Are you interested in keeping your city's intersections running even when the power goes out? We have a solution for you!
  • Provides uninterrupted power for up to 8 hours or longer.
  • Completely conditions, re-manufactures and regulates power.
  • Does not compromise existing cabinet wiring.
  • Multi-state DOT and NEMA compliant.
Altergy Products
  • Typical traffic signal load: 350 W (flash mode)
  • Typical traffic signal Load: 800 W (normal signal operation)
  • Complete integrated power quality and backup power solution in a single cabinet
  • Eliminate pollution from dirty, noisy generators.
  • Simple, low cost maintenance
  • Unlimited runtime with hydrogen refueling
If this is something you think could help your city save on energy costs and keep the traffic flowing even after the power has gone out. Give us a call or send us an email so we can fill you in on even more information!
General Traffic Controls, Inc | | 712-262-1521 | Spencer, IA 51301 |