[Blog continued...]
And yes, I am well aware that the current Mayor will not appreciate the City Council rebuking her efforts to remake Knoxville but you and each of you with a vote have an obligation to us FIRST! Your obligation to her is largely ceremonial so I implore you all to ask yourselves this one complex question that warrants one simple answer: ‘In your heart of hearts, do you really believe that the citizens who voted you into office really want you to use your vote to approve a 400-page rewrite of codes that, though maybe outdated, certainly aren’t so broken that this radical a change is necessary? I think you and each of you can agree that the best course of action is to PUNT!
Stephanie Welch
, you’ve had a seat at the table for this process and must be sensing that this is a bad situation that needs additional consideration if not a full-throated rejection of the final work product. Between me an you, your best course of action is to explain why the whole 400-page 'puzzle' should be reviewed by the next council before a final vote is taken.
Seema Singh
, you too would do well to explain to citizens – as only you can – why delaying a vote on ReCode or scrapping it would be the truest way express the will of the people. This will give
George and Lauren
a solid reason to pin this ill-fated initiative on the next mayor & council.
also needs punt cover to catch up to his opponent
Eddie Mannis
who also calls for a PUNT!
As it relates to East Knoxville’s 6
District, we must be particularly mindful of aspects of the Agenda 21 motivated ReCode initiative that will make it much easier for real estate development profiteers like
KCDC (Knoxville Community Development Corporation)
to orchestrate the creation of inordinate number of group homes and halfway houses that the current city administration has allowed to flourish in our communities for the last several years. THINK ABOUT IT: It’s no coincidence that
Nikki Giovanni
was recognized with a sign acknowledging that she was RIGHT and the City Government that gave us Urban Renewal on the backs of East Knoxville Communities was wrong, Wrong, WRONG!
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”!