Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

On behalf of the Consecration Subcommittee, I bring greetings and prayers for the successful start of the academic and program year. I, alongside my colleagues the Revs. Jessie Dodson and Joe Ashby, have been working since April to organize and set the location of our Consecration events. While more will be announced as we get closer to Consecration weekend, we have confirmed, as previously announced, the Consecration of the Bishop Coadjutor-elect will be held on the feast of St. Catherine of Siena, April 29, 2023, at the Public Auditorium in Downtown Cleveland.

Over the last few weeks, we have worked to expand the committee, bringing in leaders from across the diocese with further experience and expertise in liturgy, music, hospitality, and design. Now, as we pivot towards the next phase of our work, we invite all members of the Diocese to contribute to our creative call.

As those who have experienced a consecration know, it is a huge and unique service. To welcome our new Bishop and commemorate the occasion, they will receive gifts of vestments and other special items.  We intend to discover and design ways to make Public Auditorium feel like a holy and sacred space. To that end, I invite you to share your name or the name of a friend on the creative call form accompanying this request. We’re looking for designers, artists, craftspeople, woodworkers, blacksmiths; all kinds of creative folks, that will help transform the space, and vest our next bishop as befits their new office. 

Please complete the online Creative Call form no later than October 15, 2022.  The consecration committee will contact you with additional information and coordination.  Please email your questions, to the Consecration Subcommittee via emails to  The Consecration Subcommittee will review the submissions and forward names to appropriate persons. 

Pax et bonum,

Richard Pryor, III