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A Message From Gwen

Hello gwendolyn,

If you are one of my snow bound friends, take a deep breath spring is on its way. The clock will spring forward soon. The days are getting longer. As you come out of your winter cocoon, stretch those wings you have found within.

I think for many of us we will be shaking off the cocoon of Covid as well. Whether it be winter or a pandemic or health issues, we are sometimes forced to slow down and go inside. During that time we are more open to feeling the nudges of spirit/our soul. For many it is an uncomfortable time. We don't always want to face what comes up. Fears, worries, anger. Life may not be going in the direction we had hoped. We are not always ready for the changes we are asked to embrace.

But change we must. What is the saying? If we're not growing, we're dying. If we can use our emotions to guide us we will find our way. Fear, worry, anger are all indicators of looking at the situation from a perspective not in keeping with your Soul's Knowing. Your Soul always knows the answer. Always knows which direction to go. Always knows that everything is in Divine Order, even when it doesn't appear to be. Also, your Soul loves you unconditionally. You haven't screwed things up, your not being punished and spring is just around the corner.

If you find you are unable to throw off the cocoon, reach out to one our many practitioners. They can give you the support and guidance.

Not sure who to turn to? Reach out to me by responding to this email and I can make suggestions.

In love and brighter days ahead,

Gwen Peterson, Founder of SCN

Gwen Peterson, Creator of Insights and Illuminations, is an internationally known spiritual teacher and author who has dedicated herself to inspiring and guiding others to live in harmony, healing and peace. Gwen is a transformation mentor and has had the honor of supporting countless people in their own awakening and ascension. As a conscious channel, Gwen is a conduit for the Divine. Her work is a reflection of her own personal journey of spiritual empowerment. She believes we are all capable of living our most authentic and joyful life. She is the founder of Spiritual Communities Network, a global community of teachers and seekers of spiritual growth. She has been featured in Natural Awakenings Magazine, and on numerous podcasts. Her book Insights & Illuminations is available on Amazon. To learn more about her work visit:

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Meet your Feminine & Masculine Aspects

This is a time of harmony between the Divine Feminine & Masculine energies. In order to create harmony for the world, we must begin within. A guided visualization will be provided to meet your masculine and feminine aspects and learn their strengths and be empowered to manifest your heart's desires and soul mission.

Nancy is a psychic/medium, energy healer, author, speaker, and artist who works with her Council of Guides to create her products for her company - Elements Design Collection.

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