American Immigrant Policy Portal
July, 2022

Research to Inform Policy, Practice, and Advocacy on
Migration-Related Issues

Reports, studies, and information about immigration policy
and the process of creating a fair and welcoming society for all

Materials organized by collection topic.
Click on headlines for abstracts and links to original research.
Recent Public Policy Research and Reports

Education (Pre-K to 12)
(Migration Policy Institute)

Employment and Labor Issues
(Bipartisan Policy Center)

Human Services (General)
(Health Affairs)

Human Services (Health Care)
(Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics)

(Migration Policy Institute)

Intergroup Relations
(British Journal of Political Science)

Law Enforcement
(University of Washington School of Law)

(Social Science Research)

Refugee and Asylee Issues
(Center for Global Development)

Global Perspectives
(Migration Policy Institute)


Featuring a selection of recent Op-eds from
Immigration researchers and major opinion leaders

July 22, 2022
By a 5-4 Vote, the Supreme Court let a Lone Judge Block Biden's Power Over Deportations
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, Slate

July 19, 2022
Better Immigration Laws Could Help Lower Food Prices
Fiona Harrigan, Reason

July 18, 2022
The Senate is nearing a deal on immigration that could also lower food prices
Ximena Butillo, NPR

July 13, 2022
The United States Does Not Permit More Immigration Than the Rest of the World Combined
David J. Bier, Cato at Liberty Blog

July 11, 2022
Why So Many Children of Immigrants Rise to the Top
Peter Coy, The New York Times

July 6, 2022
Immigrant 'Dreamers' Face Severe Disruption if Court Wrecks DACA
Laurel Brubaker Calkins & Ellen M. Gilmer, Bloomberg Law

June 28, 2022
Dangers Faced by Illegal Migrants are Caused by Immigration Restrictions
Ilya Somin, Reason

June 26, 2022
Growing Up in the Shadow of DACA (Guest Essays by DACA Recipients)
The New York Times

June 22, 2022
An Uncertain Future for Documented Dreamers
Teresa Mathew, The New Yorker

June 20, 2022
How certainty helps immigrants integrate and contribute more to the local economy
Joseph-Simon Goerlach, The Conversation

Our Mission

"'Closing the Knowledge to Action Gap"

As the United States struggles to build an immigration system for the 21st century, the Portal enables advocates and policy-makers to use evidence-based research to guide their work.

Our goal is to preserve and disseminate the findings of leading researchers who are seeking answers to questions critical to the future of the country.

To date, our team of volunteers has produced over 2,000 research summaries grouped into multiple topical collections.

These summaries, as well as links to original research, are available at the Portal website and at the website of the Public Education Institute of the Immigrant Learning Center.

Please write us with any thoughts or suggestions you might have at: