From the

President's Desk

Attention Barbershop Quartet Men!

Dear Barbershop Brothers,

Your Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Barbershop Quartet Singing in the United States is now ready to officially register Quartet names. (at absolutely no charge) Quartets who wish to register with SPP may do so by completing the Quartet Registration Form that is now posted on our web site at  Register My Quartet

Officially registering your Quartet is the first step in entering our upcoming Worldwide Barbershop Quartet Contest. (Not to mention there's some bragging rights to be officially registered as a Quartet in this All-Male Quartet Society.)

 Keep in mind that the first 25 quartets to enter (beginning midnight, June 1st) will compose the field of competitors for our first Worldwide Barbershop Quartet Contest, to be held in San Antonio, January 19-22, 2023. That said, you may wish to register now, so that your quartet name can be cleared in advance of the scheduled entry date.

All competitors must be members of SPP, and becoming a lifetime member is so easy. Simply complete the membership application on our website, accompanied by a single $50 dues payment per man.

What an exciting time in the Annals of Barbershop Harmony and you and your quartet can take your place in the History book by participating. Too COOL!

Yours in Harmony,

Pete Carentz

Pete Carentz

Head Janitor & President S.P.P.B.S.Q.S.U.S.

World Wide Barbershop Quartet Contest.jpg
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