October 25, 2020
~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement policies. 
B-R Field Hockey
Brockton High School vs Bridgewater-Raynham 10-22-20 at Brockton. Senior Night: Seniors on both teams are recognized.
Raynham Board of Selectmen 10/20/20
Video Courtesy of The Raynham Channel
Historical Tidbit: 
Requirements for Raynham's Secession from Taunton

Town leaders from the first families of Raynham petitioned the Massachusetts General Court three times before they were allowed to become independent from Taunton.
The Court set the following requirements for Raynham's secession from Taunton: "That the inhabitants of said town do, within the space of three years from the publication of this act, procure and settle a learned and orthodox minister of good conversation and make provisions for his comfortable and honorable support and likewise provide a schoolmaster to instruct their children to read and write."
From "A Brief History of Raynham, Massachusetts" by Kathleen Roberts, Raynham Historical Commission
Internships available
& Accounting
at the BuzzAround
Town Clerk   508-824-2700
Assessors    508-824-2704
Selectmen        508-824-2707
Building Dept.       508-824-2708
Board of Health      508-824-2766
Planning         508-824-2745
Veterans Service Officer 508-828-4527

Public Library
limited capacity, call to schedule appt

Council on Aging
Building remains closed.
Director will be in the office Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to process bills, stay in touch with state agencies and attend to phone messages.

Food Pantry
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
9:00a - 11:00a
494 Church St, Raynham
Nancy Buffington
for winning a Selenite Pendant ( $25 value) by Queen Dawn Spirit

Play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.
You could win a
2 month free membership (*prize only available to non-current members) to
School Breakfast / Lunch:

Per the USDA until further notice, all breakfasts and lunches are FREE for students that are at school and attending remotely.
Remote Students’ Meal Pickup is available at Laliberte Elementary School. We're set and ready to serve free breakfasts and lunches there for Remote Students (both Full Remote / B-R At Home, AND Hybrid Students on their Remote Learning days) from 9:45a -12:30p, on school days, M-F.
The more breakfasts and lunches we serve, the greater the benefit to the B-R District's Food Service Program!!! Go here for all details.
Stormwater Tips: Be a Leaf Hero

Clean water begins with you! Help keep fallen leaves out of the streets. Do not blow or rake leaves, grass clippings, brush, and tree branches into the street. These will leach nutrients into stormwater runoff and contribute to pollution in our waters. Leaf litter can also plug storm drains and increase flooding issues. Instead, mulch or compost yard waste away from streams or other waterways, or dispose at your local landfill.

Mice, voles, and other pests will start looking for a warm place to spend the winter. We sell a variety of products to help keep your home rodent free.

1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) • Bridgewater • (508) 697-0357
Raynham Recreation:
Learn to Skate

Youth Ages 5 - 15: 10:45a - 11:10a
Teen/Adult Ages 16 - up: 10:30a - 11:10a

It's never to late to learn to skate!!! This program is designed to teach skating basics or enhance the skills you've already got in a fun and comfortable environment.

Classes are located at the Raynham Ice Plex, 1568 Broadway, Raynham. Class Participants need to wear warm and comfortable clothing.

A helmet, single blade skates, face mask, and COVID Certification Document are required.

Rental skates are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and are included in the class fee.
Youth - $148
Teen/Adult - $165

The autism awareness seatbelt covers are free of charge for any Raynham resident in need of one.

Chief James Donovan is pleased to announce that the Raynham Police Department is now offering autism awareness seatbelt covers for residents.
The autism awareness seatbelt covers are free of charge for any Raynham resident in need of one.
The seatbelt covers help first responders identify if a person in the vehicle is on the autism spectrum during an emergency. On the covers it states that the individual may be non-verbal and shares further information regarding how they may react in a dangerous situation.
Any resident interested in receiving an autism awareness seatbelt cover should contact the Raynham Police Department at 508-824-2716 and leave a message for Lt. Peter Beatrice requesting one. The Raynham Police Department has a limited supply of covers. The covers were provided to the Raynham Police Department by the Bristol County Sheriff’s Department.
“We encourage any resident in need of an autism awareness seatbelt cover to reach out and request one as soon as possible,” Chief Donovan said. “These seatbelt covers relay important information to first responders when they arrive on the scene of an emergency.” www.raynhampd.com/news
(Photo courtesy Raynham Police Department)
The 2020 Book for Business & COVID-19 Recovery Resource Guide 
Easy & Accessible with great resources!

  • Area Dining
  • COVID-19 Recovery Resources
  • Business Development Resources

Metro South Chamber of Commerce Works For YOU!

Notice from the Town of Raynham Board of Health & Selectmen:

Attached is a list of COVID-19 test locations within a 10-mile radius of the center of Raynham as of 10/21/2020. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, it is highly recommended that you get tested.
Please call your primary care physician or the Raynham Board of Health at (508) 824 – 2766 if you have any questions.

Also available: Stop The Spread

Get tested at Brockton High School, they will be taking drive-thru appointments.
Mondays, 12:00p - 7:00p
Wednesdays, 9:00a - 4:00p
Thursdays, 12:00p - 7:00p

Call 1-844-4TEST19 to schedule appointment or text 508-726-7654 your name and number and we'll call you back. Everyone tested will also receive free KN-95 masks!

The Raynham Health Department is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Senior Clerk.
Duties of the position include, but are not limited to:
• Maintaining filing system
• Answering telephones
• Prepare, receive, and process various applications
• Record payments received
• Process complaints
• Assist the general public, other town departments, State and local officials, and other organizations with general information regarding health issues and programs
• Any other duties as requested by the Health Agent and/or the Board of Health.
State Election - Tuesday, Nov 3rd,
2020 Presidential Election
Pick one of the 3 ways to vote:

1) In Person: Tuesday November 3, 2020
• Polling Hours: 7:00a - 8:00p
• Location: Raynham Middle School
Return your completed application to:
558 South Main St., Raynham, 02767.
If you have already requested Vote By Mail - track your ballot here.

3) In Person Early Voting
Saturday, October 17th - Friday, October 30th
Location: Town Hall
  • Saturday/Sunday 9:00a - 1:00p
  • Monday/Thursday 8:30a - 4:30p
  • Friday 8:30a - 12:00p

Deadlines: The deadline to request absentee/vote by mail ballots for the Presidential Election is Friday, October 28th at 5:00p.

  • Covid-19 Guidelines
Met & Exceeded
  • In-Person and Live Streamed Classes Available
  • Ask About Private Study Options

Homeowners & Landscapers,
RENT, DON'T BUY, the best tools for your fall cleanups!

We have many sizes and styles of leaf blowers to help you clean up your property quickly and efficiently!

Work Smarter, not harder!
10 Bedford Park, Bridgewater
(508) 279-0950

Raynham COA provides links to free exercise videos

Enjoy the above video: Healthy Bones & Balance with Glafyra Ennis-Yentsch

Our virtual walk began Oct 17th and will end with a live stream virtual celebration on Oct 31st at 11a.


Get involved by sponsoring and / or walk with us. When you walk create a video and share it!
For more information call or email Linda Siegel at 508-584-2809 or linda.siegel@fcr-ma.org.

The Raynham Cultural Council has set a November 16, 2020 deadline for organizations, schools, and individuals to apply for grants that support cultural arts, humanities and science activities in the community.

According to Council spokesperson Stacey Chisholm, these grants can support a variety of artistic projects and activities in Raynham, including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artist residencies, or performances in schools, workshops, and lectures.

The Raynham Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community.

During fiscal year 2020 the Raynham Cultural Council will distribute over $7000 in grants. Previously funded projects include: Raynham Reads, Stone Church Concert Series, The Attleboro Art Museum, and Fun with STEM.

For local guidelines and complete information on the Raynham Cultural Council, contact Stacey Chisholm at raynhamculture@gmail.com. Application forms and more information about the Local Cultural Council Program are available online at www.mass-culture.org.

Stone Church is back to welcoming people into the sanctuary.

"Hopefully for the entire fall & winter. So nice to see familiar faces even with masks."

Photo & Story credits: facebook.com/stonechurchraynham

Have fun with us and bee
entered to win a
2 month free membership (*prize only available to non-current members) to Raynham Athletic Club.

Historical Tidbit Question:
How many times was the petition denied by the Massachusetts General Court?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your first & last name, phone number & town with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around. 

On October 28, 2020 we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Janice O'Brien, Jacquelyn Rose & Sebastian Ladoulis
America the Beautiful
There is so much beauty.
*Majestic landscape
*Public lands, deep natural beauty, where I can wander in deep thought and connect with all of creation.
*Religious & speech freedom: I can think and say what I want.
*A society that accepts and encourages me, a woman, to develop my own business concept.
*And a government and community who assist when life throws curve balls.

While HOW these things are achieved are hotly debated… enough to drive a person over the edge during an election…
Just the fact that they CAN be openly debated is another thing that makes us beautiful.
And so I would like to share with you America the Beautiful 2020. New words for a new world.
Don’t forget to vote.
~ Jacquie 
Copyright 2020 Buzz Around Raynham.  You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around Raynham 10/25/20")

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. There will be links to town committees and other non-profit groups, as a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials. The Buzz Around is not responsible for their website content.