Cathedral Bulletin | September 11, 2020
Dear Friends,
It’s been a little while since I’ve had a chance to bring you up to date on some important parish projects that so many of you are making possible by your amazing generosity. What better time than as we wind down the summer and look to a new season?
Let me begin by reporting to you on where we are on the Called to Serve as Christ Campaign, which we launched back in the summer of 2018. You may remember that the goal set for us by the Archdiocese of Seattle was $3,232,571. As of this writing, we have raised $3,442,900—an extraordinary achievement. Your gift is going to make a significant difference in the lives of our retired sisters and priests for a long time to come and I know they will express their gratitude by their ongoing prayers for you.
You may also remember that a portion of the funds (15%) raised in that campaign came back to the parish as a rebate, and that the project we adopted for the rebate was the creation of a prayer garden on the north side of the Cathedral. This beautiful new space will include a columbarium for the interment of the cremated remains of Cathedral parishioners and friends. That project has been quietly unfolding for quite some time. The design has been finalized and we are awaiting our Building Permit from the City of Seattle which we expect will arrive sometime this month. We have selected longtime cathedral contractor, Ferguson Construction, to serve as General Contractor for the project. Once the City permit is received, Ferguson will begin mobilization for the job, which is projected to take six to eight weeks. The granite columbarium units are being manufactured in China and will be timed to arrive in Seattle for installation shortly after the site construction is complete. We expect that the project will begin this fall and be completed by the end of the year. Stay tuned for more information!
Another major project, this one inspired by the catastrophic fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in April, 2019, is the installation of a fire suppression system in the Cathedral attic. The funding has come from your gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal in 2019, as well as some grants from generous donors. We have selected Viking as the specialist contractor for this project. (Viking is also the firm installing the fire suppression system in the twin 34 story towers going up across from the Frye Museum.) The civil engineering for water access has been completed and submitted to the City of Seattle. When it is approved, we will be issued a Certificate of Water Availability which will authorize us to move ahead with the actual installation of the system. Given the Covid-19 situation and reduced activity at some City of Seattle departments, we do not have a definite time when the certificate will be issued. We are hopeful that it will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. When we receive the Certificate of Water Availability, Viking will proceed to do the actual design in the attic. That should take approximately one month. Actual installation will take approximately four months once it has been fit into Viking’s schedule.
Some of you have also asked how we did with this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. Against all odds - in the economic chaos brought about by the pandemic - your wonderful generosity resulted in our raising more than $181,000 in excess of our Archdiocesan goal. Our goal from the Archdiocese of Seattle was $371,288 and to date you have donated $552,905. I find that nothing short of miraculous! As you know, we will use the rebate this year to offset shortfalls resulting from the loss of Sunday collection basket income during the pandemic.
In addition to all of these projects, there is one more that came about because of the pandemic. As most of you know, we have been livestreaming Masses each weekend since early March. Besides our own parishioners, we have had people tuning into these Masses from all over the country and all over the world—thousands, in fact. Believe it or not, the livestreams, until this month, have been produced entirely using one iPhone. After much discussion, we decided it was time for us to graduate to a professional livestream system, with cameras installed at different places in the Cathedral to enable us to have truly professional livestream presentations of Masses and other events in the Cathedral (including Christmas Midnight Mass). The total cost for installation and equipment was $80,000. Of this, $37,000 was provided by the Archdiocese of Seattle, and the remainder was made possible by gifts from some twenty-five of your fellow parishioners. If you’re watching the livestream Masses, you’ve already seen the difference and appreciate the high quality of the production - and it really is a production! - each weekend.
Whew! It’s been quite a season. Instead of going into lockdown mode, with your encouragement and generous assistance, we have done anything but that. It has been full speed ahead and will continue to be!
One parting thought: I thought I knew how generous this parish was before the pandemic broke out, but to be honest I didn’t have a clue. You never cease to amaze me. How blessed we all are to be a part of this remarkable community of faith!
Father Ryan
Register for public Masses
There are three options for public Mass in the Cathedral this weekend:
- Saturday, September 12, at 5:30pm
- Sunday, September 13 at 8:00am
- Sunday, September 13 at 10:30am
We have put many precautions in place to make sure these celebrations are safe and comfortable. This is not business as usual! The following are important important instructions for those who wish to take part in Mass:
Registration is required, and registered persons will be checked in as they arrive. The Archdiocese of Seattle has mandated registration both to limit the numbers in attendance and to provide for contact tracing should we learn that anyone present has been exposed to Covid-19. We are required to keep records of all in attendance for 30 days, after which they will be destroyed.
Masks/face coverings must be worn throughout the Mass except when receiving Holy Communion. You will need to bring your own as we cannot provide them at this time, and your mask needs to cover both your nose and your mouth at all times. For your safety and that of others, face masks are not optional.
On arriving at the Cathedral, you will be greeted by staff who will check you in and show you your place for the Mass. You will NOT be able to choose your own place to sit! However, household groups will be seated together. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
You will notice a number of changes to the Mass. All these changes are designed to ensure our safety as we gather together for Mass:
- The Sign of Peace will not be shared, and Communion will not be offered from the cup.
- Communion will be given only in the hand, not on the tongue.
- Because we are not able to gather or socialize following Mass, we ask that you depart quietly after the celebration.
Please remember that there is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass at this time. While we do our utmost to make the Mass safe, anyone who attends does so at their own risk. Particularly vulnerable persons are strongly encouraged to continue to shelter in place. Anyone who is experiencing any symptoms whatsoever, such as fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, MUST remain at home out of consideration for the health and well being of others.
Livestream Masses this weekend
The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, September 13, 2020
MASS with Archbishop Etienne
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages
MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Cathedral Vimeo/Facebook pages
Beginning this week, Vespers will be open to the public rather than livestreamed. No need to register in advance.
Disaster Relief Collection
Catholic Charities USA welcomes donations to support relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Laura and the devastating wildfires on the West Coast. Follow the link below to learn more and to make a donation online.
Daily Mass and Adoration opportunity
Beginning September 15, the 8:00am Mass on Tuesdays will be open to the public. After Mass with Archbishop Etienne, we will have quiet Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Cathedral, with rosary at 12 Noon. No advance registration is required to come to this Mass or to participate in Adoration. All our usual COVID-19 guidelines will be observed, including face masks and social distancing. Please note that we will continue to livestream daily Mass at 8:00am for the duration of the pandemic.
Livestream Musical Prayer
Friday, September 11, 2020 at 6:30pm
Samuel Libra, organ
French Classical Organ Music
Musical Prayer in the Cathedral continues each Friday from 6:30-7:00pm PDT. We invite you to join in prayer on Friday, September 11 with Associate Cathedral Organist Samuel Libra playing "French Classical" organ music by Couperin, Guilain, Grigny, and Marchand.
Friday, September 18, 2020 at 6:30pm
Darrell J. Jordan, baritone | Samuel Libra, piano
Antonin Dvořák: Biblical Songs
On September 18, Cathedral cantor and Cathedral Choir section leader Darrell J. Jordan teams up with Samuel Libra on piano in the Biblical Songs of Romantic-era Czech composer Antonin Dvořák, The ten songs in the cycle have texts from the Book of Psalms that the composer originally set in his native language from the Bible of Kralice, the first Czech translation of the Bible, published around 1600. The songs were first published in Czech, German, and English in 1895 and have gone on to be some of Dvořák's most beloved vocal works.
Faith Formation Opportunity
The Catholic Worldview
Living with Eyes Wide Open
An Adult Faith Formation Evening with Ron Ryan
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
6:30-8:00pm on Zoom
Pandemic… social unrest… political divisions. For many of us, the world feels overwhelming. We might be tempted to merely shut our eyes to all the darkness and negativity.
But our Catholic faith invites us to see the world in a different light, to live with our eyes wide open and to view it with hope. This session will explore how a healthy Catholic worldview can help us recognize the presence and grace of God at work in the world around us, and empower us to be channels of hope for others.
All are welcome! To join the evening, email Maria Laughlin, for the Zoom access information.
Ron Ryan, D. Min., recently retired after serving as a full-time lay ecclesial minister in various parish and catechetical roles for over 40 years
The Cathedral bulletin is back in print!
"August Prayer"
Scott Webster reads and Corinna Laughlin reflects on
the poem by Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104