May 2018
Responsive Delivery. Value-Driven Results.
Amazing Projects - Amazing Team
VERTEX has been providing forensic consulting, design engineering, construction, and environmental solutions throughout the globe to a broad base of clients since 1995. With over 50,000 projects complete, VERTEX has the expertise to efficiently handle complex projects in the most remote of locations. Take a look to learn more about VERTEX's solutions.
Project #29667
Construction Defect Claim, Forensic Engineering Expertise
New York, NY
Project #38576
Archdiocese of Denver Retirement Home - Prophet Elijah House
Denver, CO
Project #34907
Ruttan Mine Site Remediation
Manitoba, Canada
Project #40646
Large Scale ISS Remediation Project
Newark, NJ
Andrew Zagorski, Division Manager, Surety
VTX’s Surety and Construction Management Division is led by Mr. Andrew Zagorski. Andrew is a surety and construction management professional with over ten years of experience with the Surety Markets in various capacities including company side underwriting/claims, brokerage and consulting. Andrew’s background is in the Risk Management and Finance Industry in Toronto, and Western Canada. 

HVAC Condenser Coil Hail Damage - Repair or Replace?

As spring rolls into summer, hail-producing thunderstorms are more frequent and with them comes the potential damage to outdoor HVAC condenser coils. Although hail occurs in all areas of the United States, hail-producing thunderstorms with...

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MTBE/TBA/Ethanol in Soil and Groundwater

This blog provides details about Lead, BTEX, MBTE, TBA and other gasoline additives and how gasoline plumes are identified in soil and groundwater. Also, get a glimpse of how this knowledge and expertise allows VERTEX to successfully investigate...

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Environmental Due Diligence Standards: CSA vs. ASTM

In recent years, environmental due diligence assessments have increasingly become an essential component of most property transactions. A wide range of stakeholders including purchasers, sellers, developers, contractors, owners, tenants,...

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Stormwater Detention: Three Part Series
In this three part series, we will discuss why stormwater detention systems are necessary,  the different options and types of systems available , and  best practices to ensure that your stormwater detention system is installed and maintained properly .
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