Welcome to Justin-Siena's quarterly newsletter produced exclusively for Braves alumni to celebrate, reminisce, and inform.


Tues., 3/11 - Thurs., 3/13

Rutherford Ranch Flash Wine Sale

Sat., 4/5

24 Hour Plays

Siena Hall

Sat., 4/12

Spring Instrumental and Choral Music Concerts

Siena Hall

3:30pm and 7:30pm

Sat., 4/26

Justin-Siena Visual Arts Show Opening

Fri., 5/2 and Sat., 5/3

Dance Showcase

Siena Hall


Sat., 5/3

KA-IN Napa Valley

The Commons

4:30 - 6:30pm

Mon., 5/12

JS Classic Golf Tournament

Silverado Resort


Wed., 5/28

Baccalaureate Mass

Patrons Plaza


Thurs., 5/29

Graduation Ceremony


Justin-Siena School Calendar

Jennifer's Journal Entry

Justin-Siena Advancement Associate alumna, Jennifer Rasler '86, is on a mission to meet and showcase the stories of Justin-Siena alumni.

A Tribute to Coach Jim Sykes 

During my time at Justin-Siena, many individuals invested in our growth: Brother Richard, with his steadfast commitment to education; Mr. Morrish, whose passionate love for theater inspired students on and off the stage; and Brother Conrad, who led with quiet strength. And there were many more...including Coach Jim Sykes.

Driven, competitive, and relentless, Coach Sykes instilled respect for the team, for each other, and for oneself. He demanded our best not through perfection but through effort—his example set the tone for all of us.

Coach Sykes arrived at Justin-Siena in the early seventies, tasked with building a football program in the school’s beginning stages. By 1973 and 1974, he led back-to-back one-loss seasons, advancing to the section championship against a powerhouse Central Catholic team in 1973. His success carried on both at JS and at Fairfield High, where he continued to cultivate championship teams and lasting legacies.

A Leader Beyond the Game

Back in October 2024, over a dinner conversation with Jim Dodd '75 and Kirk Hamilton ‘75, Coach Sykes’ name came up and Kirk insisted we take a trip to see him at his ranch in Arizona. For those who know Kirk and Jim, there was no question that this would happen, just a matter of when. Coach had made an extraordinary impact, and we needed to return the favor! As Kirk eloquently put it, " You look to a good coach for leadership, knowledge, and inspiration. Coach Sykes still provides that now, as a true friend."

For many of us, Coach Sykes was more than a football coach—he was a mentor and a friend. If you played for him, you likely have a story. He might have even given you a nickname—one you wore with pride. I still picture Dave Martin’s practice jersey with “Turtle” stitched proudly across the back!

A Visit Worth the Journey

In January, an additional group of standout players from the 1973/74 team trekked to Coach’s ranch in remote Arizona—a trip that required intentional planning. Vic Venuta '74, Andy Lewis '74, Kip Losey '74, and Rick Stachon '74 made that journey, cherishing the opportunity to sit down and reconnect. The visit was not only special for Coach, but also for the crew taking time to visit and catch up - it takes a good while to get to Arivaca, AZ.

Coach Sykes wasn’t just invested in athletes; he cared about all his students, on and off the field. When Kirk Hamilton, Jim Dodd, and I visited him, he asked about people—many of whom weren’t star athletes, or even involved in sports. His genuine concern for their well-being was clearly a testament to the kind of person he is.

Andrew Lewis ’74 reflected on the life lessons Coach Sykes imparted: "Coach Sykes brings back great memories. He taught me so many valuable lessons which I carried into my law enforcement career here in Napa—self-discipline, accountability, and most importantly, the value of teamwork. I have fond memories, especially playing alongside so many great teammates."

As we grow older (I won’t say more mature—we're still waiting on that), we become more reflective. Leadership and influence come in many forms. A good friend’s mother, now 92, answers the simple question, "How are you?" with one powerful word: "Thankful." Words mean something, and her response always challenges me to reflect on my own gratitude.


This visit was about more than reminiscing; it was about appreciation. Coach Sykes' influence has extended far beyond the teams he coached, touching lives in ways he may never fully realize. For those reading this, I know you are painting your own picture of him— as a coach, and also as a leader who instilled effort, perseverance, and accountability.

And to you, Coach Sykes, for all you have given to so many, we appreciate you and will always be thankful.

A special nod to Kirk Hamilton for inspiring these visits—when Kirk insists on something, "no" is not an option. His initiative made this memorable reconnection possible.

Coach has stayed in touch with many former students over the years, holding his time at Justin-Siena as a truly special chapter in his life. And for all of us who had the privilege of playing under him, the feeling is mutual.

Thank you, Coach.


Nelson Bettencourt, III '74, and a whole bunch of other people!

Coach Sykes back left, Nelson Bettencourt, Jim Dodd, and Kirk Hamilton front

Left to right: Steve Shifflett, Andy Lewis, Rick Stachon, Coach Sykes, Vic Venuta

Kennedy Heil '18

I received the nicest email from alumna Kennedy Heil '18, sharing her accomplishments since graduating from Justin-Siena. Her message was so endearing that I knew I had to reach out for an interview. 

Both Kennedy’s aunt and uncle, Cashey McClue ‘93 and Billy Waller ‘05, attended Justin-Siena. After attending her Uncle Billy’s graduation, Kennedy knew she wanted to go to Justin-Siena. Side note: our very own Head Football Coach, Tyler Streblow ‘04 is great friends with Uncle Billy. 

From the beginning, Kennedy loved Justin-Siena. Being part of our small community, she sensed the love and respect from both students and teachers, and feeling safe helped her thrive here. Kennedy boasts having had the best teachers whom she still holds dear to her heart. She has special appreciation for Mrs. Jacobson for spending many hours encouraging her through every AP art class, and helping her go above and beyond in creating her art. Kennedy fondly recalls Ms. Guerrero (math), Mr. Day (history), Mr. Sugar (physics), and Mr. Chappell who awarded her an “A” in chemistry, an achievement which still means the world to her.

Among Kennedy’s favorite JS memories are her Venaver trips to Texas, Montana, and Mexico. Making special connections with people having different life perspectives, learning from the people she met, and realizing gratitude for her own advantages will remain forever with her. 

Playing JS volleyball all four years along with club volleyball for 10 years, taught Kennedy that working together and communication are important in all aspects of life. Today, Kennedy is the head volleyball coach for the middle school team at Public Safety Academy (PSA) in Fairfield, CA, who brought home the championship in November. 

Kennedy believes Justin-Siena helped her prepare for college, and that the help she received from her college counselor, Mrs. Andrea Flores, was invaluable. She credits Mrs. Flores for helping her select schools where she should apply. When visiting the Grand Canyon University campus, and discovering that her tour leader was also a Justin-Siena graduate, Kennedy knew this was the place for her!  

Kennedy graduated from GCU in April 2022, with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Sports Psychology. Currently she works with 3-5 year olds at PSA Mary Bird Preschool in Fairfield as a paraprofessional in a special education program. She loves her work and finds it rewarding. Favorite parts of her job include working on motor skills, puzzle solving, exploring with shaving cream at the art station, and the language station. Kennedy was recently nominated for the 2025 Solano County Early Childhood Educator of the Year Award!

For fun, Kennedy enjoys art projects, especially coming up with new ideas, such as face and hand painting to engage “her kids.” She loves to hike and travel, and being a core leader for the youth group at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Vacaville. Easter Sunday is her favorite holiday. Her family is her world and you feel the love when she speaks about her mom (also a para at PSA) and sister. Kennedy met her soulmate volunteering with the youth and young adult groups at St. Mary’s Parish in Vacaville, and now is thrilled to be celebrating her recent engagement to Joe Kosarek.

I so appreciated my time getting to know Kennedy. She entered Justin-Siena to learn and she went on to serve the most special children in our world. Kennedy Heil truly is #ALLHEART.

Rutherford Ranch Wine Sale Benefiting Tuition Assistance

Rutherford Ranch Flash Wine Sale

March 11- March 13

20% Off Every Purchase!

With the purchase of a case or more, Rutherford Ranch offers a complimentary tour and tasting for four people. Reservations are required.

**For each purchase of 6 bottles, $25 will be donated to Justin-Siena's Tuition Assistance program. Purchase a full case, and the donation increases to $75.**

Shop Rutherford Ranch Here

Update Your Contact Details With Us!

Stay connected with important alumni updates, including reunion dates and exciting on-campus events! If it is your time to reunite with your class and you would like to help plan the celebration (we're talking to you, classes ending in "0" or "5!"), or if you've moved, or need to update your contact details with Justin-Siena, reach out to Jennifer Rasler '86 at 707.255.0950 ext. 764 or

Save the Dates

Purchase KA-IN NApa Tickets Here
Purchase JS Classic Tickets Here

We showcase our alumni across a number of platforms throughout the course of the year. If you missed this winter's AVANTI magazine, read it here.


Alumni Portraits: Class of 2013

Keep us up to date on what is new with you! Have you celebrated recent milestones or life changes? Share your stories for the Alumni Journal. Send your exciting news to Jennifer Rasler at

Purchase Justin-Siena Merchandise Here
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