If you work in a higher education or related setting, and are looking for timely and accessible data on immigrant and international students at U.S. colleges and universities, the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration has created a new website that should be of interest to you. In addition to key data points, the site, called the Higher Education Immigration Portal, also includes descriptions of effective practices in areas such as admission and recruitment, college and career preparation, financial aid, and student support services. One of the features of the site is an interactive map that allows users to click on a state and learn how many first- and second-generation immigrant students and international students there are, as well as state policies on tuition and financial aid. Also available are data points on DACA-eligible and undocumented students. According to Miriam Feldblum, Executive Director of the Alliance, “nearly one of every three students in higher education is either a first-or second-generation immigrant student or an international student, making it essential that up-to-date and comprehensive data, policies, and best practices are widely available to higher education leaders, policymakers, students, and other stakeholders.” The Portal is a collaborative effort of 12 organizations under the leadership of the Alliance.