By Diana Haskell, Treasurer
Society Purpose V

 To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to women educators from other countries.
Using data from Annual Report of Chapter Treasurer (Form 15) in the last fiscal year... 
  • Alpha Delta State awarded $8,000 in a scholarship to one member
  • Eighteen Chapters awarded $8,190 in scholarships to 42 members
  • Alpha Delta State awarded $10,000 in grants to ten student teachers
  • Forty-one Chapters awarded $47,050 in grants to 84 non-members


>>> Mark your Calendars <<<
October 31
Member dues and scholarship fees are due 
to Chapter treasurer        
November 10

Chapter dues and fees, Form 18 and 18A are to be
postmarked to State Treasurer
November 15

Deadline for filing 990-N with IRS (We suggest you do this when you submit Form 15.) You must not miss this deadline!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Treasurers are to send chapter dues and fees, Form 18 and 18A to Alpha Delta State Treasurer:
Diana Haskell
8726 Redcloud Court
Cincinnati, OH 45249

By Ann Todd
Consider these Suggestions for Success

For many, a new school year has begun.  This includes preparing classrooms, adjusting curriculum, revisiting standards, updating syllabi, and, certainly, completing appropriate paperwork.  Delta Kappa Gamma also needs each member to make updates so communication continues without a lapse. If you have had any changes in your home address, phone number, work assignment, or email, you should let your chapter know, as well as Alpha Delta State and Society headquarters.
The Alpha Delta State officer team has been discussing ways to improve communication and publicity.  Here are a few suggestions:

  • Create a GMAIL account for all DKG correspondence. This is a FREE service and relatively simple to complete. Use your name, chapter name, or something easy to distinguish as the address.  If you need assistance, please contact Ann Todd (info above) or Eileen McNally, webmaster, through the ADS website (
  • Be sure someone in your chapter is sharing The Voice to members who do not have email.  You may even want to share with a prospective member.
  • When it comes to publicity, include a business card or label with anything you distribute. If it is a brochure, book donation, food donation, etc., let others know it is from DKG!  Be sure to include a contact name and number.
  • Always remember, communication is a two-way process: send a message and provide feedback.  The state officers are here to assist you ... feel free to contact us with questions.

Ann M. Todd, Zeta, Communications/Publicity Committee Chairman

By Diana L. Kirkpatrick, V. P. Membership
Membership Tip:  Form #6

Form 6 is used to report a death of a chapter member.  Yes, I know it is not something one wants to think or talk about, but it is something one needs to be informed case the need arises.

  • Form 6 is used by Chapter Presidents, Membership chairs and Treasurers to report a chapter member's death to the DKG International Executive Coordinator, the State Organizational President, the State Treasurer and the State Membership Chair.
  • Form 6 is currently available on the DKG website; is electronic and possesses interactive capability (which allows information to be filled in, plus can be copied and e-mailed to all necessary parties).
  • To access Form 6, go to the DKG website ( and sign in; click on the "Forms" tab; in the drop-down box, click on "Membership"....Form 6 appears as the first entry.
  • Form 6 is also available on the Alpha Delta State website (; at the side bar, click on Committees; a list of 2017-2019 committees will appear, click on Membership and Form 6 appears just below the membership chairman information.
  • Please file and submit Form 6 in a timely manner.  It is used by the Alpha Delta State, First Vice-President/Membership Chair to send a sympathy card to express our condolences to surviving family members and/or friends.  Be sure to include the closest relative or friend contact information if at all possible.
  • Please file and submit Form 6 in a timely manner. It is an additional tool used by International to keep membership information as current as possible.
  • Form 6 requires the member's ID number.  Contact your chapter treasurer for this information.
  • Keep one copy of the form for chapter files.
  • Form 6 can be either e-mailed or sent by snail mail (through our postal service) to all necessary parties.
  • A "Celebration of Life" ceremony is held each year at our state convention.  Filing and reporting Form 6 will ensure chapters that their deceased member/s will be included and remembered at this ceremony.
  • If the member's name (first and/or last) is unusual and often mispronounce by others, please include, on the form, a phonetic will be very helpful and much appreciated by the membership committee members as we try to articulate, at the Celebration of Life ceremony, the individual's name properly.

Thank you in advance for your timely cooperation!

Membership Committee,
Diana L. Kirkpatrick, Chairman, Alpha Delta

By Pamela Henney

Legislative/UN Highlights
UN 's Education 2030 Framework for Action
            While school districts across America reopen their doors for a new year of learning, the United Nations continues to focus its Education 2030 Framework for Action (FFA). Created in 2015, the initiative focuses on clear principles to "ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all." 1 Education holds the key to transformation of all aspects of life. The goals are detailed as the UN's Sustainability Goal No. 4 noting education as one of the necessary elements through which to end poverty and protect the planet, hoping to ensure prosperity for everyone around the world. According to UNESCO research, 263 million children and youth are not attending school, with 35 percent of those living in an area of war or conflict. Overall, 758 million people lack basic literacy skills.

This initiative hopes to alleviate that plight by 2030 through free compulsory early childhood care, as well as pre-primary, primary, and secondary education, equal access to higher education (including technical/vocational), eliminating gender disparities, ensuring literacy skills promoting sustainable development and global citizenship, while also providing effective learning environments, scholarships, and trained teachers and educators. 2

However, challenges will likely arise while meshing global learning metrics. Featured in juxtaposed vlogs on Aug. 10, Eric Hanushek, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, and David Edwards, Deputy General Secretary of Education International both wrestled with the question : "Is it possible, and is it desirable, to measure students around the world by the same learning outcomes and metrics?" Visit the website:  Global Learning Metrics . Additional panelists also delved into the side issues of feasibility, including pedagogy and cultural responsiveness.

Continuing in a more practical vein for the Ohio classroom, UNESCO is up for a couple of events of note: 

 First, the symposium in Thailand dubbed Cracking the Code:  Girls' Education in STEM offers weekly STEM content for instructor use via their website UNESCO Girls' Education in STEM . They encourage sharing this content via social media as well. The annual event is by invitation through a June call for proposals.

Secondly, International Literacy Day is coming up on Sept. 7-8 with the theme: Literacy in a Digital World. The main UNESCO celebration will be held in Paris and feature the announcement of the annual International Literacy Prizes honoring people with outstanding solutions for achieving the Education 2030 agenda.  Watch the website for the winners: UNESCO Literacy Prizes. Each prize winner receives a UN medal and a $20,000 stipend.

                               Milford (Ohio) Junior High School Robotic Team Winners

To learn more about Education 2030, visit Leading Education 2030
1 Education 2030: Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action
UNESCO, 2015. 20.

2 Education Transforms Lives, UNESCO, 2017. 6-7.
Pamela Henney, Lambda, Legislative/UN Liaison

By Diana Kirkpatrick, Membership Committee Chairman
By Dr. Norma Kirby, Chairman
Are you aware Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation has funds to support professional and personal growth of members and non-members, and topromote excellence in education?  Members can access funds for scholarships, life-long learning experiences, and educational projects.  Chapters can also access funds for chapter educational projects.
Assets from the A. Margaret Overseas Foundation, the Esther Strickland Student Teaching Grant, the Blanton Scholarship Fund, the Biennial Seminar Fund, and the Memorial Leadership Fundwere transferred from Alpha Delta State and placed under the umbrella of a tax-exempt charitable corporation titled Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation (ADSOEF).  The 501(c)(3) status of these funds allows our Board of Directors and our members, to manage, grow and disseminate the funds in ways not possible when most of them were separate and not identified as part of a charitable entity. 
Although not part of the ADSOEF corporation, scholarships for Alpha Delta State members are also available at Miami University and The Ohio State University.
If you are an Alpha Delta State member who knows about or has applied for any of the funds mentioned above, we need you to help us spread the word.   If you are an Alpha Delta State Ohio member who is not familiar with the support that is available, we want you to learn about the existing opportunities and take advantage of the funds that are accessible to support your educational endeavors.
The Board of Directors of Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation are excited about the opportunities the Foundation can offer to both members and non-members!  The ten directors are making an effort to visit every Alpha Delta State chapter during the coming year to share the great news of ADSOEF.  Chapter presidents have been asked to schedule an ADSOEF presentation at an upcoming chapter meeting.  We are looking forward to participating in your chapter meetings and connecting with chapter members so that everyone understands the potential ADSOEF can offer!
Dr. Norma Kirby, Alpha Delta, Chairman ADSOEF
Meier Bauer, Gamma Phi, Alpha Delta State President
Patricia Cermak, Gamma Rho, Alpha Delta State Immediate Past State President
Diana Haskell, Gamma Phi, Alpha Delta State Treasurer
M. Kathryn McClendon, Zeta
Jane E. Meese, Alpha Xi
Elizabeth Monahan, Beta Lambda, Vice Chairman ADSOEF
Donna Myers, Kappa, 2017-2019, Secretary, ADSOEF
Marilyn Slusser, Delta Kappa
Jackie Thase-Burch, Alpha Upsilon


The International Speakers Fund (ISF) Committee is seeking applications for members to
 participate in this program. An interactive Speaker's Application Form is attached and also available on the website as a download. 

These applications must be returned by email attachment to International Headquarters at 
by September 15.
Established in 1984, ISF facilitates exchange of Society speakers among member countries and helps unite women educators of the world. The ISF Committee selects speakers from among the applicants. ISF speakers have gone to El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nebraska, Saskatchewan, Texas and Alberta in 2017.

Scholarship Opportunities
As a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, Alpha Delta State, you eligible for 
  • The Margaret L. White Scholarship for graduate work in education at Ohio State University
  • The Ruth Grimes Scholarship for graduate work in education at Miami University.
With the number of courses taught by these universities at extension locations, you may be able to obtain some financial assistance with graduate coursework. If interested, please contact Alpha Delta State Educational Foundation, Dr. Norma Kirby, Chairman at

~ Mark Your Calendar ~

Fall Executive Board Meetings at Trinity United Methodist Church, Columbus
  • October 14, 2017
  • October 20, 2018
 Alpha Delta State Conventions at Columbus Polaris Hilton
  • April 13-15, 2018
  • April 5 - 7, 2019    

Meier Bauer, President -  Gamma Phi- 465 Woodlands Ridge Drive Cincinnati, OH 45238 (513) 941-4461, Email Meier

Diana Kirkpatrick, First Vice - President Alpha Delta-  554 Washington Avenue Washington CH, OH 43160-2048 (740) 335-2593,  Email Diana K.

Debby Canter, Second Vice-President - Delta Epsilon P.O. Box 143 Oak Hill, OH 45656 (740)-688-1604, Email Debby

Diana Haskell, Treasurer -  Gamma Phi 8726 Redcloud Court Cincinnati, OH 45249-2317 Home: (513) 489-4069 Cell: (513) 607-3212,  Email Diana H.

Karen S. Dombrowski, Recording Secretary -  Alpha Nu - 684 Manchester Circle N Pickerington, OH 43147 (614) 837-0891 (614) 563 -0495, Email Karen

Ann M. Todd, Corresponding Secretary Zeta - 3621 Butler Rd. Wakeman, OH 44889 (440)839-2069 (440) 577-5228,  Email Ann

Joyce Jones-Weinkam, Parliamentarian - Gamma Xi - E-mail: Email Joyce

Patricia Cermak, Immediate Past President - Gamma Rho - 9504 Greenhaven Parkway Brecksville, OH 44141-1607 (440) 526-8934, Email Patricia

Eileen McNally, Webmaster - Beta Delta - E-Mail: Email Eileen

Margaret Archangel, Editor - Gamma Phi 4754 Hirth Hill Rd. W Grove City, OH 43123 
(513) 520-7910, Email Margaret 

Your Editor...
All the best to all of you,
Margaret Archangel, Editor

New Members?
Changed email addresses?
Just let me know ~ Thank you!

Our Alpha Delta State website 
( is in transition. 
Pages are being reviewed and updated.Your patience is appreciated. If you encounter a bad link or a typo or any issue, please contact the webmaster so the it can be corrected.

Did you know ADS has a new Facebook page?  Make sure you visit and "Like" us so that you are notified when new items are posted. Every time an important post is made on the website, a posting is put on the Facebook page announcing it. 

Let's be friends...

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