Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

An Update from the Office of Community Engagement and Constituent Services (CECS)

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Dear Community Leaders and Members of Anne Arundel County,

The team looks forward to hearing from residents tomorrow night during the District 7 Budget Town Hall at the Southern High School Auditorium. This is your chance to share your priorities and provide input directly to County Executive Pittman and Councilwoman Leadbetter. See the full list of Budget Town Halls by clicking here.

Join us next Wednesday at noon for a discussion with the Department of Aging and Disabilities to learn about their services to help individuals live independently and safely at home while staying engaged in their communities. These resources are available to older adults, individuals with disabilities, caregivers, veterans, military families, and anyone planning for the future. Join the hundreds of county residents who have participated in an EngageArundel webinar and register today!

Vincent Moulden

Office of the County Executive

Director, CECS

County Executive Pittman in the Community

Photos of the County Executive around the county.

1. 37th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Awards Banquet | 2. 43rd Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Breakfast | 3. Testifying on SB70 - County Income Tax - Rate and Income Brackets - Alterations | 4. Anne Arundel Chamber of Commerce 2025 Legislative Breakfast

Follow the County Executive on social media:

Facebook  X  Instagram  LinkedIn  Youtube

Upcoming Budget Town Hall

Join us on January 23rd for the District 7 Budget Town Hall at Southern High School at 6:00 pm


Image advertising the next Engage Arundel webinar, titled "Positioning for Growth and Change: Resources for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, Caregivers, and Veterans in the County." This Zoom webinar will take place on Wednesday, January 29th 2025 from 12 to 1 PM and can be registered for by clicking the image.

County News and Updates

Region 8: How can we make a greener future? Click here to learn more and submit comments by February 20th.

Anne Arundel County utilizes an emergency notification system, CivicReady©, capable of contacting citizens and businesses quickly in case of an emergency. CivicReady© alerts the public of emergencies and disasters, safety measures to be taken, and information pertaining to government operations.

FY26 MHAA Grant Round Now Open 

Intent to Apply forms due January 27, 2025  

Photos of homes and landscapes.

The FY 2026 Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA) grant round for capital and non-capital heritage-related projects is open and accepting Intents to Apply (ITA), the first step in submitting an application. ITAs are due by January 27, 2025. Full applications are due by March 3, 2025.  

Read more here.

Save the date for our upcoming awards ceremonies!
Our Northern District is holding a Youth Winter Coat Drive to support our local school district. Please consider donating any new or gently used coats, hats, and gloves at our Northern District station between January 14th and February 14th. 939 Hammonds Lane, Brooklyn.

Our Northern District is holding a Youth Winter Coat Drive to support our local school district. Please consider donating any new or gently used coats, hats, and gloves at our Northern District station between January 14th and February 14th. 939 Hammonds Lane, Brooklyn.

An image of a microphone and soundwave with the title "Pittman and friends podcast." Clicking the image takes you to the podcast webpage.
The pittman and friends podcast logo with an image of Julie Hummer.

Council Chair Julie Hummer on Land Use, Budgets, District 4, and More

This week, on episode 13 of Pittman and Friends, County Executive Pittman is joined by Julie Hummer, Anne Arundel County Council Chair and District 4 representative.

New episodes are released weekly on Tuesdays. To learn more about Pittman and Friends or to listen to the show, visit

Warming Relief

Anne Arundel County has made several facilities available for warming relief this winter. If you need temporary relief from the cold weather, stop in and use the designated facilities during their normal business hours. Anyone who needs sheltering should contact the Crisis Warmline at 410-768-5522. Visit for more info.

When temperatures drop we encourage residents and visitors to do the following:

  • Dress in layers to stay warmer for longer. This also gives you more flexibility to remove layers while still staying warm.
  • Prepare for the unexpected. Most hypothermia cases occur due to an unexpected change in the weather or temperature, so keep extra gloves, hats, and a coat in your car.
  • Wear a warm hat when going outside.
  • Avoid getting wet when the temperatures drop.
  • Wear waterproof boots or shoes to keep your feet dry.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol, which can cause dehydration.
An image advertising ACDS's community support grants deadline. More information about the grants as well as the application to apply can be accessed by clicking the image.
A photograph of the Community Engagement and Constituent Services team, with the message "Follow CECS on Facebook @aacocecs". Clicking the image will take you to the facebook page.
An image of County Executive Pittman, with the words "County Executive Pittman's Weekly letter"

A $3 Billion Fix

Published: January 17, 2025

As I was travelling to Chesapeake High School on Tuesday night for the District 3 Budget Town Hall, I was eagerly listening to a briefing from Governor Moore’s staff on what would be in the next day’s budget announcement.

I was impressed.


Upcoming Events

Click here to view a full list of budget town halls
An image advertising the arundel rivers organization Watershed Walk at Najoles Road / Millersville Post Stream Restoration and pond Retrofit on saturday february 1st. More information can be accessed by clicking the image.
Click here before February 3rd to share your thoughts on how to improve the Glen Burnie plaza
The Maryland Transportation Authority is holding an in person diverse subcontractor and supplier networking event for rebuilding the key bridge on february 3rd at 9AM. More information can be accessed by clicking the image.
ACDS is offering a free information session to learn more about your BGE bill on February 6th. Click here to learn more and register.

New Glen Burnie Library Community Meeting Set for February 11

Anne Arundel County Public Library (AACPL) officials today announced that a community meeting has been scheduled to receive input on the new Glen Burnie Library.  

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11 from 6-8 pm at the Harundale Presbyterian Church, located next to the library. Additional community meetings will be held in the future and a survey is available now at and in the branch to provide input on the new building. 

The new 40,000-square-foot facility, to be built on the footprint of the existing site, will include the county’s Cultural Resources Lab & Local History Resource Center. The current building was opened in 1969.  

Residents and customers can follow the process of the new building on the library’s website at Additionally, questions can be submitted via email to  

ACDS Fair Housing Webinar Series on February 18th. Click to learn more and register.
The Gun Violence Intervention Team is holding a community meeting about gun violence prevention in anne arundel county on febryary 20th at 5:30 PM. More information can be accessed by clicking the image.


Anne Arundel - Annapolis Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) has announced its Early Spring 2025 dates for its 21-hour in-person CERT Basic Training class. Volunteer to become a trained member of your community in emergency response. The training will be held on Saturday, March 15 from 9am-4pm, Sunday, March 16 from 9am-4pm, and Saturday, March 22 from 9am-4pm at the Fire Training Academy in Millersville. A disaster simulation will be held on Sunday, March 23 from 12pm-4:30pm at the same location. Everyone completing the course receives a nationally recognized certification and the opportunity to join Anne Arundel-Annapolis CERT as a member. This is also an opportunity to potentially volunteer to support the County Office of Emergency Management following a disaster. Visit for more information and for a registration link. The link also shows additional classes in late spring and early fall. For questions, contact

Opportunities for Public Comment

The Anne Arundel County department of recreation and parks is asking for feedback via survey regarding the severn danza park expansion. The survey deadline is 1/23, and the survey can be accessed by clicking the image.

Blue Notice: IP-24-03, Bioswales Guidance

Comment period ends: January 25, 2025

The Anne Arundel County Department of Inspections and Permits has published a guidance memo on the design, construction, and maintenance of bioswales as they relate to development projects. Read more here.

The department of recreation and parks is seeking volunteers to assist in the development of marley creek park via survey. The survey deadline is 1/31 and the survey can be accessed by clicking the image.
Laurel Race Course Impact Fund Logo

Fiscal Year 2026 Applications for Laurel Race Course Impact Fund Grants have been submitted. We are requesting your feedback on applications during the Public Comment Period which runs through 11:45pm on Monday, February 3, 2025. Please use the link provided to access the feedback form for the 21 applications received.

Click here to submit your comments.

Public Meeting Announcement: Lake Waterford Park

A public meeting has been scheduled from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. on February 18, 2025, at Riviera Beach Library to discuss plans for improvements to Lake Waterford Park. During the meeting, DPW and the Department of Recreation & Parks will update residents on planning improvements, including tennis courts in a domed building, an outdoor power wheelchair hockey rink, pickleball courts, fencing, parking, and pavilions, as well as ADA improvements to the existing facilities.

Construction is anticipated to start in spring 2026 and will take approximately one year, during which time the park will be closed. This project will require removal of trees and a reforestation effort will be completed as part of the project. While the community can plan to see trucks coming and going, there are no planned impacts to traffic, water, or wastewater services. We welcome your input on the proposed work and schedule. Click here for more information.

Every five years, on behalf of Anne Arundel County, Arundel Community Development Services (ACDS) develops a five year “Consolidated Plan.” Click here to learn how you can provide your input.

Featured Programs and Resources

stay informed! click here to sign up for community health alerts.
An image advertising ACDS's Community Reinvestment & Repair Commission Grant. More information and the application can be accessed by clicking the image.
Homework is available online though the Library using Brainfuse. Click here to learn more.
Visit the Nonprofit Centers Events Hub for volunteer opportunities.

Legislative Update

County Council Meeting

Below is a list of legislation receiving a public hearing at the upcoming County Council meeting. Let your voice be heard during the public comment period for each of these! For meeting schedules, legislation links, and other relevant information about the Council please click here.

Monday, February 3, 2025.

Bill No. 1-25: AN ORDINANCE concerning: Branches of County Government – Executive Branch – Reorganization – Office of Transportation – Public Ethics – Transportation Officer

Bill No. 2-25: AN ORDINANCE concerning: Subdivision and Development – Zoning – Development Requirements for Particular Types of Development – Redevelopment

Bill No. 3-25: AN ORDINANCE concerning: General Development Plan – Region 9 Plan

Bill No. 4-25: AN ORDINANCE concerning: Comprehensive Zoning – Region 9

Bill No. 5-25: AN ORDINANCE concerning: Zoning – Requirements for Conditional Uses – Waterman’s Home Commercial Use days

Bill No. 97-24: AN ORDINANCE concerning: Zoning – Requirements for Conditional Uses – School Bus Facilities

Bill No. 6-25: AN ORDINANCE concerning: Public Safety – Animal Care and Control – Zoning – Miniature Pigs in Residential Districts

Resolution 49-24: Approving the application to the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, for a grant under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program federal FY 2024 Local Solicitation, and recognizing the County Executive’s authority to act in connection with the grant

Resolution No. 2-25: RESOLUTION concerning a petition to the Maryland Higher Education Commission for Anne Arundel Community College funding to procure long lead equipment, including elevator replacement and electrical switchgear for the Florestano Building Renovation Floors 1 through 3

Resolution No. 3-25: RESOLUTION concerning a petition to the Maryland Higher Education Commission for Anne Arundel Community College funding to procure CMAR preconstruction services for the renovation of the Dragun Science Building

Resolution No. 4-25: RESOLUTION concerning a petition to the Maryland Higher Education Commission for Anne Arundel Community College funding to procure design services for the renovation of the Dragun Science Building

Please note: the legislation scheduled to be heard at the next County Council meeting is subject to change. Click here for an up-to-date list and to see other legislation that has been introduced but is not scheduled for a hearing at the next meeting.

Nonprofit Center @ 41 Community Place

The Nonprofit Center Logo

The Nonprofit Center is a county initiative that supports nonprofit organizations to advance the health and well-being of our residents.

NPC News & Updates

Webinar for Nonprofits: Congressionally Directed Spending 

The Senate will accept requests for earmarks, formally called congressionally directed spending (CDS). Earmarks allow Members of Congress to request that federal funds be set aside for specific projects in their states. These presentations will walk you through the CDS process, address frequently-asked questions, and share important information you’ll need to know before applying for CDS funding. There will be time at the end for a brief Q&A. In order to allow as many organizations as possible to participate, please limit RSVPs to one attendee per organization. A recording of the session will be shared with participants who can then share with their colleagues. 

To register, please click on the relevant hyperlink below:

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: Thursday, January 23 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST

Professional Development Opportunities

Free Webinar by Candid: Get your board fundraising

Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern

Learn practical strategies for better engaging your board in fundraising. This course will cover boards’ typical fundraising responsibilities, why some board members may be reluctant to fundraise, and how to overcome these concerns. Presenters will also brainstorm new ways your board members can participate in fundraising activities and will share tips for strengthening your board and aligning on fundraising priorities. Whether you’re an executive director, board member, or development professional, this course will help you plan for your organization to fundraise better as one team. Register here

Short How-To Video on Using Candid’s Foundation Directory

We've had some great questions lately from small nonprofits asking "where do I find funders?!" Candid's Foundation Directory can be a powerful tool for finding funding sources and open grants. Not sure how to use Candid? This article is super helpful, and has short videos within the article to make it user-friendly. Take a look!

Protecting Civil Rights During Challenging Times

Join this 6-hour, free event offered by Howard Community College for an insightful day focused on protecting civil rights during challenging times. Featuring engaging discussions, informative speakers, and opportunities to connect with others who are passionate about this important topic. Saturday, February 1, 2025. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Howard Community College: 10901 Little Patuxent Parkway. Register here

CPR and AED Certification Training

Medicine With a Mission, a local nonprofit, is providing hands-on training for CPR and AED Certification. Training will be help Friday, January 24 from noon to 4:30 pm at Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library located at 1410 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Register here. Registration is limited to twenty nonprofit employees.

Grant Opportunities

The Cynipid Fund

A local funder has shared information with the Nonprofit Center about The Cynipid Fund. Is your nonprofit looking for $500-$5,000 to bridge the gap of an upcoming event, unique need, or something to boost a program? This fund is managed by Raymond James Charitable, and provides modest levels of support to a variety of 501(c)(3) organizations, often as a match to leverage additional support from others. Learn more on their website

Application Deadline: open ended. 

Poetry X Hunger Fund 

The Poetry X Hunger offers support and grants to organizations that use poetry to fight hunger. This fund is managed by Chesapeake Charities, and provides modest levels of support to a variety of 501(c)(3) organizations. Learn how to apply, and read about past grant recipients on their website

Application Deadline: open ended.

Anne Arundel Women Giving Together Call for 2025 Grant Applications

Anne Arundel Women Giving Together is pleased to announce our 2025 Call for Proposals. Please visit our Grants Guidance webpage for complete information. From the menu on that page, you can go to our Grants Portal page to start the process of submitting a grants proposal.

We will be awarding operating support grants as well as project support grants, from $5,000 to $25,000, that support our mission to improve the quality of life for women and families in Anne Arundel County. Grant proposals will be accepted online today (January 2) through Thursday, January 31, 2025 (11:59 PM).

Learn more here.

The Anne Arundel County Watershed Restoration Grant Program is open and accepting applications until March 20, 2025. 

What this funds: Watershed planning, restoration engineered designs, and small or large-scale restoration projects, such as rain gardens, bioswales, living shorelines, or stream restorations. This program seeks cost-effective projects that will reduce pollutants through the implementation of watershed restoration practices.

They are offering a virtual information session on Monday, January 13 at 6:00 to 7:30pm on Zoom and an office hour on January 28 at 1 to 2pm on Zoom to share more about the program and answer any questions.

How much can be awarded: $15,000 to $300,000 depending on project track applying for. Match is encouraged, but not required. For more information, contact Whitney Vong (

Learm more here.

Anne Arundel County Community Tree Planting Mini Grant Program

What this funds: Community native tree planting and invasive species removal to increase the tree canopy on publicly owned or community property. Where: Anne Arundel County AND the City of Annapolis! How much can be awarded: up to $5,000 per project. For more information, reach out to Kayleigh Katzenberger, Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

Learn more here.

Anne Arundel County Forestry and Forested Land Protection Grant Program

What this funds: Reforestation and afforestation projects on protected and unprotected lands and also the permanent protection of forested lands. Site preparation for tree planting, plant material, tree protection, two-year maintenance costs, and survey and easement costs are allowable budget items. 

What this funds: Funding available varies and will be updated when the program reopens later in 2025. Match is encouraged, but not required. For more information, reach out to Whitney Vong,

Learn more here.

Community Support Grant

This funding provides Program/Project Support that allows non-profit organizations to continue to operate and/or increase the impact of an existing program/project, or to pilot a new program to improve and enrich the lives of Anne Arundel County residents and communities. Costs may include, but are not limited to, program/project specific staff costs, supplies, travel, equipment etc., as well as a percentage of administrative overhead proportional to your program/project’s budget relative to your organization’s operating budget. Collaborative Projects are preferred but not required for funding.

The application for FY2026 funding will open on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. The application training will take place on Friday, January 10, 2025 at 2:00pm. 

Application Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 2025.

Learn more and apply here.

Spring 2025 grants are open for native plant gardens. Click here to learn more.

Contact the Nonprofit Center

Sign up for the Nonprofit Center’s EMAIL LIST

Visit us at


Subdivision Application Meetings

Residents can view a calendar of upcoming meetings in their area, review site plans and other documents, attend virtual meetings, watch previously recorded meetings, and provide public comments directly to the Office of Planning and Zoning - all through the new Community Meetings website. See a partial list of upcoming meetings below and click here for more details and to view the full calendar.


Property Location 344 & 350 Freshfield Lane Arnold, MD 21012; northwest side of Freshfield Lane approximately 500 feet west of the intersection with Shore Acres Road

Meeting Date: 2025-01-29

In-Person | Time: 6:30 PM

Lissou Property Lot 3

Property Location 600 Tower Bank Court, Severna Park, MD 21146, 190'+/_ southwest of the intersection of Tower bank court and Tower Bank Road

Meeting Date: 2025-01-29

Virtual | Time: 7:30 PM

Severna Park, P.352

Property Location 138 Arundel Beach Rd, Severna Park, MD 21146

Meeting Date: 2025-01-30

Virtual | Time: 6:00 PM

Northrop Grumman Corp. - Ridge Rd./Stoney Run Upgrades

Property Location The subject site is located at 1166 Stoney Run Road Hanover, MD 21076 of Anne Arundel County.

Meeting Date: 2025-02-03

In-Person | Time: 6:00 PM

FJF Holdings, INC

Property Location 77 & 79 W Central Ave Edgewater, MD 21037

Meeting Date: 2025-02-05

Virtual | Time: 6:00 PM

Gosheff Property - Subdivision of Lot 5

Property Location 2335 Patuxent River Road, Gambrills, MD 21054

Meeting Date: 2025-02-06

In-Person | Time: 6:00 PM

Work in the County

THe county mental health agency is hiring for a Mental Health Stabilization Service Clinical Care Coordinator. Click here to learn more and apply.
Anne Arundel County is hiring for a Civil Rights Investigator. Click the image to learn more.
Anne Arundel County is hiring for various positions. Click the image to learn more.
Anne Arundel County Police are hiring for various positions. Click the image to learn more.
ROCA is hiring an Anne Arundel County After Shooting Specialist. Click the image to learn more.
If you or someone you know is facing a crisis, you can call the Anne Arundel County Crisis Response System at 410-768-5522. Call 911 for immediate assistance in any emergency.

View this Update as a Webpage

Newsletter edited by Vincent Moulden.

For media inquiries, please contact Renesha Alphonso.

Consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Anne Arundel County Government is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Each county sponsored event includes information about how to request an ADA Accommodation. This E-Blast is available in an alternate format upon request. 
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