For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
for my hope is from him.
 Psalm 62:5


Dear Friends,

We received the results of Amy's latest PT on Thursday June 9th in the afternoon. We would have, at that time, told everyone but we wanted to talk with our close physician friend from Dallas before sharing the results. 

We have some good news but a small concern as well.  First, the very positive news is that none of the lymph nodes have grown since the last scan in March.  However, there are two nodes that are larger than normal.  They have not changed in size since March but there is one change, they both exhibit a small amount of metabolic activity.  It is a concern to us that they lit up, even dimly, on the scan.

I wanted to talk with our physician friend who has been with us through the whole journey.  His opinion is that if it was cancer there should be tumor growth as well.  He feels that there may be scar tissue from the swelling of the nodes when they were cancerous tumors. The radiologist called it indeterminate metabolic activity.  We don't know what it is but we are, of course, asking for continued prayer for Amy. Please pray for God's providence and will to be carried out through Amy and that He would choose to continue to heal her.

God bless you all, and thank you for standng with us in prayer.

In His Care,

VOM Conference...   

Saturday, June 24
Springfield, IL


July 9 Philadelphia, PA

July 16 Bloomington, MN 
See you there!
In His Joy,
We continue to marvel at how God has, and is sustaining us through the continuation of our ministry and by the sweet sweet gifts from our friends and partners in ministry.  The "" account, set up by the Van Pelts from Florida, has been a blessing to us! We have felt the immediate effects of the financial help and we have been so encouraged by all of the notes from the donors. The amount of time, energy, and finances spent on rebuilding Amy's immune system, fighting the cancer, and fighting the effects of chemotherapy is being mitigated by so many of you.   

As always, thank you to the Van Pelts and thank you to all of you who have responded! 
Wix Music Group * PO Box 307 * Marquette, MI 49855 (615) 364-6161