COVID-19 Impact on Key Delaware Industries with Patrick Harker
- Listen to the recording
- Read Harker's prepared remarks
- Download our COVID-19 Prevention Best Practices Guide
- Download our blueprint for economic recovery in the First State
Patrick Harker, president & chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia joined us on May 12 to provide a regional economic outlook with a deep dive on key Delaware industries, including commercial real estate, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, hospitality, banking and finance, and the legal sector.
- An uneven economic recovery is predicted for the state
- Some industries like hospitality and tourism will face a more difficult recovery compared to others like manufacturing and finance
- Trends, like consumer behavior and automation, that were showing before the pandemic have been sped up due to the crisis – businesses need to think creatively to survive
- Workforce development will be key for economic recovery
- There must be an intelligent reopening - it is incredibly important to give businesses the right tools and information to help them prepare a smart and safe plan for their employees and customers
This brief studies the economic impact of the pandemic through a different lens: that of place. It looks in detail at the neighborhoods where residents are most at risk of job loss; at the initial economic, housing, and demographic characteristics of these residents; and at the impact of potential job loss on their economic and housing situation.
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This brief focuses on two major channels through which COVID-19 has impacted small businesses in the short term. First, social distancing measures have hit small businesses in certain industries harder than others by radically reducing demand for their services. Second, almost all state governments have explicitly required nonessential businesses to close their physical locations to suppress the spread of COVID-19.
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Which Workers Will Be Most Impacted?
This brief identifies the occupations that are most likely to be negatively affected by social distancing practices and then describe the characteristics of the workers holding those jobs.
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Opportunity occupations are jobs that do not require a four-year college degree and that pay at least the national annual median wage of $37,690, adjusted for differences in the local cost of living. In the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington metro area, the largest opportunity occupations include registered nurses; heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers; maintenance and repair workers; and bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks.
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Join us on May 19 for our Next Webinar
In the last few weeks, Sussex County has seen an increase in the number of COVID-19 positive cases. Many of the people affected are employed in the agriculture sector. Their absence from the workplace is creating challenges for the supply of food at grocery stores, and will soon impact restaurants and workplace cafeterias too.
Holly Porter of the Delmarva Poultry Industry
Richard Wilkins of the Delaware Farm Bureau
will discuss current challenges the agriculture industry is facing, the effects of supply chain disruption and how they may affect you and your business, and the future of the industry in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
States have shifted the focus of their COVID-19 response from managing the public health crisis to the economic recovery phase. States have started allowing certain businesses to open, and most have announced plans for a phased reopening of the economy. Since each state’s degree of “openness” is determined by many factors, and because each state handled pandemic response differently, MultiState developed the
COVID-19 State Reopening Guide
to condense these factors into one easy-to-understand “openness score” that allows you to compare states to one another.
Delaware ranks 39th.
Updated Guidance PPP Loans
Question #40 addresses efforts at employee retention and whether PPP loan forgiveness will be reduced “if the borrower laid off an employee, offered to rehire the same employee, but the employee declined the offer?”
The answer is “No,” and to qualify for the exception “the borrower must have made a good faith, written offer of rehire, and the employee’s rejection of that offer must be documented by the borrower. Employees and employers should be aware that employees who reject offers of re-employment may forfeit eligibility for continued unemployment compensation.”
Message from the President
Many of you probably had your calendar marked for our
Superstars in Education
awards reception that was scheduled for this past Monday. It has, of course, been postponed. But I still want to take a moment to recognize the outstanding education programs that comprise our 2020 Class of Superstars in Education winners.
One of the many important things we advocate for at the State Chamber is workforce development. These three Superstar programs do just that. I encourage you to take a few minutes and read about these innovative programs that are preparing tomorrow's workforce.
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The Other Reason Why
Corporations Choose Delaware
Delawareans know that the First State is famous for a lot of things: Ratifying the Constitution, beautiful beaches, prodigious poultry production, just to name a few. If you’re in business, you probably also know that Delaware is famous as a place to incorporate. But there’s another factor that you might not be familiar with – a fourth leg of the stool supporting Delaware’s reputation as “America’s Corporate Capital.”
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In a Time of Adaptation, Building Relationships Remains First
As of the 1st of January, The Byrd Group became ByrdGomes. This new name reflects the most recent incarnation of what is one of Delaware’s oldest and most dynamic lobbying firms. And while technology and the expectations of both clients and government officials has changed, one thing has not: Relationships.
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Office of the Governor
- With the assistance of the Delaware Farmers’ Market Coalition, a group of market managers from across the state, the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) is issuing protocols to help farmers’ markets safely begin opening starting May 15. Read more
- The State of Delaware entered into an agreement with the nonpartisan research institution NORC at the University of Chicago to build Delaware’s statewide contact tracing program to contain COVID-19, limit Delawareans’ exposure to the disease, and restart Delaware’s economy. Approximately 200 Delawareans will be hired as contact tracers. Read more
- The State of Delaware will lift restrictions on Delaware beaches and community pools at 5:00 pm on Friday, May 22, subject to strict social distancing requirements and other restrictions. Ice cream shops and trucks will reopen with restrictions effective 5:00 pm this Friday, May 15. Read more
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