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Restoring Child Care Works Payment Practices
Based on Attendance and Invoicing for All Children
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has released the Announcement ELRC - 20 #11, Restoring Child Care Works Payment Practices Based on Attendance and Invoicing for All Children . The purpose of this announcement is to provide additional information to child care programs participating in Child Care Works (CCW) and the Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRC) in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This Announcement replaces in its entirety, Announcement ELRC-20-#09.

Prior to COVID-19, CCW payments were made based on reimbursement for enrolled children’s attendance. Effective September 1, 2020 , CCW payments will return to payment practices and policies based on attendance and invoicing for all children, regardless of when the child was enrolled with the provider.  Additionally, the following policies, which were suspended due to COVID-19 during the March-August period, will again be effective:

  • Absences will be tracked and counted towards the 40 days of absences for all children.  
  • Children’s enrollment after five days of absence will be suspended until the child returns to care. 
  • All Adverse Action notices will be sent to families per policy. ELRCs will begin to send Adverse Action notices that have been held due to revised COVID-19 policy.
  • Dual enrollments, the practice implemented under COVID-19 to support both a closed provider and families who needed care will end. Children will be enrolled only with the provider where the child attends.
  • Collection of family co-pays will resume.

This communication is intended to provide advance notice to child care providers, allowing them to adequately plan for use of the final CARES Act funding which will be issued in August. The distribution of the final CARES Act funding will be guided by information from The Impacts of COVID-19 on Pennsylvania Child Care Providers study, completed by Penn State Harrisburg, Institute of State and Regional Affairs.

The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports families 
and their children, from prenatal through school age, by using data, research and 
stakeholder guidance to assure high quality services.