From June 17 to June 24, we witnessed several World Refugee Day celebrations and events across the state.

We were humbled to see such an outpouring of support from communities eager to welcome newcomers and honor the resilience of refugees in Missouri and around the world.

Below are photos from a few of those events, but you can find more in our World Refugee Day 2023 recap blog post here!
At IISTL's World Refugee Day celebration at City Foundry in St. Louis on June 17.
From the family-friendly celebration in Columbia on June 24. Photo courtesy of CCCNMO's Facebook.
Local Springfield Board members, the mayor, Rotary Club officials, and IISMO’s own Hamid Safi celebrated the Rotary Peace Pole and Garden unveiling at Nathanael Green/Close Memorial Park on June 20.
Courtesy of IISMO’s Facebook page.
At Kansas City's community-wide event at the North-East Public Library on June 17. Photo courtesy of Della Lamb's Facebook.
We also hosted a panel discussion on World Refugee Day!

We were excited to partner with some of the people working to support immigrants and refugees in St. Louis: Alla Gonzalez Del Castillo, Ph.D., with St. Louis Public Schools, Betsy Cohen with the St. Louis Mosaic Project, Karin Johnes with KW Law, and Sahar Hussaini, an intern Afghan Community Center, who also shared her story and perspective as a refugee.

With food from Sameem shared around the bar at T-REX, it was a delightful event!
So many great resources were shared on and leading up to World Refugee Day that we just had to collect some of them!

  • What does welcoming look like? Welcome Corps is proud to introduce you to Shadi, who comes from Syria, and Brendan Work, his friend and supporter: a newcomer and a Welcomer sharing their story of welcome. 

  • Welcoming Week 2023: Join organizations across the state as they prepare to celebrate Welcoming Week September 8-17. Stay tuned for more news about upcoming events!

  • Springfield CultureFest: You can witness the rich ethnic heritage and legacy of Springfield at this celebration coming up on September 30.