These messages are intended to provide specific information about the lakes in the Town of St. Germain as well as general information about lakes across northern Wisconsin and beyond.
The Lakes Committee encourages your feedback. Is there a particular topic you would like information about? Would you like to become more involved in the management decisions affecting your lake?
Contact any of the Committee members shown at the end of this message or simply reply using the Town of Saint Germain e-mail link provided at the end of each message. We hope to hear from you soon!
What is the Town Lakes Committee?
The committee was established in 2004 as a special advisory body to the town board. Two primary beliefs justified creating the committee:
Pooling the resources of the town's five lake organizations and allowing them to function under the umbrella of the town board would likely result in more aquatic invasive species prevention and management work being accomplished for the collective good of all the lakes than could be undertaken by the lakes individually.
Expanding town board meeting agendas to include reports from a lakes committee would result in the board achieving a better understanding of the challenges of lake management and the economic significance of lakes, thereby resulting in the board becoming more aware of and supportive of lake management initiatives.
More about the history and accomplishments of the St. Germain Town Lakes Committee can be found by clicking on the "Lakes Committee" navigation button on the town website.
Ice Age Geology
You may know the lakes of St. Germain were formed by a glacier, but do you know when that glacier was here and for how long? Click on the link below to learn more in our on-line library.
Are you aware that our lakes are doomed to extinction? Do you understand the natural aging process known as eutrophication? How rapidly our lakes will “die” depends largely on how we use them and how we manage them. Click on the link below to learn more in our on-line library.
Waterfront properties in Vilas County account for more than 75% of the county's tax base. No other Wisconsin county is as dependent on the quality of its lakes to maintain its property tax base. Click on the link below to learn how important St. Germain's waterfront properties are to the town's economy.
Are you wondering what you can do on your waterfront property to help protect your lake as well as your property value? Wisconsin's new "Healthy Lakes Initiative" has lots of suggestions for your consideration as well as funding to help get things done. Click on the link below to learn more in our on-line library.
Have you ever attended a Wisconsin Lakes Convention? Registration is now open for the 2017 gathering of typically 500+ attendees. Click on the“Minding Our Waters” image on the left to check out the widely varied agenda and other details. Prepare yourself to be wowed!