Snapshots, For the Better
- Our North Star
- The Folder Is the Holder
- Targeted Educational Handouts
- Informative Quartet
- Dining Room Challenges
- Attention Getting Placements
With customized practice brochure ready to show and introductory meetings planned for first priority Senior Living Communities (SLCs), we are confident that storytelling success will nurture promising results. With PEAK Performance our North Star, resident-centric intentions should be genuinely understood and remarkable. As emphasized, many decision makers will express healthy skepticism or reflect inertia, both needing to be turned in our favor.
To further articulate your quality-of-life commitments, eye-catching presentation folders will imprint positive impressions. This previous issue highlighted how the folder is the holder and why content inside is review-worthy.
“... with professional intent, industry leaders develop useful presentation folders that are In Sight, In Mind, featuring:
- Well-Planned Templates
- Modular Content
- Easy and Quick Design Process
“Your Impressive Introductions begin with an eye-catching and upscale look worthy of your distinguished practice. Together, we segue from “I have been wanting to do this for years” to co-creating, in differentiated ways which stimulate positive impact and practice growth.”
“Featured left are tiered inserts (11” / 10” / 9” / 8” / 7”) which, to various recipients, support telling your practice story. Popular layered selections include:
- Diagnostic Codes & Accepted Insurances
- Hearing Health Experts with professional pictures and biographies
- Our Patients’ Say it Best testimonials
- Professional Services with scope of practice details
- Pathway to Better Hearing illustrating clinical flow
“Once again, you will enjoy NOT having to reinvent the wheel. Instead, you choose desired templates, provide necessary inputs, customize easily and display confidently.
“While featured left are widely applicable inserts, featured right are targeted educational handouts.”
To drive PEAK Performance, our informative quartet of resident-centric initiatives motivate Healthy Hearing, Better Living momentum to benefit all involved. While exploring each, imagine positive surprise when SLC decision makers discover high integrity educational themes and compassionate care which deftly aligns with their wellness mission. Amid busy schedules, when seeking “new wheels”, most prefer to NOT having to reinvent them.
From the start, inspired teamwork is smart, encouraging teachable moments in these dimensions:
- Lifestyle. Intuitively tactical in nature, synced with daily goals and challenges
- Comorbidities. Featuring relevant topics such as dementia, the risk of falls and dual sensory loss
- Wellness Events. Sharing reputable educational information in engaging and influential ways
- Staff Training. Providing practical guidance on hearing aid care and loss prevention.
As Early Birds, we begin with a logical Lifestyle focal point and daily highlight, mealtime conversations. While favorite foods are in good taste, our popular design poses a sensory question, “do you have a problem hearing in the dining room?”
From years of experience, you recognize listening challenges in noisy environments are prevalent. While disconcerting for all ages, they are especially so for seniors starving for fun conversations. As versatile chefs prepare desired recipes, optimal hearing abilities set the table to fully enjoy dining routines. Whether independent or assisted living, ideally, residents’ pleasure with social interactions are a main course.
“A conversation is so much more than words,
a conversation is eyes, smiles,
the silences between the words.”
— Annika Thor
With your lifestyle message on point, diverse In Sight displays will increase probability it will be In Mind. Tactically, there are multiple ways our popular “Have a problem hearing in the dining room?” design will get attention and spur action. When shared with SLC decision makers, they appreciate your proactive solutions to vexing awareness challenges.
Typical formats and visible placements include:
- Canvas artwork, with easily read insert, visibly placed near entrance of or inside dining room.
- Eye-catching countertop displays at front desk, wellness center or activity rooms
- Inserts for in elevator messaging bulletins
- Inserts placed in residents’ mailboxes, akin to targeted mail without postage
Looking ahead, our Informative Quartet will pivot back to comorbidity education via our comprehensive “Did You Know?” campaign. As a prelude, we will present an Encore Issue which explains why hearing health advocates should Take Science Seriously™.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)
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