DKT International Newsletter

March 2016

Dear Friend of DKT,

This year is off to a great start.

DKT broke a new record in 2015, delivering some 30 million CYPs, a net increase of 1.4 million CYPs over 2014. Our programs in Tanzania and Myanmar started providing products and services in earnest, and the ground work was laid for new programs covering West Africa and Iran.

Our first newsletter of 2016 includes a number of interesting topics:

  • Supporting refugees with condom distribution
  • Cattle and condoms in Bihar, India
  • Adolescents and contraception in Mexico
  • Sex education for youth via video in Ghana
  • Newsworthy items featuring DKT, including an article on the Zika virus

As always, we are grateful for your interest in and support of DKT.


Christopher Purdy

DKT crosses 30 million CYP mark!

DKT broke a new record in 2015 and reported over 30 million CYPs. DKT's top performing countries were Indonesia, India, and Ethiopia. We are also very encouraged by Nigeria's growth over the past year, with an 85% increase in CYPs since 2014. Strong social marketing campaigns, the launch of Sayana Press, and related outreach activities, and targeted distribution work all propelled this new program upward.  Our programs in Pakistan, Mexico, and Tanzania also experienced solid gains. Stay tuned as we dissect our CYP report to analyze DKT's health impact in 2015!

Supporting refugees with condom distribution

Refugees in Lesbos, Greece received free condoms from DKT's Turkey operations.
DKT is passionate about serving vulnerable populations, and ensuring that everyone has access to family planning products and services. In the midst of the refugee crisis, DKT has begun delivering goods to refugees in Lesbos, Greece. Currently, DKT distributes condoms, but we hope to expand our presence and ensure that a diversity of contraceptive products is available for those that need them the most.

DKT in the News

DKT finds merit in using low-tech techniques. With limited access to the internet, programs in Bihar use wall paintings, billboards and face-to-face communication to provide family planning information.

DKT made the following headlines over the past couple of months: 
Additionally, DKT released a new white paper on social franchising and clinic networks, focusing on the programs established in India, Indonesia, Mozambique, Pakistan and Tanzania.

Partnerships in Mexico

DKT Mexico focuses on young people, and organizes a number of music festivals that have reached over 20,000 young people and encouraged the use of contraceptives.
DKT develops creative and innovative marketing strategies in order to engage young people as partners in family  planning. In the past month, DKT Mexico partnered with urban music festivals to reach out to young peo ple. Most significantly, DKT Mexico joined the APAA (Alianza Pro-Derecho a la AnticoncepciĆ³n en Adolescentes).  This is an important partnership, which focuses on adolescent's rights to access contraception.  The partnership includes Ipas, Mexfam and UNFPA, and we hope it will imp rove all adolescents' ability to access contraceptives and safe abortion.

Celebrating the New Year with cattle and condoms

More than 900,000 people visit the Sonepur Mela festival every December in Bihar. At this event, DKT used brand promotion to encourage the use of family planning products and services.
This year, DKT's programs in Bihar and Myanmar cleverly implemented marketing strategies tailored to the holiday schedule. In Bihar, Janani (DKT's affiliate) participated in the Sonepur Mela, one of Asia's largest cattle fairs held between November and December.  Janani used the fair to disseminate information and promote family planning services. Additionally, female fair-goers could visit the nearby clinic for a tubal ligation or IUD insertion.  In Myanmar, DKT sponsored a beach party and pop concert for the New Year celebration. Over 1,000 people congregated for the event, where condom samples, Kiss T-Shirts, and other branded prizes were distributed. 

Sex education videos gain popularity in Ghana

Fiesta's sex education videos have gained tremendous support in Ghana, receiving a total of 230,000 views and reaching over 800,000 people in the course of a few months.
The use of social media is extremely popular among young Ghanaians and helps to break taboos and dispel myths regarding family planning and sexuality education. For this reason, DKT Ghana recently launched a new social media campaign that focuses on the themes of pleasure and safety in which animation videos encourage the use of Fiesta condoms and other contraceptives. Three videos have been launched on  YouTube   since November, receiving over 230,000 views and reaching over 800,000 people. 


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About  DKT International

DKT International is a nonprofit organization that promotes family planning and HIV/AIDS prevention through social marketing.

DKT International
1701 K Street, N.W.
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006
+1 202 223-8780

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