Weekly Digest
Spring 2021/ March 1
RPSS Adolescence Film Series: The Return (2003)
Monday, March 1, 7pm
Andrey (Vladimir Garin) and Ivan (Ivan Dobronravov) are brothers who have been raised alone by their mother. When their father (Konstantin Lavronenko) suddenly returns home after vanishing some 12 years earlier, they are both extremely happy to see him back in their lives. Ivan, however, quickly grows suspicious of his father, and determines to find out where exactly his father vanished to all those years ago, and why he suddenly decided to come back into their lives now. Zoom link for film Passcode: RPSS
A Conversation with Ambassador Dennis Ross
Tuesday, March 2, 7pm
Ambassador Dennis Ross is presented by W&M Hillel, the W&M Reves Center for International Studies, the W&M Global Research Institute, and the W&M Department of Government. Ross is counselor and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He served two years as special assistant to President Obama and National Security Council senior director for the Central Region, and a year as special advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. A highly skilled diplomat, Ambassador Ross was U.S. point man on the peace process in both the George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations. He was instrumental in assisting Israelis and Palestinians to reach the 1995 Interim Agreement; he also successfully brokered the 1997 Hebron Accord, facilitated the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty, and intensively worked to bring Israel and Syria together. Ross will share his perspectives on the Middle East today, how America will be a player, and his new book, Be Strong and of Good Courage. Learn more
Come Sta L'Italiano? A Conversation with Beppe Severgnini
Monday, March 8, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Arab Spring Ten Years After: The Continuing Quest for Democracy in the Middle East
Friday, March 12, 4pm
Presented in celebration of the Asian Centennial at William & Mary.
Tamara Sonn, the 2021 Virtual Kraemer Middle East Distinguished Scholar-In-Residence, will speak about, "Arab Spring Ten Years After: The Continuing Quest for Democracy in the Middle East," on Friday, March 12, 2021, at 4pm via Zoom. The lecture is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Please note: At the request of the speaker, the lecture will not be recorded.
The explosion of pro-democracy movements across the Arab world in 2011 took many observers by surprise. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “We’re facing an Arab awakening that nobody could have imagined.” But pro-democracy movements are nothing new in the region. This talk will trace the history of pro-democracy movements in the Middle East over the past century, arguing that democratic impulses remain strong and suggesting that the U.S. has an important role to play in nurturing them. More information and registration
Can America Be a Free Country?
Tuesday, March 23, 4pm
Yale Professor Timothy Snyder will deliver the 2021 George Tayloe Ross Address on International Peace. Snyder is the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. Snyder is a prolific author, whose recent books include: Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning (2015); On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (2017); The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America (2018); and Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary (2020). Learn more.
Gilman Scholarship Deadline Extended: March 9, 11:59pm PT
The Gilman Scholarship Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is an undergraduate program for U.S. citizens of limited financial means to enable them to study abroad.
Receive up to $5,000 (or $8,000 if you’re studying a Critical Need Language) to go abroad on an in-person or virtual program as a college student if you’re a U.S. citizen and Federal Pell Grant recipient!
If you're a child dependent of active duty military member and receive any type of Title IV Federal Financial Aid, apply for the Gilman-McCain Scholarship! Receive $5,000 to go abroad on an in-person or virtual program. Learn more
Virtual Pop-in Advising for Winter/Spring
Virtual Pop-in Open Hours are used for quick questions, and will typically last no longer than 5-15 minutes per student.
- Monday: 1-3pm
- Tuesday: 11am-1pm
- Wednesday: 12pm-2pm
- Thursday: 1-3pm
- Friday: 11am-1pm
Meeting ID: 914 2719 6240
International Student Achievement Award - Due March 8
Do you know an international student who is exemplary in service, academics, and leadership? Nominate the student for an International Student Achievement Award! Awardees receive a $500 award. All W&M faculty and staff are eligible to nominate. Nomination form here
Global Research Institute
Friday Deadline to Register for the Fifth Annual Global Innovation Challenge (WMGIC)
WMGIC (March 19-20) is a hack-a-thon inspired international & sustainable development case competition, which recruits teams of students from all majors to pitch proposals concerning relevant global challenges. Teams will compete across four different solution streams and top 8 finishers will receive cash prizes ranging from $250 to $2,000. WMGIC includes opportunities for mentorship by professionals from USAID, DHInfrastructures, World Bank, Chemonics, etc. No prior experience necessary. Please register here. The deadline to register is 3/5 at 11:59 PM. www.wmgic.org
The Coming Good Society: Why New Realities Demand New Rights
Wednesday, March 10, 12pm - 1pm
The International Justice Lab presents William F. Schulz and Sushma Raman of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. bit.ly/SchulzRaman
Understanding Data Privacy
Friday, March 12, 12pm - 1pm
GRI's Blockchain Lab presents a discussion on privacy and policy, featuring Elena Giralt of Blockchain Latinx. More information
RPSS Adolescence Film: The Return
MAR 6:
MAR 8:
MAR 11:
MAR 10:
- The Coming Good Society (see above)
MAR 12:
MAR 19-20
Reves Mission, Vision & Diversity Statements
We invite you to learn more about the Reves Center by viewing our staff-authored mission, vision and diversity statements, as well as our new ongoing list of resources to learn about transnational racism. They are posted online.
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The Reves Events Digest is published every Monday during the academic year and primarily features WM-organized and co-sponsored events. If you would like your WM-affiliated event or announcement to be considered for inclusion in this Digest, please email us your event details, including a hyperlink, to event information and put “For Events Digest” in the subject line to international@wm.edu. Your submission must be emailed one week prior to your event to be considered.
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