, and more.



404-906-9117 (cell)

Good News Church GA


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229-262-3370 (office)

Good News Church | Website           To financially support Good News Church GA, click here