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August 4, 2023

Two early August invtations!

Blessings this day and a wonderful invitation and an important action ask. Thank you for all you do and who you are!!!

Advocacy Ask:

You would not let a water pipe leak in your home. Yet, across the US some 3 millionn miles of natural gas pipelines run through communities and there are many leaks that continue for years and are not fixed.

However, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) have proposed new standards that will improve pipeline operations and leak management practices.

There are a lot of great things in this proposal including:

  • Requiring better leak detection programs to find leaks faster and more accurately;
  • Requiring leaks to be repaired within two years, instead of letting them linger;
  • And minimizing intentional releases like venting and flaring, pushing operators to find new ways to relieve pressure in the pipelines.

Not only do these new standards save us money by reducing the amount of natural gas we waste, but they would reduce methane emissions a large contributor to climate change and protect communities and health. Take action on our website link before August 14 and let us know you acted. Link and then scroll down a bit. Your voice is important!!! https://www.nm-ipl.org/

Invitation to Spirit Farm (flyer)

Everyone is invited!!!!
