University News
Marjorie Dahinden Receives Honorary Bachelor of Art Degree in Education
The University of Providence (UP) campus Library was recently the scene of a notable graduation. Interim President Fr. Oliver Doyle conferred an Honorary Degree in Education to Marjorie Gannon Dahinden for a lifetime of work in public, community and religious service throughout North Central Montana. Originally scheduled to graduate in May 1951, Marjorie left college one quarter short to teach at a one room country school near Sunburst, Montana. She planned to return and finish college, however life got in the way. She met her future husband and was soon married.  Marjorie and her new husband then moved to begin their own wheat farm near Chester, Montana. For the next 45 years she would raise six children with an emphasis on and attention to faith, family and education. All six of her children would go on to graduate from college. Her two daughters were inspired to follow in her footsteps; they too attended UP and likewise became school teachers. Anna (UP '74) taught for 37 years and Virginia (UP '76) still teaches today in Box Elder, Montana. 
Alumni, Family and Friends Weekend
This year we had a full schedule of events starting Friday, October 4 and ran through Sunday, October 6. Some of the events included a ladies' lunch, sporting events, tailgates, the Importance of Scholarships, and mass. There were 119 guests in attendance from five different states and quite a few students. Alumni, Family and Friends weekend is a great opportunity to catch up with old classmates and reminisce about your time here on campus. We loved seeing everyone back for the weekend and appreciated hearing all the stories and memories shared! We would love to get to know more of our alumni and have you join us for the weekend next year!

If you have any recommendations or suggestions for next year, please contact Katelyn Farrington at [email protected] or 406.791.5290. SAVE THE DATE , n ext year's Alumni, Family and Friends Weekend will be October 2-4, 2020!
2019 Scholarship Banquet
This year we celebrated our students and donors in the newly built University Center on campus. The room was filled with 124 students, donors, trustees, and staff members enjoying lively dinner conversations and appreciation for one another. We had the privilege of having Mr. Mike Halligan, Executive Director of Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation as our key donor speaker and sophomore, Marca Herron as our key student speaker.

When addressing the room, Lisa Flowers, VP of Advancement stated, "Scholarship contributions are gifts that expand like a ripple when a pebble is dropped into a pool of water. The ripples spread outward as students attend school, graduate with their degrees, and begin their professions and services in their chosen communities. Each concentric circle will continue to be formed and reach farther and deeper throughout time." It is the support of our donors that make it possible for our students to obtain a college education. Because of your generous support, 108 students were awarded with scholarships this academic year.

Again, thank you for your continued love and dedication to our students and university.
UP Receives Funding from Rocky Boy Health Center
Rocky Boy health center awarded Dr. Sylvia Lindinger-Sternart and Dr. Sachin Jain $11,500 for the project, titled "Reflecting Historical Trauma and Enhancing Resiliency". Funds are granted to evaluate the effectiveness of narrative therapy based group counseling with 30 residents of Rocky Boy reservation on resiliency and purpose of life. Three graduate students from the counseling program will assist Dr. Sylvia Lindinger-Sternart and Dr. Sachin Jain in facilitating group counseling sessions.​ Funds will support stipend, transportation, research scales and materials to facilitate group counseling sessions.  
Alumni Spotlight
Alumnus Spotlight, Dr. Norman Erie
Dr. Norman Erie graduated in 1953 with a degree in Science and X-ray Technology. His wife, Irene graduated in 1947 with honors with a degree in English. Norman and Irene met at Lincoln County High School where Irene was an English and Literature teacher. Irene encouraged Norman to continue higher education and helped him receive a scholarship from what was then College of Great Falls. Norman had dreams of going into the healthcare field, and Irene furthered that dream by also helping him attain a position at Columbus Hospital as a student X-ray Technician. Norman and Irene married on July 30, 1951 at St. Ann’s Cathedral in Great Falls, he was 19 and she was 25.
Norman applied for the University of Washington Medical School after graduating from the University of Great Falls. Norman and Irene moved to Seattle, WA with their newborn child and another on the way in 1954. Irene worked as a social worker at King County Hospital while Norman continued in Medical School. Norman went onto serve with the Navy, completed internships and training, and graduated in 1958. Norman and Irene opened a solo practice in Richland, WA. Norman focused on his patients and Irene managed the office.
Norman and Irene lived a wonderful life together. After their 61 st wedding anniversary, Irene passed away. She was 86 years old and left behind Norman, four children and eight grandchildren. The Irene Konecny Erie Memorial Endowment was established by Norman in 2012 to help students achieve an education rooted in the values by which Norman and Irene lived.  

Norman spoke to the importance of scholarships and why he chose to establish a scholarship to support University of Providence students.
Giving Back to Your University
Upcoming Events
October 28- November 21 - Annual Alumni Phonathon 5-9 p.m. This year's Phonathon will kick off on October 28 with students making calls to talk about exciting things happening on campus, hear from you about your experience and accomplishments, and raise money for student scholarships.

October 31- Spook-A-Roo 5-7 p.m. Calling all ghosts, goblins, fairies and everyone in between to join our safe, fun, and free event! For children 0-12 with a chaperone. Entire family is welcome! There will be trick-or-treating, fun games, a bounce house, music and fun activities. Please bring a canned food item to help our campus food pantry. For more information, contact Kelsey Anderson at 406.791.5215 or [email protected] .

November 1- All Saints Day Mass 12 p.m. in the Chapel.

December 3- Carols by Candlelight 4 p.m. Join the campus community in the University Center welcome area for a lighting of the Christmas tree and carols to start the Christmas season.

DATE CHANGE!! February 10, 2020 - Taste of Montana in the new University Center at 6-8 p.m. Come enjoy a special dining experience to support UP. All proceeds will go towards student scholarships.

Mass is offered at 6:30 p.m. on Sundays.

Visit for the schedule of sporting events.
Did You Know?
Director of Marketing, Marco Rustici
UP welcomed our new Director of Marketing and Communications, Marco Rustici. Marco arrived on campus last month. His responsibilities will include all marketing and communications promoting the University of Providence and university events.

Marco Rustici is a multi-lingual executive (Italian, Spanish, English) with a record of developing successful businesses, generating strong Educational, B2B and B2C products and services, and boosting sales in domestic and international markets. His expertise spans the Internet, OTT, cable TV, digital media, and online education sectors. Before joining the University of Providence Marco was recruited to transform Victra/Verizon’s marketing efforts from a traditional legacy approach to an aggressive focus on online digital campaigns with an emphasis on email marketing and CRM.
Argo Community
Annual Alumni Phonathon, October 28 - November 21
Scholarship contributions are gifts that expand like the motion of water when a pebble is dropped into a pool of water. It begins with your financial support, followed by a fortunate student receiving the scholarship award. The ripple then carries outward as they graduate and begin service in their chosen communities.
Approximately 96% of UP’s undergraduates receive financial assistance. Each year scholarships are awarded to qualified and academically talented students like Jacob. Read his story and you will see for yourself the impact scholarship funding had on him. It is astronomical!
This year’s Annual Alumni Phonathon will kick off on October 28 and run through November 21 with UP students making calls from 5-9 p.m. MST Monday through Thursday. All donations made during the 2019 annual phonathon will provide more UP students an opportunity to gain a college degree with the assistance of a student scholarship.
Thank you for considering a contribution to the future of our University of Providence students!
A Message from Interim President, Father Oliver Doyle
As the new interim president, we wanted our alumni to get to know Father Oliver Doyle. In doing so, we sat down and had a conversation with Father Oliver to provide you insight on where he is from and his beliefs and vision for our university.

What brought you to Montana? More specifically, what brought you to UP?
In 1999, I was free from my responsibilities in my job in Ireland for the first time in 12 years. There was a tradition in Ireland for priests who were free in the summer to come to America to free other priests to go on vacation. At the time, I didn’t know where Montana was, but I contacted the Diocese and was placed in Chester, MT for six weeks. After the six weeks, I went back to Ireland where my term of office had ended and I was presented with a few options for my continued journey. I asked to come back to Montana and was then placed in Culbertson, MT for a year. After my year passed, the Diocese asked me to stay another year and offered me a position in Great Falls, MT.
I have always had an interest in education and my ministry in Ireland was education based. I came back to Montana in July of 2000 and in 2001 was asked by Dr. Olson if I would teach Theology during the summer at the university. In 2002-2003, I taught another course and then in 2011 I came back on campus to be an adjunct in Theology. During my time at the university, I was also helping Gene McAllister with what is now known as Providence Formation. It has been exactly 20 years ago this month that I came to Montana.
What were your thoughts when you were asked to step into the role of Interim President of the University of Providence?
My first instinct was to be humbled by it and a little scared. I knew how engaged people are and I was scared because I didn’t want to do anything to endanger the ministry. I quickly learned there is tremendous support in what we are trying to do here at UP which makes it less scary.
 University of Providence Advancement Office