Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the Saints; Mobilizing the Church

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.” Romans 1:16

April 2023

Dear Family and Partners,

Blessings in Jesus our Lord. God is faithful to move in the hearts of many people to receive Jesus during the last two months as we were preaching the Gospel in Latin America. Even now, follow-up and discipleship are taking place, and we praise the Lord for this. This is the reason God allows us to exist, to proclaim the Gospel and to Equip and Mobilize the church on evangelism in light of Romans 1:16. The Gospel is the only power of God to save people—both Jews and Gentiles.

Because of limited space, we cannot share as many testimonies as we would like, but we trust God that you have been blessed and encouraged by our recent video updates from the field. You will see the Panama video report below. All of these countries are already planning future evangelistic outreaches with WMO.

We care for the salvation of many people all over the whole earth, but we care equally for each soul to get connected with the local church for growth in the Lord, to serve and to win others over for Jesus. We believe in fruits upon fruits. Below is a short testimony of what happened in February and March.


Among the many people saved in Honduras, we are amazed at how God saved Carlos. As our team walked from the hotel to the park to preach the Gospel, Carlos spotted us on the road. He pulled me [Henry] aside and asked questions that troubled him. His eyes were desperate for answers. I told him to come to hear about the love of God in Jesus, the Son of God, that it is a message for him. Carlos came and I saw him in the audience. After the Gospel was presented, many came forward to surrender their hearts to Jesus, but Carlos waited for everyone to leave. He then came to us alone, the last person in the audience. Carlos told us he needs Jesus. He prayed from his heart to trust Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Glory to God! The local church is now discipling him.


A local church hosted an outreach where many believers invited their unsaved friends. The believers who came were encouraged to remember the Gospel, so they could share that Good News with their unsaved family and friends. Many came who did not know Jesus. The Catholic religion is a stronghold in this country (like all Latin countries); it focuses on salvation by works. The Word of God was proclaimed and many came forward accepting Jesus Christ for the first time as Lord and Savior. The church was alive, watching God move in the hearts of the people. The worship lasted long after, with all rejoicing and seeing God move. For two days, our team equipped believers from different churches on Jewish evangelism and they learned about reaching their Jewish neighbors. We are amazed to see how vibrant the saints in this country are and how much they love the Lord Jesus. WMO will partner with many churches for future Jewish outreaches in this area.

WMO understands the importance of partnering with the local church. In any country in the world, as we reach out to the local people with the Gospel, we notice that the churches are aware of their Jewish communities, but they do not know how to go about reaching them. That is why WMO is working alongside these churches, to equip them on Jewish evangelism, thereby fulfilling the role of the church according to Romans 1:16.


Panama City is known as the Miami of Latin America and has a large Jewish community. Under the invitation of the local pastors, we did several seminars on Jewish evangelism in preparation for the first Jewish outreach to be held there in March of 2024. 

Video of the work in Panama


The Gospel (Good News) is always our priority. Please pray for our upcoming meetings, that the Lord will prepare the hearts of those attending and that many will be saved. God willing, from now until July 31, 2023, we will be sharing the Gospel within the context of the local churches in the following places. We appreciate your prayers regarding these meetings.

March 26 Rapid City, South Dakota

April 2 – San Diego, California

April 4-7 – Los Angeles, California

April 14-28 – Honolulu, Hawai’i

April 30–May 5 – Big Island, Hawai’i

June 25 – Buffalo, New York

July 2-21 – Plattsburgh area, New York

July 23-31 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Christians in each church will invite unsaved friends to come to these meetings and hear the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus. We pray for a harvest of souls saved. The harvest is ripe! Thank you for your prayers.

We are so excited to share that the first of these meetings began on Sunday, March 26. Joshua, a local politician running for the office of Mayor of Rapid City, South Dakota, was saved at Landmark Community Church. It was powerful to see the love of God that brought tears to the eyes of a man who wants to see America changed for the good. Joshua said, “If I become Mayor, I would like to run for President one day.” Only God knows about that, but this politician has been saved by God’s grace and God can use him. Please pray for Joshua. One man saved can make a huge difference to a nation.

We thank you for your prayers and financial support to bring the Good News of the love of Jesus to the USA and the world. The American people need the love of Jesus. The Lord is moving mightily, and we are so humbled to serve Him and to bring His love, His Son Jesus to those without hope. May God bless you and your family and keep you in the center of His perfect will.

May God bless you and your family,

Henry & Darlene

Ways you can give

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  Thank you for your financial gifts that keep us on the frontline.

All support for tax receipts mail to:

World Mission Outreach

Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.

53 S. Pu'unene Ave, Unit 108

Kahului, HI 96732

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