Volume 05 - Issue 11 | November 2020
The American Legion Newsletter - Ira Weaver Post 121
Celebration of the Post’s 100th Anniversary
PO Box 247, Blairsville GA 30512

We have a new Facebook page so we may integrate with social media. Please visit the new page https://www.facebook.com/iraweaver121 and like us and follow us.

If you are not seeing the last page of the newsletter that contains the business card ads, the newsletter is being truncated. Look for a link at the bottom of the email in order to expand your email so you may see the entire publication.
COMMANDER'S CALL - Dan Wickersham, Cdr.
Challenges Create Opportunities

Thank each and everyone of you for sticking in there as we battle this unprecedented time of challenges. It takes courage to work and communicate with others when there is a potential of exposing one’s self to Covid. Most of the fundraising events have been cancelled which is a perfect excuse to “do-nothing”; however, many of you have worked hard to find other things that may be beneficial in support of our American Legion mission.

Melanie, Auxiliary, and Jim Reed, Senior Vice-Commander, are a great example of people making things happen. They have been instrumental in bringing Michelle Ladd to the community for the car show on November 7th and the Veteran’s Day event for November 11th. Janice Taylor, Commander of the Auxiliary, and her members are hosting a “dinner to go” festivity at the Veteran’s building. It is important to note that Michelle Ladd has created a 501c non-profit organization to help in highlighting and treating veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD).

It is exciting to witness the efforts of Ron Tanner, Finance Officer, along with Dick Cataldo, 2nd Vice Commander, and others in developing the “Wreaths Across American” project. Through Ron’s leadership, American Legion Post 121 will lead the effort to place wreaths on the Post’s adopted “Holly Hills” veteran’s cemetery. Additionally, this will expand to other local veteran grave sites as well as the National Veteran’s Cemetery in Canton, Georgia. The event is planned for December 19th and has opened a great relationship with the Daughter’s of the Revolution (DAR) as a partner along with the Girls and Boys Scouts and the local Civil Air Patrol. Our Post Riders will be in support to help honor our great men and women veterans. This great cause is to Honor and Remember our veterans and Teach our next generation about the sacrifices and lasting contribution these military service members so unselfishly gave to this great Country. A kickoff of this celebration of remembrance will begin with a formal gathering at the Veteran’s building. An announcement is forthcoming with specific times and plans.

What is Happening to Our Homeland?

Excuse me, but I cannot be silent about what is occurring to America with the teaching and national leadership favoring ideas of socialism. Recently, Margarete Fallat, a German immigrant, spoke about her experiences as a German citizen during Hitler’s and Stalin’s socialism. She notes the similarities from her memories of that chilling period and its correlation to many developments to those ongoing in the United States. Of particular interest is a story of her father who was pressured to join the “Party”. Noticing that representatives of the Party include thugs in brown shirts smashing windows and vandalizing businesses (Black Live Matter?). That strike a chord with you knowing that BLM is founded by a socialist group of Marxists? I will not belabor this point but to ask, “are you part of the Silent Majority”? Well, it is now the time to be silent no longer and do your part to educate our younger generation to learn from the past and appreciate their God-given country. Ponder these thoughts from Ms. Fallet, the German WWII survivor:

 “I get so upset when I see how our freedom is being trampled. So many people don’t appreciate what they have. Speak up – don’t compromise.” ​ 

“When I speak to the young folks in school, I tell them, ‘Your forefathers went to war to allow you to voice your opinions and vote’… The silent majority has been silent for such a long time in America. We have the freedom to speak up, but we don’t do it. We are apathetic. If you don’t speak up, we will become another Germany – and I fear we are on the way. I will never give in. I will never compromise.” ​ – Margarete Fallat

 ‘Please, America! Be Silent No Longer’


  • The American Legion was founded in March 1919 in Paris, France, by U.S. World War I military personnel stationed there who were dedicated to four pillars of service and advocacy: veterans, military personnel, youth and patriotic values.
  • The American Legion today consists of 55 “departments” in each of the 50 states as well as the District of Columbia, France, Mexico, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. There are approximately 13,000 local posts worldwide.
  • Current national membership is about 2 million. Combined with the American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion, membership in what is known as the American Legion Family exceeds 3 million.
  • American Legion membership eligibility has recently been expanded to include all military personnel and veterans who have served their nation on active duty.
  • The Legion has been instrumental in the creation of a number of major institutions of American society, including formation of the Department of Veterans Affairs, creation of U.S. Flag Code, passage of the GI Bill and more.


Every Year the American Legion Posts:

  • Donate more than 3.7 million hours of volunteer service in their communities
  • Provide assistance on more than 181,000 VA benefits claims and cases
  • Donate more than 80,000 pints of blood to collection centers nationwide, which makes the Legion the nation’s single largest blood donor
  • Awards more than 8,000 medals to Junior ROTC students
  • Sponsors more than 2,500 Scouting units serving more than 64,000 young people
  • Awards more than $4 million in college scholarships The American Legion is marking its 100th anniversary with a 15-month celebration running from the national convention in August 2018 through Veterans Day 2019.
Sr. Vice commander's Note - Jim Reed

A special thank you to all Veterans – Happy Veterans Day – May God Bless!

Talk to fellow Veterans and invite them to come and share in this opportunity*

Ms. Michele Ladd with be in Blairsville, GA. as a guest of the American Legion Post 121 from November 7th – November 12th. She will be joining us for the 3rd Annual Salute to Veterans Car Show & Auction on November 7th at the Farmers Market along with her RV and will also have her RV at the Veterans Building on November 11th. She would like to meet as many Veterans as possible!!!
Michele and Randy are headed your way and would love to visit.
For More Information:

It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN, not the reporter
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN, not the poet
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN, not the politician,
who has given us the right to vote
“Some People live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, a veteran doesn’t have that problem” - Ronald Reagan
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction” R Reagan

“It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.” - Zell Miller
“It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.” - Norman Schwarzkopf
“For the veteran, thank you for bravely doing what you’re called to do so we can safely do what we’re free to do.” - Unknown

“When the peace treaty is signed, the war isn’t over for the veterans or the family. It’s just starting.” - Karl Marlantes

Never was so much owed by so many to so few.” - Winston Churchill

“The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” - Douglas MacArthur

“American without her soldiers would be like God without his angels.” - Claudia Pemberton
“In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” - Jose Narosky

"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation." - Gen. Douglas MacArthur

"This will remain the land of the free so long as it is the home of the brave."- Elmer Davis

"Word to the Nation: Guard zealously your right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard." - John F. Kennedy

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight -- it's the size of the fight in the dog." - Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Only in America… Why do our homeless war Veterans sleep in cardboard boxes while our criminal convicts receive free medical and dental care, wholesome food and shelter, modern exercise equipment, free use of a well-equipped law library, and have the right to sue the government from prison? And why does our government spend billions of tax dollars on politics and foreign aid while denying valid medical complaints of its Veterans?

A Veteran: whether active duty, discharged, retired or reserve is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of American” for an amount of “up to and including his/her life”. That is honor and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that fact.  



On Wednesday, November 11, 2020, at the Leon Davenport Veterans Building at the corner of Hwy 515 and Old Blue Ridge Highway in Blairsville, the various Veteran’s Service Organizations will hold an Armistice Day Ceremony in honor of Veterans who have served our great nation. The event is being held in the parking lot of the building, please wear masks and social distance as COVID demands. There is limited parking on site, overflow parking will be on the entrance drive and in the park and ride. For further information please contact American Legion Auxiliary Unit 121 President, Janice Walters-Taylor, 706.745.1854 or Chuck Kittredge, Vietnam Veterans of America President, Blairsville Chapter, 561-398-0408. Here is the schedule of events.

9:00 – Vet Center open for refreshments and tours
10:00 – Armistice Ceremony begins, Opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Welcoming remarks, Recap of Upcoming events
10:15 – a brief history of historical Armistice events, and brief readings from past Armistice Day Speeches
10:30 – the Memorials are posted, and the names are read for each one.
11:00 – the flags are switched at each pole, and the service song for each is played.

11:11 – Closing prayer, go in peace.
Hey, soldier ! Check that gigline !

Name tags are now available. Look for the brown accordion folder, grab your tag, and wear it proudly at the meeting. Perhaps someone does not know your name - or you theirs.

For each of you are members of the prestigious American Legion, what you wear is a privilege granted by your individual constitutional right for which you fought. I am proud to wear the suggested clothing that distinguishes each of us, that 1% of all Americans, who sacrificed as military service members and now as American Legionnaires.  

We are fortunate to have Coosa Creek as a local vendor who has the American Legion shirts and ball caps at a very competitive price.  

- Red Shirts/Blouse with logos    men's shirt prices are approximately $21 with tax 
- Brushed Cotton Hook-and Loop Embroidery ball caps    either $13 or $16 depending on extra wording

Phone: 706-745-5535.....ask for Nancy   nancy@coosacreek.com   
Located off of Old Factory Rd and Beasley Street , ear the road to the Sheriff's Office
Jr. Vice Commander's Note - Dick Cataldo

The Meaning and History of the American Flag and Why We Honor It

One of the main reasons we honor the flag is to pay respect to our country and the liberties that we enjoy here, which means paying respects to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Stars on the United States Flag

Throughout history, the number of stars on the flag has changed. As each state joined the United States of America, another star was added. On July 4, 1960, Hawaii was the final star that completed the flag that we know today.

Stripes on the American Flag

  • Red stands for courage, hardiness, and bloodshed. Courage because our country separated from what we once knew, we started over, we fought for our freedom. Hardiness because our founding fathers believed our country would outlast the land that we came from. And finally, bloodshed to honor all those who lost their lives for our freedom and our country.
  • White stands for purity and vigilance, purity because our country is independent and not corrupted by any other country. Vigilance because our country needs to be alert and careful in the choices we make.
  • Blue stands for justice and perseverance, justice because it is the basis of our country, and perseverance because although our nation is young, we will stand firm against all opposition.

The American Flag and Tradition - The U.S. Nat'l Anthem

The American flag is deeply-rooted in the traditions of our country. It hit a milestone during the War of 1812 between the United States and the United Kingdom. Poet Francis Scott Key found himself in Baltimore during the conflict, just as Britain’s Royal Navy unleashed an assault on Fort McHenry at the Chesapeake Bay. Key watched the attack from a ship a few miles from the action. When the British left a day later, Key was surprised to observe the flag still waving over the fort. He was inspired to write the "Star-Spangled Banner" as a tribute to what he witnessed. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson declared the song to be played at all national events before it was made the national anthem.

The Pledge of Allegiance

Francis Bellamy developed a patriotic program for schools around the country in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ journey to the New World. The pledge was intended to ensure that younger people knew to respect that flag and to prevent any more civil conflicts in the future. In its original form the pledge read:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Did You Know?
President Eisenhower added the phrase “one nation, indivisible under God,” in 1954 as a response to the fear that atheism was being spread by the Soviet Union.

Proper Flag Etiquette

The section of law detailing guidelines involving the U.S. flag is called the Flag Codes. Some of the statues include:
  1. Never let the flag touch the ground.
  2. Not displaying the flag during unpleasant weather conditions.
  3. Hoisting the flag energetically and lowering it ceremoniously.
  4. To never dip the flag in such a way as to “bow” unless as a signal of duress.
  5. The flag should never be embroidered, printed, or otherwise used for any advertising purposes.
  6. Never use the flag as a costume or athletic uniform except for the patch used by military personnel or public servants and officials.

If the flag is withered and /or torn give it to the American Legion, for they will dispose your flag with dignity and the respect. We have provided 5 sites around the county, the one that is most seen is at our Union County Court House in Blairsville. We, at the American Legion collect and bring those flags to our American Legion Post 121, at the Veterans center.

Working in concert with the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia, and, during a proper ceremony, we will retire each flag with the dignity and respect our flag deserves and requires.

Of course, you should purchase a new flag. The American Legion will provide a new flag , (made in America ), to you or your organization for $20.00. Call Janice, at 706-745-1854. You may also contact us at ALPOST121@ GMAIL.COM. We will meet you or deliver to you, your new flag. Please be part of the Americanism that the American legion instills in our service to all. We are comprised of Veterans at this great organization who still serve our country.
2nd Jr. Vice commander's Notes - Ryan Rogers

No November Submission
Finance Officer's Notes - Ron Tanner (Temporary)

No November Submission
Judge Advocate/Adjutant Notes - Roy Bateman

Commander Wickersham opened the meeting at 18:30 hours.
Advancement of the colors by the Sgt of Arms and Vice-Commander.
Chaplain: Chaplain Gatlin led in prayer.
POW/MIA flag displayed.
Post Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble of the American Legion.
Commander declared the meeting convened. Judge Advocate stated a Quorum is present to conduct business.
Introduction of members and guests.
Guests Speaker: Video of Michelle Ladd’s program and video of Wreaths Across America.
·       Sr. Vice Commander Jim Reed: Pick up luncheon only at the center on November 11,2020. Dinners are provided by the American Legion and entities.
·       RV at the 3rd annual Salute to Veterans and Auction Car Show, Farmers Market, 11th November, RV at the Vet’s building all day. Michelle Ladd and Randy are RVing on a 3500 mile trip. She is working with AL Posts and members to bring  awareness to Veterans committing suicide – 22 per day. Michelle founded a nonprofit: The National Veterans Resources/ Operation 22 – 0 – focuses on PTSD, Suicide Awareness & Prevention. Her business is Hero’s Home Advantage. She works with realtors, Loan Officers, etc. to assist Veterans with home buying and selling.
·       Vice Commander Cataldo: We have flags for sale at $20.00 with a decal placed on each box with information on how to purchase a flag.
·       Adjutant Bateman: Reported 128 paid members to date with 26 not paid.
·       Finance Officer Tanner: See financial report attached. Showed a Video about Wreaths Across America and gave a report with information on how to purchase Wreaths $15.00 each, along with number already purchased. Wreaths will be placed at Holly Hill, Memory Garden and Canton.
·       Post Service Officer no report.
·       Chaplain Gatlin: Continuing to stay in contact with veterans in the local nursing homes. Rev. Richard Hoibraten has been appointed as the new Post Chaplain.
·       Riders Thomas Schell: Gave a report on the last ride and they will participate in the delivery of the Wreaths on December 19, 2020
·        SAL: No Report
·       Public Relations Jim Yohe: Membership Flyers are available and first Article on memories of WWII published..
·       Historian: Marcus Tuschel has been appointed our new Historian
·       New Business: American Legion Shirts and Hats are available for purchase from Coosa.
Closing Ceremony: retiring of the colors. Chaplain Gatlin led in a closing prayer.
There being no further business to come before the Post the meeting was adjourned at 19:45 PM.
Roy Bateman
Adjutant/Judge Advocate
Chaplain's Corner - Hebrews 10:24-25 - NIV

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

It seems that the Day in question is Jesus' demise, however, this scripture is very relevant to anyone who joins a group. Much as the disciples we active participants in their group and mission, we must also be.

So you might say that you can't come to the meetings. You have a telephone, don't you. How about volunteer to be a phone buddy - calling your fellow AL brothers and sisters from time to time to check in, and offer encouragement.

Just joining sometimes isn't enough - we are living in tough times and can use all of the support and comradeship that we can muster.

Auxiliary Prez/Chaplain
Post Services Officer's Notes - Eddie Fontaine

Good Morning Everyone,​

I think I am covering the following local groups here: American Legion, Seabees, VFW, WVO. Please help me out and forward to anyone or group leader I have missed that you all think I should include in this type of shared news concerning all veterans.

This is good information that comes out monthly you all may want to share it and the links within it for people to get it directly if interested. Please share this information freely with anyone or group you wish. Take care,

Eddie Fontaine, VSO, GDVS

Public Relations Officer's Notes - Jim and Judy Yohe
No November Submission
Historian's Notes - Jack Payne resigned. Position open and available.
Event Coordinator's Notes - JW Preston

Please see insert on Wreaths Across America.

Our Next scheduled event is the Veteran’s Cruise-in at the Farmer’s Market on November 7. We are looking for members who would like to meet a lot of friendly people and spread the word about The American Legion families while taking turns at the American Legion booth. You can let us know if you can spare the time by sending an email to: alpost121@gmail.com, with “Cruise-in” the subject line.

The American Legion Auxiliary has made arrangements to have a Meatball Sub booth at the event, proceeds to support the VSOs.
Flag Program Chairman's Notes - Don Sullivan
New Flags are on sale for $ 20.00

Wreaths Across America Sponsorship
Ira Weaver American Legion Post 121 Sponsors
Holly Hill Veterans Park Cemetery

Thanks to all who are supporting our Wreaths Across America program this year. With your help we have surpassed our goal for Holly Hill Veterans Cemetery and are now continuing with an effort to include all veteran’s graves at Memory Garden Cemetery here in Blairsville as well. 

Our schedule for wreath laying is December 19th. We are at this time planning a ceremony at the Veterans Building on Old Blue Ridge Hwy the morning of the 19th at 11:00AM and will go from there to the cemeteries to lay the wreaths. All who are interested in participating should contact me at iwpost121@gmail.com  And please continue to help spread the word and sponsor wreaths for Georgia National Cemetery as well.  

or send a check to
American Legion Post 121
P O Box 247
Blairsville, GA 30514

Thanks again for your support.

For more information contact Ron Tanner at 706-400-9452 or iwpost121@gmail.com .
We recite these 10 clauses of the preamble each and every meeting that we perform. These statements , although brief, has a world of meaning. Attached is number 8 of the preamble:

TO MAKE RIGHT THE MASTER OF MIGHT...All wars from the veterans of which The American Legion draws its membership were started by dictators who wanted their might to be the right. If human freedom is not to perish from the earth, right must always be master of might. The rights of small nations must be protected against the tyranny that powerful neighbors may seek to impose on them just as the rights of minorities in our society must be protected and respected. Our belief in enthroning right over might is the main essence of our ideological conflict with Communism today. Legionnaires are pledged by this clause always to stand with the right, protect the weak and preserve the liberties of the individual. This concept is the basis of The American Legion's continued advocacy of a strong national preparedness so as to achieve the ideal situation that right will be backed by adequate might.

Next Publication will be the 9th statement of the Preamble: 
American Legion Auxiliary

At 11:11 on Nov 11, the flags at the Leon Davenport Center will be replaced. In addition, the memorials will e posted, and a portion of the time will be dedication to a reading regarding the Armistice. YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS.

November 11th Veteran's day dinner is still on, and it will be a take out meal delivered from the Veterans' Center Building from 4-7 pm. The menu is Baked Italian Casserole, Salad, Green Beans, and Dessert. There will be limited seating to eat in if desired. Please use the coupon below to exchange for your free meal.

AND . . .

The Auxiliary will be participating in the Kris Kringle Market as a fundraiser. If you, your hubby, wife, cousin, or family member have a craft that you would consider donating to the fundraising operation, please bring it to the November meeting.


The ladies of the Auxiliary have been discussing how underutilized the Vet Center is. We are looking at expanding hours of operation, starting in January, to open the center, each Tuesday, to the public and to veterans who would like to, or need to, have some fellowship, a mentor, a bite of lunch, a massage, a haircut, destress with yoga, etc. If you have a skill that you would consider donating a couple of hours a week/month, or would just like to sit and chew the fat, please contact any member of the auxiliary to get put on our contact list so we may incorporate you into the service schedule. We are referred to Item # 10 in the preamble to the constitution of the American Legion Constitution "To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness"
Join us - Say YES!
Redeem this coupon for your free Italian dinner, in honor of our nation's veterans, on Wednesday, Nov 11, 2020 from 4-7 pm,

The event will be held at the Veterans Center at the corner of 515 and Old Blue Ridge Hwy, (the old Chamber of Commerce Bldg)

Info - call Janice - 706.745.1854
American Legion Riders
Dec 19th, Wreaths Across America Ride to place wreaths on graves at Holly Hill Cemetery, Blairsville.
Sons of the American Legion
If you know of someone who is qualified, ask them if want to be part of the American Legion family.

Eligibility Requirements
All male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died in service during World War I or since December 7, 1941, during the delimiting periods set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion. There shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership. 

For a membership application, send an email to: alpost121@gmail.com, with SAL App in the subject line - or come on third Tuesday night to the Vet Center and ask for JW Preston.
North Georgia Honor Guard

Volunteers Needed - Please contact
Bill Stodgill, Cdr, Western Division -

Wayne Roshaven, Cdr, Eastern Division -


Red Shirt Friday - Wear a red shirt every Friday in support of service men and women.

01 - USPS deadlines for military Christmas holiday mail
01 - Natl Veterans & Military Family Month - A month to honor and celebrate the contributions and sacrifices of the families of the U.S. Armed Forces
01 - Warrior Care Month
01 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
05 - National Veterans Small Business Week (through 09)
07 - Veteran's Cruise in at the Farmer's Market
10 - Marine Corps Birthday
11 - Changing of the Flags, Posting of Memorials, 11/11 at 11:11 - Honoring the Armistice
16 - VSO Commander's Meeting - 9am
11 - Veterans Day - The anniversary date of the signing of the armistice which ended the World War I. Also a day set aside to thank military veterans for their service.
11 - Armistice / Remembrance Day - A day set aside to remember those who died or were injured in World War I and other wars
11/11 at 11 - American Legion Auxiliary posting of the SAVAM memorials at the Leon Davenport Veterans Center Flagpoles.
11-11 - Michele Ladd, Veterans Resources will be at the Vet Center
11-11 - VSO drive-thru Veteran's dinner 4-7 pm
12 - SAL and ALR Meeting
17 - Regular Meeting Legion and Auxiliary - 6:30 pm
26 - Thanksgiving Day

01 - Civil Air Patrol (USAF Aux) Birthday
05 - Kris Kringle Market (Auxiliary) 10am - 3pm
07 - Pearl Harbor Day - Called "A day which will live in infamy" by Franklin D. Roosevelt - On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
09 - ALA Christmas Celebration Meeting
13 - National Guard Birthday
19 - Wreaths Across American - Blairsville's Own Holly Hill Ceremony
28 - Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Assistant / Religious Affairs Specialist.

JAN 2020
Tasty Tuesday begins

Name, Position

Dan Wickersham, Cdr
Mike Ayers, Past Cdr
Jim Reed, Sr Vice Cdr
Dick Cataldo, Jr Vice Cdr
Ryan Rogers, 2nd Jr Vice Cdr
Ron Tanner, Temp Finance Ofcr
Roy Bateman, Judge Advocate
Richard Hoibraten
Eddie Fontaine, Post Svc Officer
Jim & Judy Yohe, Public Relations
Marcus Tuschel, HIstorian
JW Preston, Event Coordinator
Don Sullivan, Flag Program Chair
Riders - The Schells
Janice Walters-Taylor - Newsletter






We thank these businesses for their support of The American Legion Post 121

For Advertising and Sponsorship Information please contact
Old Union Golf Course
78 Scores Point
Blairsville GA 30512

Alexander's Store
4482 Town Creek School Road
Blairsville GA 30512