Essential news for the UCSF community

It’s complicated, but for some patients, there’s reason to be optimistic about aducanumab. What our expert says »

Pregnant people who got COVID-19 were 40 percent more likely to give birth early – another reason to get vaccinated.

In 1982, there were only 22 California condors left in the world. So how has the species retained so much genetic diversity?  

The new UCSF Research and Academic Building at ZSFG reached a critical milestone in its construction on Aug. 5. With the structure complete, we can now turn to building out the space and creating a state-of-the-art research and teaching building to match the caliber of care and innovation provided at ZSFG. Learn more about this new building on Facebook »  
UCSF Halts Non-Essential Indoor Events: In response to the recent rise of the highly contagious Delta variant, UCSF is reinstating restrictions on indoor events. This policy will be re-evaluated in mid-September. Learn about the changes » 
A Message from the UC President: Michael V. Drake marked his one-year anniversary as UC president by sharing a video to thank the UC community and share his optimism for the future. Watch the video »

Protect UCSF and Yourself from Ransomware: As ransomware attacks grow exponentially in frequency and size, learn how to protect UCSF and yourself. Take action » 

Dont Lose Access to Your UCSF Email: UCSF IT is changing the way we access our mobile email to make it more secure. Enroll your mobile device in Intune by Aug. 31 »
Update Your Password: As part of our ongoing efforts to stay ahead of the next cyberattack, UCSF will require you to change your password every year. Get ahead of the requirement by changing your password now » 

Wellness Bingo Ends Soon: Throughout the month of August, pick and complete at least five activities in the Wellness Bingo Grid for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Twenty winners will be selected. Get your Bingo Card or submit your results » 
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Wellness Corner
Try something new this week! Trying new things supports your wellbeing by challenging your brain and providing new inspiration. Visit for the full grid of activities for this month’s Wellness Bingo and to find other wellbeing resources.
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