In lieu of speaking to the idol contestants and hosts...
our calling is to proclaim the Good News as led to those we come in contact with in our daily walk...
Reporting Back... Acts 4:23
Yesterday while going to 2 department stores I had the privilege of
sharing my faith with three men in the service areas of the stores
...it was unusual because
none of the men appeared to be very interested
Some of my friends who have taken WB training have often wondered
why so few people I talk to don't negatively respond to the Gospel
These 3 examples will make them satisfied...even though most of the time I do get a positive response to my sharing, whether they agree or disagree that Jesus is the way, truth and the life
For me
this response is not a problem because I am to be
faithful in sharing
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
leave the results to the Holy Spirit...it is said so often in WB training...."YOU ARE NOT THE WHOLE ENCHILADA!"
While on a 9 city speaking trip to MIssouri and Kansas one of the assignments was at the ROTARY CLUB of Kansas City...a few months later I was teaching my weekly morning Bible study at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale Az to approximately 90 men...we always had a few visitors...after the morning session a man who was a visitor came up to me and said..."I heard you speak in Kansas City to the Rotary Club... (I smiled and thought to myself he really enjoyed it)... instead he said
"I thought you were out to lunch"
I found out after the Rotary meeting the man got with someone else who shared their faith in Christ and this man accepted Jesus as His Savior...definitely thank God ..that was a lesson described in the Word of God showing me that I wasn't THE WHOLE ENCHILADA!
Ezekiel 2:7 says it best ,
"You must speak
my words to them,
whether they listen or fail to listen
, for they are rebellious"