A quarterly publication for alumni of
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra/Music for Youth
Spring 2015
Dear MYSO/MFY Alumni,

We hope you enjoy the first edition of MYSO's newly created alumni newsletter, designed to keep you informed about MYSO and our many alumni.
Alumni Return to Lead Board of Directors
Board of Directors Chair Jennifer Mattes, Immediate Past Chair Patrick Rath and Executive Director Linda Edelstein
MYSO is so grateful for its extensive volunteer network which supports the organization in so many ways, allowing MYSO to run efficiently and better enabling us to offer our programming to more than 1,000 young people each season. Today we highlight two of our alumni whose participation in MYSO has come full circle, giving back to lead the organization's Board. They include our current Board Chair Jennifer (Breidster) Mattes and Immediate Past Chair (2012-2014) Patrick Rath. Both have given significant time and energy to MYSO including a restructuring of its governance, a nationwide executive director search, organization-wide strategic planning and expansion of the staff.

Rath, Foundation Vice President at Aurora Health Care, discusses why he shares his talents with MYSO: "As a 1989 alumnus, I can personally attest to the continued influence of MYSO involvement--a primary reason I continue to support and give back to the organization. The 2013-14 season completed my term as Board Chair; it has been an honor to serve in that role...as I continue supporting the organization, I look forward to collaborating with our Board, staff, partners and the community to expand MYSO's impact on young lives."

Mattes, current Board Chair, 1988 alumna and Director of Global Comunications at Johnson Controls, explains,"Serving on the MYSO board has allowed me to give back to an organization that has been near and dear to my heart for many years. As an alum, I am personally passionate about the depth of experience students get from playing in MYSO's high performing ensembles. It's extremely rewarding to help lead and shape the future of this outstanding youth organization to continue to be one of the best in the nation. MYSO is essential to our community and I want to do my part in helping the organization be sustainable for decades to come."

Mattes and Rath lead the organization's success with another alumna, Linda Edelstein, Executive Director and 1980 MFY grad.

We are grateful for the strength in leadership each of these alumni provide MYSO!
A MYSO/Mikec 
Love Story
by Amy (Tess-Mattner) Mikec, '99
We met while both playing trombone in Philharmonia when Dave was 16 and I was 14. I was smitten like many a 14-year-old girl are of an attractive older guy, but even at that age, I knew that Dave was special and one I should probably stay in touch with. I tried to get to know him better by chatting with him during the many periods of rest we had as low brass players. Dave was extremely focused and insisted on counting all of the rests even when I told him that I knew when we came in and would tell him. Apparently my "chats" during rehearsals made Dave nuts, and he told Mr. Melby at the end of the year that he was not coming back next year because "Amy Tess-Mattner talked too much and was not focused enough." The following year I was disappointed that he was not in MYSO but thought nothing of it. Happily for me, his senior year and my sophmore year, Dave was back; the Senior symphony was traveling to Spain and Italy and he was not going to miss that opportunity. During the year we talked a little, but I was much more focused than I had been two years prior. I still joked to my other friends in MYSO that I was going to marry Dave someday but he just didn't know that yet.
Come summer of 1997, we traveled to Spain and Italy as part of the orchestra, and my parents were along as chaperones. Dave was in my dad's chaperone group, so I, of course, was extremely happy to hang out with my dad as much as I could! Dave didn't start his trip out so well; he got in trouble and was almost sent home which was very much out of character for him and the others involved. My dad was one of the chaperones who disciplined Dave but also let him stay for the rest of the trip. I felt thankful that Dave was more inclined to talk to me after that experience, and our very close friendship started while catching rays by the pool at Hotel Regina in Montecatini. We spent a lot of time together on that trip and stayed close afterwards when he went to college in Stevens Point and I continued high school, writing letters and talking on the phone (gasp, on a land line!).


T receive regular alumni updates, be sure to "like' our Facebook Alumni page and invite your friends to do the same!

In This Issue
Alumni Concert Access Pass

We're excited to share an exclusive alumni ticket discount! Email michellehoffman@myso.org to receive your personalized Alumni Concert Access Pass which allows you to hear any MYSO concert for the low price of $8 (adults) or $6 (students or seniors), a more than 33% discount! Your pass can be used throughout the 2014-15 season and may be presented at the door or in advance! We would love to see you at our performances this spring! Please view our season brochure for upcoming concerts.

Where Are They Now?

Richard Lohmann, '73, received his B.M. from Oberlin Conservatory in 1977 and a  M.M. from UW-Madison in 1979. He was principal second violin in the Madison Symphony from 1978-79, in the Florida Philharmonic from 1979-80; Asst. Concertmaster of the Omaha Symphony from 1980-85 and Concertmaster from 1985-2000. Currently he is co-director and teacher of a Suzuki violin program in Santa Fe, NM, violinist with the Santa Fe Pro Musica Orchestra and a regular coach with the Santa Fe Youth Symphony.

Nancy (Ou) Chu
'88, played clarinet in the UW-Madison Symphonic Band and played in a trio with two other MFY alums. Currently she and her husband are passing their love of music to their six children (the oldest three are--or have been--in MYSO playing violin, the fourth and fifth children play violin and cello, and the youngest daughter is tinkering with the piano). She plays piano through her church, accompanies at the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, and now at the Milwaukee Ballet School. Eight years ago, she formed a youth orchestra at her church.

Dario Landazuri , '95, received his degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Kansas. He lives and works in Austin, TX, and also plays with the Austin Civic Orchestra (currently principal 2nd violin), Temple (TX) Symphony Orchestra and the Colorado Mahlerfest Orchestra.


Heather (June) Kamikawa, '01, is teaching high school orchestra at Bradford High School in Kenosha, maintaining her viola studio and playing viola as much as possible.

Alyssa Pon-Franklin, 08, works in Admissions at Rogers Memorial Hospital and is pursuing a Masters in School Counseling through UW-Milwaukee with a goal of being a bilingual counselor, working with Hispanic populations of the Greater Milwaukee area. She has been playing flute in local community bands and is searching for more pit orchestra opportunities.


Matthew Griffith
, '10, graduated in 2014 from Yale University with Distinction in music and computer science. Currently he is pursuing a Master of Music degree in Clarinet Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music.

Charles Phil, '13, joined the Cornell Glee Club and the a cappella subset "The Hangovers," and will be singing in Carnegie Hall with the American Symphony Orchestra on April 19 with the Cornell Glee Club.

Brigette Hall, '14, is studying English at Hillsdale College.

Francesca Pessarelli, '14, is in her first year at UW-Madison as an Art History and French major. She is playing in the All University Strings Orchestra and is excited to be playing again.
We want to hear what YOU are up to!
Please take this short survey and send a current photo to michellehoffman@myso.org!
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra | 414-267-2950 |
general@myso.org | http://www.myso.org
325 W. Walnut Street
Milwaukee, WI 53212

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