New B Heppy Podcast:

Current Treatments in Development for Hepatitis B

In this episode, Bright and Anousha talk with Dr. John Tavis, a scientist at St. Louis University's School of Medicine, about current drug candidates for hepatitis B treatment and updates about the cure. Listen to the podcast here.

To suggest a topic for a future podcast, please send a note to

You're Invited to Join Our Community Forum on Sept. 19

Speakers in the community forum will share the latest advances in hepatitis B research. You can participate virtually (on line) or in person.

Please read more and register here.

Tuesday, Sept. 19

Register Here

You Can Help Learn

Barriers to Hepatitis B Treatment

If you live with hepatitis B, are at least 18 years old, and are a member of, you can complete the short survey about your experiences with hepatitis B. It's on

When he was 16, John learned during a routine medical checkup that he has hepatitis B. After his mother reacted with tears and concern, he decided that he needed to demonstrate to himself and others that people living with the virus can live full, adventurous lives. John's story is here.

August is Immunization Awareness Month in the U.S.

Hepatitis B is a leading cause of deadly liver cancer. The vaccine prevents liver cancer, liver scarring, and liver disease. Many adults may not even realize their risk factors, such as diabetes. Hepatitis B has very few symptoms, prevention is very important! Get vaccinated. Be protected!

Take the Survey
Register Here

New FAQs: Questions that We Hear Often from

People Living with Hepatitis B

The Hep B Foundation Frequently Asked Questions page is a wonderful resource for anyone with questions about hepatitis B.

The questions are written based on real consults that we receive regularly. The page is here.

Congratulations to Dr. Ibrahim on a Well-Deserved Promotion

Hepatitis B Foundation President Chari A. Cohen, DrPH, MPH, recently announced the promotion of Yasmin Ibrahim, MD, PhD, MBA, to Public Health Program Director.

Dr. Ibrahim (at left) greeting

Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro during his recent visit to our campus.

Dr. Ibrahim, who has worked at the Hepatitis B Foundation since 2019, has been directing the patient engagement and clinical trials diversity programs, and has recently led the pursuit of a new FDA grant (for which she is the principal investigator) that is focused on the intersection of COVID-19 and hepatitis B among underserved communities.

Additionally, she responds to the email inquiries that we receive, primarily from people living with hepatitis B.

We've filled our team, but your support is still needed. Please watch our new video.

Hepatitis Delta Research Study

LaGrippe Research is conducting a study on the experiences of people with hepatitis delta virus (HDV). They would like to speak with people with HDV in the U.S. about their experience with the disease to learn about the effects on their lives.


Each month you would need one hour. LaGrippe Research and offers each participant $125 per month. Your responses will remain anonymous and be kept confidential.

Your feedback will be used by the study's sponsor on how they can help HDV patients now and in the future. 

If you are interested in participation please fill out our survey here.

If you have questions, please call Maggie at 847-373-4104 or email her at

Journal Article of the Month

Estimating hepatitis B virus prevalence among key population groups for European Union and European Economic Area countries and the United Kingdom: a modelling study

Trickey, A; Bivegete, S; Duffell, E; McNaughton, AL; Nerlander, L; Walker, JG; Fraser, H; Hickman, M; Vickerman, P; Brooks-Pollock, E; Christensen, H

[Link to Article]

BMC Infectious Diseases

2023 Jul 10;23(1):457. doi: 10.1186/s12879-023-08433-3.

The authors included almost 600 studies from 31 countries with a total of nearly 42 million people. Along with the general population, the studies looked at subgroups such as pregnant woman, blood donors, prisoners and migrants. They compared Eastern/Southern European countries with Western/Northern European countries. Portugal had the highest estimated prevalence of HBsAg among migrants. They estimated HBV prevalence for each population group within each EU/EAA country and the UK, with general population HBV prevalence to be < 1% in most countries.

Sept. 7-9: Conference on Liver Disease in Africa - Register

Sept. 19-23: International HBV Symposium in Kobe, Japan - Register

Oct. 24-26: African Hepatitis Summit / Register

Nov. 2: The 2023 Bruce Witte Memorial Lecture

April 5, 2024: Hepatitis B Foundation Gala

Learn more about our research and education programs at
The Hepatitis B Foundation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for those affected by hepatitis B worldwide. Our commitment includes funding focused research, promoting disease awareness, supporting immunization and treatment initiatives, and serving as the primary source of information for patients and their families, the medical and scientific community, and the general public.
Hepatitis B Foundation I 3805 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18902 I
215-489-4900 I
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