October 19, 2020
On Open Letter to the Community Newspapers:
The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan was fond of saying that “everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” Truer words could not have been spoken about the opinion piece by Michael Miller in the latest edition of Community Newspapers. While I respect Michael and his ability to write anything he wants in his own newspaper, his facts are so wrong that either he does not know Palmetto Bay, or it is simply political propaganda under the guise of serious journalism. We should expect better.
I am privileged that two years ago, the residents of Palmetto Bay honored me with their vote. As their Mayor, every single day I work to keep faith with them and demand honest, transparent, efficient, and cordial government. Unfortunately, one of my colleagues on Council (who has been a financial contributor to events your newspaper sponsors), appears to have provided the misinformation you used to write your opinion since he and our former manager are peddling the same misinformation around Palmetto Bay. It is wrong when they say it and it is wrong when you write it.
Let’s review the facts:
· Our former Village Manager and now candidate for Vice Mayor resigned and received a substantial package upon his resignation. While I have no problem saying that I requested his resignation, ultimately it was his decision. This was a difficult business decision and was voted on by the Council.
· Kelly Craig, our former Public Information Officer (and you are right she is beloved) resigned for reasons that you would need to ask of her. I valued her service and asked her to reconsider. We remain in close contact and while I wish she was still serving the residents of our community; I respect her decision to move on. I am sure she would welcome your call to get the facts.
· The Village Council voted on and hired a qualified search firm to help us identify and select our new Manager. Under my leadership, and for the first time in Palmetto Bay, a managerial search was done through a transparent and professional process and, at my request, our residents participated in it through a series of virtual townhalls. Frankly, I am stunned by your characterization of this process as “tumultuous.” I ask you to compare this process to the manner in which former manager was selected under the former mayor. If you want good management you can’t pick a friend or a political ally, but rather someone who is competent, experienced, and credentialed to do the job.
· Councilmember Singer has filed several unfounded ethics complaints against me, Councilmember Matson, and other former elected female councilmembers. They have all been dismissed and cost our community over $20,000 in legal fees. Shameful.
You are correct on one fact, I am proudly supporting Leanne Tellam for Vice Mayor and Steve Cody for Councilmember not because, as you write, I am authoritarian (now that is truly funny!) but because I want the best for our community. Service and leadership are skills that are built over the course of a lifetime. I am not sure when the need for “governmental experience” was added to the list of necessary criteria to represent the people. All that is needed is a love of the community, willingness to listen, serve, and govern respectfully.
In closing, let me just say, I respect you and the Community Newspapers, and I respect the freedom you enjoy to opine as you see fit. But journalistic standards, even in opinion pieces, requires that the basis of what is written is factual. And here you have failed the test. If you don’t know Palmetto Bay, then I suggest you inform yourself prior to expressing a view. If, on the other hand, this was a piece intended to support your preferred political candidates then the question is, are you a newspaper or a broadsheet for advertisers and advertorials?
Warm Regards,