February 2023
Alumni News
The Newman alumni network on Alumnifire | Crusaders Connect

The Newman online alumni network. With Crusaders Connect, offer your help to fellow members, get great career advice or help finding a job, and post jobs and internships to find qualified candidates from a network you trust. Unlock the power of...

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From The Alumnifire Team - Why they started
Alumni networks may be the most valuable things we have that we don't use. In fact, 9 out of 10 alumni tell us that they'd prefer to hire a fellow alum if given the choice, but this happens less than 4% of the time. That's a lot of doors nobody's opening.

Alumni networks surround us - from college and high school networks to employer and volunteer networks. Members want to help each other but 99% of them are strangers. They're not connected to each other on social media or anywhere else. Reaching out shouldn't be a cold call.

Alumnifire is the first independent and organic digital networking platform powered directly by alumni. It engages members to open doors and create opportunities for one another in the real world and on their own terms.

At Cardinal Newman
Crusaders Connect is a Cardinal Newman social media platform that is ONLY for members of the Cardinal Newman community. The Alumnifire platform gives you the opportunity to personally connect with Crusaders from all over the world. We are introducing this platform as a way for alumni to connect with alumni about jobs, mentorships, careers, stories and life. It is a safe and secure way to keep in tough with all generations of Crusaders.

Get your "sweetheart" a Valentine's Gift they will never forget. Tickets to Newman Night!
Have good news to share? Let us know!
Whether it’s a wedding, new job, college graduation, a noteworthy accomplishment, retirement, a new baby or grandchild, we want to share your good news.