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Volunteer Teams Needed
Colorado Disaster Relief
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Colorado Flood Relief

New York Times Article


Published: September 21, 2013


JAMESTOWN, Colo. - In the Colorado mountains, the floodwaters struck Jamestown like an invading army. Houses tumbled into the churning Little James Creek. A torrent of rocks and mud crushed Joey Howlett, 72, in his home. People rushed into the rain in pajamas, children in their arms, to shouts of "Get out! Get out!"


About fifty miles downstream in the blue-collar city of Evans, the flood filled up poor neighborhoods like a stoppered sink. The rain-swollen South Platte poured into enclaves of Hispanic immigrants. It filled trailers with raw sewage and mud. As the police pounded on doors, families rushed around inside amid the encroaching sludge, desperately trying to locate green cards and work papers.    READ MORE     

Send a Volunteer Team to Colorado
Our mission is to place volunteers where they are needed most, and right now that is in Colorado. CC International is organizing teams from colleges and universities interested in lending a hand.
We will have our volunteer facility ready to receive volunteers beginning Thanksgiving break and continuing through at least April 2014.
  Please let us know if you are interested in sending a volunteer team by completing and returning a 

We  also need university and college volunteer teams to work on our ongoing domestic and international projects this coming summer, winter,  and spring.

 (click on projects below for details)

DOMESTIC PROJECTS 2013-2014 2013 2014 Projects




















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 Community Collaborations International


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