A Message from Dean Thomason
Rebekah Gilmore to serve as Interim Youth Minister
Dear friends,
It is with great delight that I am able to share the news that Rebekah Gilmore will serve as Interim Youth Minister. For five years now, Rebekah serves as Associate Musician, Director of the Choir School, and a cantor and soloist for Saint Mark’s Cathedral. She knows the children and youth of the parish, and she brings a passion for their spiritual development, not just through the lens of music, but broadly as the beautiful persons they are. In this time of pandemic, with her work in the Choir School scaled back for a time, she has capacity to engage this work of youth ministry, and as you will see from her statement below, she has excitement for the opportunity. I am excited to see her bring her many gifts to this ministry. Please join me in welcoming Rebekah to the role.
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector
Dear Saint Mark’s community,
Rebekah Gilmore
I was pleased and affirmed when Dean Thomason proposed that I serve as the Interim Youth Minister for our cathedral youth. My work with the Choir School choristers is fueled by my desire to strengthen and deepen their relationship with God and the church. Expanding that work to include all the youth of our community during this unique time in history is a welcomed challenge and joy. I look forward to accompanying their exploration of deep questions and working to gather them into community while we navigate the changing landscape of life in the midst of pandemic. It will be a privilege to work more closely with our teenagers who I know to be hilarious and compassionate people, remarkable young workers for justice, and inquisitive children of God.

In Christ,
Rebekah Gilmore
Associate Musician & Choir School Director
Interim Youth Minister