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 Alaska Salmon Caviar
Why Is Everyone WILD about Alaska Salmon Caviar?
"It's the most amazing food source on the Planet"

What is Ikura.
Ikura in Japanese means salmon roe that has been cured using only sea salt.

 Wild Alaska Salmon Roe "IKURA" is a truly  amazing product with unbelievable Health Benefits, delicious taste, flavor and goodness!

~ Health Benefits ~
Salmon Caviar does not contain trans fats or any carbohydrates, which sets it apart from many foods in the modern diet.
Salmon roe oil, which constitutes 13-15% of the product contains Omega-3 fatty acids that promote eye health, cardiovascular health, brain function, immune system well-being, and are excellent for lowering the risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer as well as providing protection from heart attack and stroke. Wild Salmon Caviar has been recommended to patients recovering from serious surgery and chemotherapy because it supports healing thanks to its high hemoglobin content. With plentiful nutrients and an abundance of health benefits, it's clear to see how good for us Wild Alaska Salmon Ikura (caviar) is.
~And There's More~
Beyond Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon eggs also contain a healthy amount of antioxidants and vitamins B12, C, E, and D, as well as folate, thiamine, and selenium. Oh yeah, and one ounce of salmon roe contains 6 grams of protein. People spend tons of money trying to get this combination of vitamins artificially, when it is readily available in Wild Alaska Salmon Roe, one of the lowest cost caviar options available.

It's All About Flavor & Goodness
While salmon roe is a great source of nutrients, many people enjoy it simply for it's taste. The salt and salmon pairings burst in your mouth with that familiar salmon flavor.

Think of fish eggs, and you might picture a ritzy dinner party somewhere in Manhattan, where the 1% get together and savor their caviar while lamenting how hard it is to find good pilots for their private jets. Actually, Wild Alaska Salmon Caviar is now available as an affordable luxury item that has superior health benefits just too numerous to list in this e-letter. Fish eggs, also known as roe, are an incredible food rich in micronutrients and Omega-3 fatty acids. And unlike fermented cod liver oil (the other fish-derived food so nutritious it counts as a supplement), they're actually tasty, either plain or as an ingredient in all kinds of recipes.

Nutritionally, fish eggs share one important benefit with  fish oil  supplements: they're very high in anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats. Since roe is a natural source of these fats, it even beats out a supplement for nutritional quality, since there's much less risk of the fats oxidizing during processing.

Like most real foods, fish eggs also have more than one nutritional benefit. As one of the few food sources of Vitamin D (others include chicken eggs and fatty cold-water fish), roe is a great supplemental food, especially during the winter. 
Like Omega-3s, Vitamin D is even better from a whole food than from a supplement, since the whole food version contains other vitamins and minerals in an unprocessed form, without any fillers or additives. In fact, the Omega-3 fats and the Vitamin D in roe even work together, because Vitamin D is fat-soluble, so the healthy fats help your body absorb and use it.
Roe is  also rich in Vitamin B12, one of the most important micronutrients for mental health and brain development. Like other seafood, it contains a substantial amount of selenium, a micronutrient otherwise hard to get, except from Brazil nuts. Magnesium, iron, and even a little bit of calcium round out an already impressive set of nutrition facts.

Before humans even had names for these vitamins, people in traditional cultures already knew how powerful roe was. Fish eggs are one of the most potent traditional "superfoods" for fertility, and scientists and researchers have documented  many cultures going to extreme lengths to feed roe to their pregnant women. Now, even the USDA is 
recommending  that parents include it in their babies' diets, although they would probably do better to recommend it for everyone.

Even More Amazing Nutrients
Wild Alaska Salmon Eggs are high in the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, and they are also rich sources of vitamin B-12. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for proper brain function and heart health, and they help reduce inflammation in the body that can lead to chronic disease. Vitamin B-12 is another brain-boosting nutrient, and it also helps the body metabolize food into energy. One ounce of salmon roe contains 1,096 milligrams of total omega-3, with 438 milligrams of EPA and 514 milligrams of DHA. That's more than the 1 gram daily recommended for heart health by the American Heart Association. 
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Our #2.2 Lb Containers are the Best Value.
These come frozen & vacuum sealed 

What kind of Salmon Caviar is the best?
People willing to buy this great product are often interested in what kind is considered to be the best. Let us try to figure it out. Salmon roe is produced by many species, eggs of which have different size and color. If you are wondering about their main characteristics, which can help to find the best caviar suiting your tastes, remember the following information:
There are Five Types types of red salmon caviar:
 Chum eggs are big, have an orange color with red splashes and delicate taste;
  • Pink salmon caviar is medium-sized, has a bright orange color and a very slight bitterness in its flavor;
  • Sockeye eggs are small, have a dark orange color, pleasant smell and slightly salty taste.
  • King Salmon eggs which are the largest, beautiful orange in color and mild in taste.
  • Coho Salmon eggs are medium size and bright
  •  orangish-red color

"An amazing & delicious way to serve IKURA is to add a 1/2 tsp of toasted sesame seed oil to
 2 ozs. of Ikura along with finely chopped green onions & tomatoes & chives. Serve on a cracker, over steamed rice or enjoy as is - delicious and healthy."

To tell the truth, it is a moot point what kind is the best as everyone has different tastes. Caviar is similar to wine, you like what you like, and after all this is what it is all about anyway.
Try them all and you will like them all.  The very best part is that all of the Wild
Salmon Caviar that you consume has incredible health benefits - ( you can't say that about too many things in the World Today!)  READ ON

Wild Alaska Salmon Caviar possesses healing and many beneficial properties - it is a very valuable food source. The composition comprises vitamins A, E, D, proteins, fatty acids, folic acid, phosphorus, iodine, and calcium. The product's protein content is 32%, which by the way, digests much faster and better than the proteins of meat and dairy products.

 & Make Your Own Ikura!

Finding Good Fish Eggs
Since Wild Alaska Salmon roe & Ikura isn't available in your local grocery store or fish market, finding Wild Alaska Salmon roe, or IKURA. can be very challenging.

 The very best way to ensure that your are getting #1 quality and freshness is to get your Salmon roe directly from the source in Alaska. 
At we specialize in Wild Alaska Salmon and hard to find Wild Salmon & Wild Seafood products. 

2 Oz. Glass Jar - $19.95

Be Creative In Preparing IKURA

The salty roe taste is a great addition to many dishes. Use them as an attractive and tasty garnish for deviled eggs with a sprinkle of caviar for an extra-fancy party dish. 
simple egg soufflé  would also be tasty with some roe baked in, and a plain omelet with just roe and eggs is a perfect proof that you don't need a fancy recipe when you have fresh, high-quality ingredients.

Wild Salmon IKURA aficionados claim that it's best eaten straight out of the jar - grab a spoon and dig in.  Try adding a teaspoon of Tequila to a 2 oz jar the night before and enjoy them the following day. If a straight spoonful of little eggs isn't your thing, you could also try serving them as a "topper" on hard-boiled eggs, crackers, or these  Primal blinis , tiny pancakes made with eggs and butter (this also adds even more nutritional value to a food that's already fantastic in itself).

I love my salmon roe right off the spoon.  I eat 1/4 - 1/2 tsp in the morning with breakfast a few times a week. The wonderful mild salmon flavor with a tinge of salt is so delightful.   Adding a spoonful on top of your bagel, cream cheese, green onions and lox is a real hit.
Also try some topped on whole grain crackers with some creme fraiche.
When you factor in the wonderful flavor profile and the fact that you are consuming one of the very healthiest foods on the Planet, you can't go wrong.

Beneficial and Healing Properties
Wild Alaska Salmon Caviar contains incredible Healing Properties. Health experts agree that consuming  caviar will improve the functioning of body systems, for rejuvenation, to reducing inflammation and to accelerate tissue regeneration. This is good protection against various diseases. In addition, Wild Alaska Salmon Caviar is good to use for restoring strength and energy after nervous tension episodes and surgery.
Recent studies indicate that consuming Wild Alaska Salmon Caviar can help delay and possibly help prevent Alzheimers.
  • The proteins of salmon eggs give energy and strength, as well as activate the metabolism at the cellular level. Regular use of this product helps to normalize pressure. Caviar is also a preventive measure against the development of tumors.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to the rapid excretion of harmful fats, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Wild Salmon roe is effective in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The content of vitamin A improves vision, brain function, normalizes the nervous system; vitamin D strengthens the skeletal system; vitamin E improves the condition of hair, skin, and reproductive organs.
  • Iodine normalizes the thyroid gland function. Zinc promotes healthy hair growth. Iron increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Magnesium relieves muscle tension and is necessary for the treatment of convulsions.

Mature salmon roe lipids consist of triacylglycerols (60%),  phospholipids (30%),  sterols (4%), steryl esters (0.7%), and other minor components. Much of the fatty acids are believed to be EPA and DHA. 

The roe of  wild salmon, hake and lumpsucker is the best dietary source of Omega 3, according to researchers at the University of Almería (UAL). The scientists analysed the eggs, or roe, of  these marine animals, and found all of these contained high levels of these fatty acids. "We have classified these eggs as unequivocal sources of Omega 3, and have proven that this appears at high concentrations in all the species studies", says José Luis Guil Guerrero, director of this study and a researcher in the Food Technology Department of the UAL.
 Omega 3 fatty acids are present in all fish roe, but especially in the eggs of  Wild Alaska Salmon & Atlantic bonito.  
More than 30% of the fatty acids found in these eggs were EPA and DHA. Small consumption of  salmon, lumpsucker or hake roe satisfies the human body's Omega 3 essential fatty acid requirements, because of its levels of EPA and DHA. 'Source":European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology.

Medical Research
Tumor Prevention, Cancer
A study using Chinook (King Salmon Roe) conducted by J Agric Food Chem, in  2011, had the following findings:
Purification and characterization of a rhamnose-binding chinook salmon roe lectin with antiproliferative activity toward tumor cells and nitric oxide-inducing activity toward murine macrophages. In this study, a rhamnose-binding lectin from the roe of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) was purified and characterized, and its biological activities were examined in several model systems. Chinook salmon roe lectin had a molecular mass of 30 kDa and agglutinated rabbit and bovine erythrocytes. The hemagglutination activity of the lectin was not affected by metal ions. Chinook salmon roe lectin did not exert antifungal activity toward the fungal species tested and did not exhibit mitogenic response toward mouse splenocytes up to a concentration of 5 mg/mL. The lectin had selective antiproliferative activity toward human breast cancer MCF-7 cells and hepatoma Hep G2 cells. It also induced the production of nitric oxide from mouse peritoneal macrophages. This is the first report that demonstrates these biological activities from chinook salmon roe lectin.

Liver Disease, Hepatitis
Beneficial effect of salmon roe phosphatidylcholine in chronic liver disease.
Curr Med Res Opin. 1999. Department of Internal Medicine, Yokohama Red Cross Hospital, Japan.
Phosphatidylcholine (PC), especially dilinoleoyl-PC, has been reported to be effective in preventing hepatic fibrosis in chronically alcohol-fed baboons. Continuous hepatic inflammation predisposes the structure of the liver to fibrosis. Since n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have been shown to exhibit an anti-inflammatory effect, we tested the hypothesis that n-3 PUFA PC as a dietary supplement has a beneficial effect on chronic liver disease susceptible to fibrosis. Salmon roe phospholipids, 90% of which are PC, were extracted and encapsulated. Almost a third of the PC fatty acids were docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n3) and 10% were eicosapentanoic acid (20:5 n3). About 1600 mg/day of the phospholipids was administered for six months to six chronic liver disease patients, four with hepatitis  B infection (three with cirrhosis, one with chronic hepatitis), one with hepatitis C virus cirrhosis and one with alcoholic cirrhosis. There was no change in the results of blood chemistry studies related to liver function, except in globulin, which decreased from 3.80 g/dl to 3.67 g/dl. Among the lipid parameters, HDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein E increased significantly. Although this was a small trial, n-3 PUFA PC may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic liver diseases.

Talk About Delicious!!

Calories, Fat, Protein and Carbs
One ounce of wild salmon roe contains 70 calories, 4 grams of fat, 9 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of carbohydrate. Saturated fat comprises 1 gram of the total fat content; the rest comes from healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Caviar is famous for being sophisticated and healthy culinary delight. With its outstanding nutritional makeup, taste and texture, this amazing food provides beneficial nutrients including proteins, sugars, fats, minerals and vitamins required for the proper body functioning. Here are 10 benefits of eating this appetizing delicacy~
  1. It provides antioxidants. This food is rich in vitamin A which helps to correct damaged skin tissue and prevents wear of cells, and vitamin E that moisturizes the skin in depth to cope with the condition of excessively dry skin. Vitamin E is also valuable for the circulatory system and may help to prevent Parkinson's disease. These two vitamins are essential for youthful skin, healthy eyes, strengthening of the immune system and have anticancer properties; therefore, caviar is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature.

2. Helps to lower blood pressure. Caviar is high in potassium, recommended to lower blood pressure, for that reason this meal is recommended among hypertension sufferers.


3.  Aids to prevent heart attacks. Thanks to its high content of omega-3 oils, up to 1000 mg in of caviar help to reduce the risk of heart disease. It is also believed that it helps to avoid Alzheimer's disease.


4. Protects against viruses. The vitamin D is another abundant elements in this refined food. This element works protecting the immune system and ensuring that immune cells communicate and function properly.


5. It regenerates hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a component of blood that helps move oxygen throughout the body. Caviar helps to increase levels of this substance in the bloodstream, it is recommended in patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or who have undergone surgery.


6. Muscle developer. Given its high protein concentration, caviar is especially recommended for muscle development. Foods rich in protein like this delight are recommended during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy because in these stages a greater contribution of this nutrient is needed.


7. Has an antidepressant effect. Due to its elevated concentration of omega-3 oils, caviar is also recommended to reduce depression and bipolar disorder, and it is extremely beneficial for mood and cognitive function, demonstrating that caviar is not only convenient for health, but also for happiness.


8. Beneficial for bones. As it has a high amount of calcium, caviar is a great nourishment for bones and its consumption is highly recommended during pregnancy because in this stage the body consumes the most of it.


9. Ally of sportspeople. Its high iron content makes of caviar an excellent food to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Due to the amount of iron supplied for the roe, it is greatly recommended for people who practice intense sports as they have a wear of this mineral.


10. Anti Stress and anti migraine. Foods rich in vitamin B2 or riboflavin as caviar are useful to improve nerve problems such as insomnia, anxiety or stress. Vitamin B2 and B5 are found abundantly in caviar, which are also helpful to overcome migraines.

Sushi Lover's
Sockeye Salmon Caviar
This delicate salmon roe, called "IKURA",  is prized by the Japanese & Caviar lovers around the world for its flavor, texture and goodness.
 Ikura contains an incredible amount of nutrition and essential building blocks for a healthy lifestyle.
Ikura is extremely rich in Omega 3's (EPA & DHA) averaging nearly 1,800 mg per 1 oz. serving. We ship this product frozen.
Gourmet Quality
2 oz. Jar - Just $19.95
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Wild Organic Fish Broths
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Loaded with Collagen, Minerals, Nutrients
Ready For A Treat
Just Caught - Alaska Sablefish
Alaska Black Cod --also known as Sablefish- is one of Alaska's most prized fish. Rich flavor and delicate texture, similar to Chilean Seabass, this wild caught treasure is harvest from a sustainable fishery here in  Alaska's icy, pristine waters.
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 King Crab Special
Colossal Size Legs

Legs Weigh 2/3 to a Full Pound Per Leg

Thank you from all of us here in Alaska!!     

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