For those of you are frequent readers, you probably sense I am maybe not the most positive, optimistic, cheer leader-like person. I call it being "realistic," and of course some may call it "pessimistic." I certainly have moments of optimism, and I hold the firm belief that ending homelessness as we know it in the United States of America is possible.
And today my friends is a milestone that we know would happen, and it brings many unhappy feelings. I cannot write a monthly blog that is cheery and paints a portrait of positivity. My authentic self won't allow me to put on blinders and share with you uplifting and happy things that are happening.
Here is why.
I have written about a looming financial cliff, the end of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. At the end of Arizona Governor Ducey's term he granted our organization $10M of State ARPA dollars. Once that grant agreement was written and signed, we launched two Bridge Housing programs and expanded our Multi-Disciplinary Street Outreach team. At the same time we have been operating a Bridge Housing program with Maricopa County.
In total today, across these three Bridge Housing programs, we are providing 262 people with indoor shelter, meals, and services to lead them to housing. A team of 30 staff are operating these programs around the clock.
Our 17 person Street Outreach Team provides regional engagement to unhoused people, connecting them with humanity, services, and paths to housing. Fifty to sixty people per month are moved from the streets to indoor programs by this Team.
And today, knowing the contract end dates are November 30, 47 staff were told we can no longer employ them after their programs wind down.
No new clients will be brought in to the Bridge Housing programs. And the Outreach team will now turn its efforts to assisting the Bridge teams in a hyper-focused effort to find housing for 262 people between now and the end of November.
On a day when employees are learning that we have an end date to their positions, I cannot ignore the unease this gives me and our leadership team. These people deserve the sole attention of this month's blog in recognition for their work. So I offer you the truth...continue reading here....