
Ambassador Update

Institute for Discipleship

Ambassadors nurture the life of the Institute for Discipleship

through their prayers, advocacy, and financial support,

advancing the Kingdom of God worldwide.

January 2023: Aspiration

Dear fellow Ambassadors,

Did you ever want to change the world?

As a Christian in the United Methodist tradition, we have been encouraged to “make disciples for the transformation of the world.” With such a noble aspiration comes several points of discernment. The who, what, where type of questions we all face. A primary question for me is “What effort is God calling and equipping me do?”

With years of collective discernment, a team has formed at the Institute to make small group Bible studies available and easily accessible to people anywhere in the world, right in the palm of their hand. For this aspiration to produce fruit, another process much take place. We must depend on the Holy Spirit to find others with a like aspiration. We must find pastors and small group leaders who are experiencing a nudge to bring persons, in their awareness, an opportunity to study scripture, pray and discuss with others in a small group of fellow Christians.

A Godly aspiration is not isolated; it is shared and developed, then grows and matures. I believe the BeADisciple Study App is one such aspiration. As an Ambassador, I am asking you to prayerfully listen to any Holy Spirt nudge to join this aspiration.

Your prayer, your financial support, and your assistance in spreading the work are all important contributions as we find our place in God’s creative efforts. Together, we can add our contribution to changing the world for the better.

Thank you for your continued support, 

Steve Wilke

P.S. We are now 25% toward our goal of having 100 ambassadors!

Information About Being an Ambassador

Key App Progress Timeline

The BeADisciple Study App is now in alpha testing with more than 50 persons working through Disciple Fast Track on their smart devices while the app is still in development. Key progress dates to watch for in 2023:

  • February -- App moves from development version to production version.
  • April 15 -- to be launched with a wide range of app-related information and release-information sign-up.
  • July -- Launch date for app. Leaders of beta testing groups begin forming Fast Track cohorts.

Watch for more information in future newsletters!

New Certifications Fill Quickly

Since its inception the Institute for Discipleship has aspired to help persons in ministry be as effective as possible. As we worked toward this goal, two new Institute for Discipleship certifications began with capacity enrollment Jan. 16, bringing the total number of current certifications to 11. As with all IFD certifications, the new programs in grief care and in church administration are limited to 15 learners.

"We cap our certifications at 15 so that we can provide a robust yet intimate small group experience," says Lori Richey, director of certifications. "We are thrilled with the enthusiasm for these courses and look forward to how they will equip both clergy and lay people in their local churches."

In total, eight certifications launched new cohorts this month, with planning underway for more in August 2023. These are expected to include options in children's ministry, Christian education, church administration, evangelism, grief care, music ministry, ministry with people with disabilities, rural ministry, spiritual formation, women's ministries, and a brand-new certification in young adult ministry.

Here's more information about IFD certifications

Visit Ambassador Website
Visit Institute for Discipleship Website