Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Ever thought about what it takes to elect a new bishop? There is a Search Committee hard at work right now listening to the desires of all of us for the 10th Episcopal Bishop of Minnesota. They’ll give the Standing Committee 3-5 names late this fall.

Then a Transition Committee needs to pick up the next part, to introduce the candidates around the state in a “walk about.” They walk compassionately with these candidates (and their families), because only one candidate will be elected. This committee plans all phases of the transition, including the liturgy and Consecration of ECMN's Xth Bishop, and the logistics of the move, all while communicating to the rest of us what's happening. Also on their plate will be the celebration of Bishop Prior's episcopacy.

Think you might have some of those skills to serve on the Transition Committee? Pray about it and then consider applying soon. The deadline is May 4.  Click here for the original job description and application .

We thank you.

The Rev. Debbie Brown, President
Ms. Laura Bathke, Vice President

The Rev. Devon Anderson
The Rev. Justin Chapman
Mr. Chris Commers
Ms. Sue Grove
The Rev. Siri Hustad
Ms. Julia New Landrum
The Rev. Blair Pogue
Ms. Alexis Roy
The Rev. Ramona Scarpace
Mr. Rich Simons