America’s Small Businesses Aren’t Ready for a Cyberattack

The subject of our February Business Matters luncheon was cybersecurity. During this event, we learned that 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, and few are prepared. CNBC researched this issue and details how these disruptions impact the business the attack is aimed at, their consumers, and the economy.

Why Listening is the Top Sales Skill

Most people think it’s the smooth talkers who make the best salespeople, but in reality, it’s those who have mastered listening and identifying people’s true motivations who are most successful.

Indiana Legislative Update: Technical Corrections and Veto Override

Today’s legislative update is a great example of where School House Rocks meets politics, as we explain a rarely discussed final stop in the legislative process – “technical corrections day.” This is also the time when the General Assembly may vote to overturn a gubernatorial veto. And they did.

I-69 Johnson County Update: New Lane Opens; County Line Road Closes

Southbound traffic has been shifted to the new elevated pavement and bridges between Southport and Fairview Roads and will no longer stop for traffic signals in this section. A portion of County Line Road, and access to northbound SR 37, will temporarily close for two months.

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Aspire Weekly Member Highlights
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Aspire is happy to have Shelley Bays, an internationally certified Maxwell Leadership Team Coach, Speaker and Trainer, and certified DISC Consultant, present at our next Business Matters luncheon on June 14th. Shelley will be leading an interactive discussion on the five generations currently in the workforce and how to get everyone to communicate and work collaboratively together. Watch the video message to Aspire members about her presentation.
Tuesday, June 14th
11:30am - 1:00pm
Johnson County Museum of Art

Series Presenting Sponsors

Wednesday, June 8th
4:30pm - 5:30pm
WalkerHughes Insurance

Thursday, June 16th
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Crown Staffing

You may have complimentary tickets to select events available with your membership. Contact Angie Keene for more information.
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