American Immigrant Policy Portal
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January, 2020
In This Issue

Research to Inform Policy, Practice, and Advocacy  on Migration-Related Issues
Policy-related reports, studies, and information about the challenge and promise of immigrant integration. Materials organized by collection topic.
Click on headlines for abstracts and links.
NewResearchNew Public Policy Research and Reports

Civic Participation

Adult Education and Workforce Training

Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Immigration

Employment and Labor Issues

Human Services (Aging and Disability)

Human Services (Health Care)

Local Government

Refugee and Asylee Issues

State Government

National Perspectives/Immigration Policy

Global Perspectives



The Human Services (General) collection explores immigrant integration from a variety of perspectives. Some studies seek to identify promising practices in providing social services to immigrant and refugee populations. Other studies look at the important role played by specific institutions, such as community-based organizations, libraries, and child welfare agencies. Some researchers examine the extent of English language usage among immigrant populations, analyze federal and state laws governing language access, and identify innovative approaches for overcoming language barriers. A number of studies look at various facets of immigrant family life, including parenting practices of specific communities and the impact of immigration on family members remaining in sending countries. Recently, many researchers have focused on the devastating effects of deportation on immigrant families, as well as the impact of the public charge rule on immigrant use of safety net services.

lcLatest Commentary
A selection of recent Op-eds from immigration researchers and major opinion leaders

February, 2020
Indian Immigrants Are Saving Canadian Hockey
Shikha Dalmia, Reason
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January 13, 2010
New Data: Legal Immigration Has Declined Under Trump
Stuart Anderson, Forbes
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January 13, 2020
Why Hostility to Immigration Runs Deep
Noah Smith, Bloomberg
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January 10, 2020

To Win On Immigration, We Have To Lead With Love
Suzette Brooks Masters, People's Action
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January 9, 2020

Against Tribal America
Joel Kotkin, City Journal
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January 8, 2020

New Immigration Fees To Hit Businesses Hard
Stuart Anderson, Forbes
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January 7, 2020

Immigrants are an economic boon to America
Jerry Haar, The Hill
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December 23, 2019

Sensible bipartisan immigration reform makes progress - a true Christmas miracle
Ali Noorani, Fox News
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December 17, 2019

The radical immigration changes under Trump that went unnoticed
Annalisa Merelli, Quartz
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December 11, 2019

Trump Has a Gift for Tearing Us Apart
Thomas B. Edsell, The New York Times
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The Portal is a project of Diversity Dynamics, LLC, in association with the Immigrant Learning Center, Public Education Institute, Malden, MA; the Center for International Social Work, School of Social Work, Rutgers University; and a panel of volunteer content area experts who help to write our research abstracts. Please send content suggestions for the Portal, including events of interest, to: We welcome inquiries from new volunteers. No endorsements implied for research, opinions, resources or events featured on the Portal.