Our Year in Review
January 5, 2017     
This year has flown by for our investigators as I'm sure it has for each of you, our invaluable supporters and friends.  
In the past twelve months, our Angels in the field have been conducting investigation after investigation, and we've shared many of those results with you. We've been fighting in boardrooms as well, talking with lawmakers and enforcement agencies as we strive to protect the helpless animals that depend on us so much. 

With your loyal support, we were able to conduct 158 investigations throughout the United States and abroad to raise awareness of the cruelties that too many animals face at auction, in feedlots, and in transport - not to mention the horrors of the horse slaughter pipeline. Our comprehensive reports have been shared with varying enforcement agencies to assist with ongoing cases or investigations as well as the media to increase visibility of the operations in question. 

While we always know that there is more to be done, 2016 was a highly productive and successful year at Animals' Angels. In addition, our goals for protecting as many animals as possible are on track for the coming year - and we have YOU to thank you for that! Indeed, none of our successes, none of the progress or protections for the animals we have accomplished would have been possible without YOU. 

We are grateful beyond words to have you as part of our family - this Year in Review is as much yours as it is ours.
What has Happened to the US Slaughter Horse Exports to Mexico Since EU Ban?  

Our 2016 research showed conclusively that the weekly reports put out by USDA AMS Market News are not accurate, because the shipment of horses across the border to Mexico for slaughter have decreased far more than what the USDA AMS numbers indicated.

T he positive development continues! New data obtained by Animals' Angels directly from our sources at the USDA Foreign Agricultural Services confirms that shipments of U.S. horses to Mexico in 2016 continued to greatly decrease from the 2015 numbers We're thrilled to see that the ban continues to have a positive impact in the fight against horse slaughter.  

empty pens at Mexico slaughter plant

AA's European Outreach

AA with EU partners

Our EU Campaign is still going strong and as the only U.S. organization invited to make a presentation to the EU Commission regarding horse slaughter, we are thrilled to have their ear to raise awareness to the atrocities of this predatory industry. We routinely provide reports and documentation evidencing the stark realities of horse slaughter and the money-driven business built on the exploitation and suffering of animals.

While we have succeeded in opening their eyes to the cruelties and animal welfare concerns, we have also provided in-depth documentation as to the fraudulent health records accompanying many horses which speaks to the grave risks horsemeat represents to consumers due to the pharmaceuticals given to the animals over their lifetime.

horses in a Bouvry Feedlot - we continue to push for a complete ban of horsemeat imports from Canada into the EU

"Blood Horse" Report Makes the News AND Creates Change

Our Blood Horse investigation from 2015 had far reaching results in 2016 - the media abroad was outraged by the findings in our report, which prompted changes at government and enforcement levels.  Most importantly, the European Parliament demanded a complete import stop for PMSG sourced from cruel productions, which is a huge step in the right direction.
During a meeting in Brussels with Vytenis Andriukaitis, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, all of the evidence from the investigation was reviewed and the Commissioner acknowledged  that improvement was needed.  This is advocacy in motion and reaffirms our stance that awareness is the key to the positive changes the animals need and deserve.
horses on "blood farm"

A Secret Empire Exposed

poor conditions documented at McBarron's kill pen
Our report detailing the extensive slaughter horse network operated by long-term kill buyer  Mike McBarron was publicized and  raised much-needed awareness as to the exorbitant amounts of money being made, not only in the slaughter trade, but in the side business of kill pens as well. 

The report in its entirety was shared with law enforcement and government agencies in Texas to encourage an investigation into McBarron's business practices. Our report and accompanying evidence was then subsequently shared by these officials to enforcement agencies in other states to increase the visibility of McBarron's reach, support ongoing cases involving individuals in McBarron's network, and to raise awareness among agency personnel of the internal workings of kill pens and broker programs.  


McBarron's site in Texas


Sentient Beings are the Stock-in-Trade

chickens in tightly packed cages
Our investigators were able to expose conditions at First Monday Trade Days in Canton, TX; a monthly flea market that, among other things, deals in live animals. 

The evidence uncovered during our investigation raises serious questions regarding the inconsistencies found at the location and the definite lack of regulatory enforcement.

More awareness is needed regarding this and other open-air flea markets that are selling animals across the U.S.  It is high time we as a society put an end to flea markets and roadside vendors who exploit animals and profit from their indiscriminate sale. 

dozens of puppies climb on top of each other seeking relief from the hot Texas sun

Cruelty at Kalona

We reached out to our supporters and many answered the call to voice their outrage over the conditions at the Kalona Sales Barn in Iowa and the inhumane treatment of the animals in their care. 

horses at Kalona

We will continue to speak out regarding this auction, most especially the urgent need to remove the hydraulic gate currently in use.

hydraulic gate terrifies & crushes horses as they go through


City of Presidio Landfill - A Step Forward 
We were happy to provide documentation from our reports on the Presidio export pens to Council members and other legislators in the City of Presidio to assist in the decision-making process regarding landfill fees for dead horses brought out from the export pens. While the increase was not as high as we, or the Town Administrators, had hoped for, it will nonetheless in all probability put a serious financial strain on the operators of the pens.
More importantly, it is a positive step for the horses. Now facing a greater financial loss, these individuals will be more inclined to better evaluate the horses they ship and not risk shipping weak, injured, and debilitated horses, which in turn would reduce the suffering of thousands of horses shipped through Presidio each year.

Dead horse at Presidio pens
dead horse discarded at Presidio export pen

Kill Pens in the News
We were thrilled to see not only the Stanley Brothers' operations but also the issue of horse slaughter brought before the public by KNOE 8 News in Louisiana. The exposé "The Kill Pen" by KNOE Reporter Tim Bragg, aired in two parts and raised a lot of awareness on the inherent cruelty and predatory nature of the horse slaughter industry

We at Animals' Angels were pleased to be able to assist Mr. Bragg with his research into the Stanley Brothers and just how kill pens and kill buyers operate, as well as what happens "behind the scenes" for horses caught in the slaughter pipeline. Our heartfelt thanks go out to Tim Bragg and KNOE 8 News for airing this detailed report and bringing much needed attention to such an important issue.

Animals are NOT Freight
For the first time, Animals' Angels participated in the Animals are Not Freight campaign, an important global day of action highlighting the suffering and all too often horrific conditions animals face in transport. Thanks to your support, we were able to reach out and educate the public on a large scale and now more people than ever are aware of the cruelties inherent in long distance transport.
With knowledge comes wisdom and with wisdom comes the desire to create change in the world around us - this global day of action will have broad reaching results, thanks to the help of kind-hearted and compassionate people like you. 

What's to Come in 2017

AA's EU Campaign Forges Ahead
Our EU Consumer Awareness Campaign, which launched in 2012, continues to move forward and create positive changes for horses trapped in the slaughter pipeline. We will continue to put a major focus on our EU Campaign in the coming year as our horses are still not safe from the slaughter pipeline and until they are, this is an area that continues to need our attention.

horses in a Bouvry feedlot

Escalon Auction - The Cruelty Must End
Our comprehensive compilation report detailing the in-depth investigations we have conducted into the Escalon Auction was released in 2016 and exposed the continued cruelty at the Escalon Auction in California on a grand scale. Although we have documented horrific cruelty against dairy cows at this auction again and again, neither law enforcement nor the District Attorney's Office have acted or investigated.

We will not allow their head-in-the-sand policy to continue, and in 2017 plan to heighten our investigations at this location in an effort to force the D.A.'s Office to finally do their job and take action against the auction.

cow left down and suffering at Escalon

Ongoing Police Training
Our unique training program geared to law enforcement personnel which debuted in 2013 will continue to make the rounds as we meet with enforcement agencies to provide this one-of-a-kind opportunity. The program has been a great success and has not only provided valuable resources to those officers in the field dealing with a cruelty case, but will also establish a line of communication and a support network for animal welfare calls.

A Worthy Campaign
We look forward to our 2nd year with Animals are Not Freight as we feel that it is an amazing platform to bring so many transport issues that animals face here in the U.S. to light. We greatly appreciate the opportunity that this program provides in allowing us to reach a broader audience. 

We will of course continue our investigations into auctions and transport to not only raise awareness but to also protect the animals from cruel and inhumane conditions. We want nothing more than to be in the field as much as possible. In fact, in the next year we plan to take on an even more rigorous schedule of investigations as we ramp up several of our campaigns aimed at informing and educating not just the general public, but legislators as well - both here and abroad. 

horse in sale ring at Kalona auction

How You Can Help
We are working towards the day when systemic animal cruelty and exploitation no longer exist and investigations such as ours are no longer needed.
But until that much sought after day arrives, our investigators will remain ever diligent in the field - working on behalf of the animals, protecting them as best we can from those who mean to harm them, and we will continue to seek justice against the individuals and businesses who make their profit on the backs of these sentient beings.

Our goals are ambitious, but with the assistance of each and every one of you, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of so many animals and help bring about much-needed change among the businesses that currently exploit them.  

We will always be there for these animals - and we hope you will be, too. 

By donating today, you will be helping to protect the animals we all know and love. Help us to help them - TOGETHER we can put an end to the cruelty and bring hope for a brighter future. 

Your generosity will keep Animals' Angels in the field and moving forward, always moving forward, to protect the defenseless and eventually, ensure that organizations such as ours are no longer needed! But until that day comes, we will be there for the animals. We hope you will be too. 

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so ALL donations are tax deductible. 

sonja inspecting trailer

Your support is crucial to continue the fight against animal cruelty.   Animals' Angels counts on you!  Help us be there for the animals.

Animals' Angels works to improve the conditions for farm animals and horses all over the country. 
Our investigators are out in the field nationwide, visiting auctions, kill pens, feedlots and slaughter plants to uncover the cruelty and abuse that animals all too often face each and every day.
Animals' Angels, Inc.
PO Box 1056
Westminster, MD 21158
Just by shopping through Amazon, you can help our investigators stay in the field, protecting animals! 
A percentage of all sales will be donated to fund our investigations. Please check out this promotion and share it with your friends. It has never been easier to be there for the animals.

Need to clean house? 
Or are you looking for a special gift?
Did you know Animals' Angels has an online thrift store? You can donate your unused items OR buy that unique gift you just can't live without. 

This is one of the easiest ways to donate to help the animals. Take a peek inside our store and share with friends! And please consider making a donation of your unused items!

For more ideas on how you can help the animals and to learn about the many issues animals all across the country face every day, please visit our website!