February 2019 eNewsletter
AAS 2019 Scientific & Technology 
February 28 - March 2

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AAS Program App
Already registered for the Conference? Look for an email to download the 2019 Conference App through Guidebook coming soon!

AAS Social Event

Hearing researchers are known worldwide for their love of dancing all night long. This year, everyone is invited to shake their semicircular canals to the funky beat of the Rhythm Edition Band on Friday, March 1st! No tickets are necessary and the event is at the conference hotel, so bring your dancing shoes and have a great time! Food will be served and there will be a cash bar. As a part of this event, the National Acoustic Laboratories will be promoting best practices towards hearing safety.

Board of Directors
   Robert Burkard, PhD

Past President:
   Anil Lalwani, MD

   Brent Edwards, PhD

   Sumit Dhar, PhD

Board Members:
   Rafael Delgado, PhD
   Dave Fabry, PhD
   Rene Gifford, PhD
   Lisa Hunter, PhD
   Francis Kuk, PhD
   Charles Limb, MD
   Devin McCaslin, PhD
   John Oghalai, MD
   Kelly Tremblay, PhD
   Andrea Vambutas, MD

E&H Editor, Ex-Officio:
   Brenda Ryals, PhD

Executive Director,
   Darla M. Eastlack

Trends in Hearing Health Care - The Perspective of the Industry Research Consortium
A new special session at the 2019 Annual AAS Scientific and Technology Conference!
Thursday, February 28, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon

The Hearing Industry Research Consortium (IRC) is a joint research consortium supported by 6 hearing instrument manufacturers: Oticon, Sivantos, Phonak, Widex, Starkey, GNResound. every year, the IRC defines a research topic that it feels is the most critical issue facing the hearing field and issues an RFP to stimulate more research. Academic institutions or non-for-profit research institutes can apply for IRC grants, and the IRC has funded more than 12 research groups researchers over the past 7 years in several emerging areas. This new session will give an overview of the various research projects that have been funded by IRC. They span a wide variety of different research areas with recipients across several continents. Funded research topics include cognition and hearing loss, hidden hearing loss, hearing loss and stigma, perception of dynamic listening conditions, large-scale approaches to outcome measurement and treatment prescription. This overview will not only provide details and results from each project but will also give reasons for their importance to the hearing industry, providing insight into industry's perspective on relevant research trends in hearing health care.

Hidden Hearing Loss, Elisabeth Beach, NAL, Sydney
The IRC-funded project on hidden hearing loss was conducted by researchers at NAL and made an  important contribution to the international research effort into this topic area. Although the study did not find clear evidence of noise-related cochlear synaptopathy, it provided new information about the relative importance of cognitive factors in speech-in-noise perception, and also presented new insights into the personal experiences of those who report difficulties in noise.

Benefits of Advanced Signal Processing for Daily Listening Tasks, Andrea Pittman, Arizona State University
Results from the Assessing Advanced Hearing Aid Features project funded by the Industry Research Consortium in 2013 will be presented as well as additional findings following from that work.  In this project, adults and children with hearing loss completed four tasks to determine the benefits of extended high-frequency bandwidth, digital noise reduction, and frequency lowering.  The four tasks represented routine perceptual skills (e.g., word recognition) and more challenging skills like the ability to detect unknown words in isolation and in context and the ability to associate unknown words with novel objects through practice.  It was hypothesized that the benefit of advanced signal processing would be more evident for auditory tasks that depend on the quality of the acoustic signal. The results revealed significant benefits with extended high-frequency amplification compared to narrow-band amplification for both children and adults. No benefit, or detriment, was observed for frequency lowering or for digital noise reduction in steady-state noise or babble. A follow-up study confirmed the benefit of amplification bandwidth for the more challenging listening tasks in children using bone-anchored hearing devices. Also, next-day retention of challenging information appears to be particularly fragile in the presence of hearing loss.

Complimentary AAS Student Memberships 
Neurotology Fellows and  Full time AuD or PhD Students, enrolled in a non-distance learning program through December 31, 2019, are eligible to receive a free one-year membership in the American Auditory Society.
The first 209 fellows/students to sign up will receive a complimentary 2019 membership.  Memberships will include an online subscription to our prestigious Ear and Hearing journal and the opportunity to attend  our Annual Scientific and Technology Meeting at a reduced rate.
To sign up, you must complete a complimentary membership form. Click here to submit an application!
This opportunity was made possible by the generous contributions of Advanced Bionics,  Intelligent Hearing Systems, Oticon,  Sivantos, and Sonion.