August 18, 2024 | Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

An update from our Junior Warden

As we close out a summer full of community gatherings, we were once again reminded

of the value Christ Church’s front lawn provides to the congregation and the community. I am excited to share that the property upgrades funded by the RiverSmart grant we received in 2023 will formally break ground in early September. With these upgrades, we can expect aesthetic and safety improvements to the walkways and front hillside area, as well as new, environmentally-beneficial stormwater drainage to protect DC waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. These improvements will contribute to our goal of making Christ Church’s physical space as welcoming, safe, and nature positive as it can be. The project design is a product of a combination of inputs and requirements from Riversmart, the

DDOE, and the Capitol Hill Historic Society. Find out more about RiverSmart here.

What will change at Christ Church?

Most noticeably, the front walkways of the Church will transform from concrete to red brick per requirements from the historic review board. The concrete area immediately in front of the main Church entrance will replaced with brick-like permeable pavers to allow for storm run-off to sink into the earth and new drainage system, which will run underground along the front walk. In order to maintain continuity of aesthetics and improve pedestrian safety while maximizing cost-effectiveness, the Vestry has approved the non-RiverSmart-funded walkways be replaced with the same brick at the same time. The walkway and stairs on the Western side of the lawn leading toward the Rectory will be removed entirely and replaced with grass.

In addition, RiverSmart will oversee new landscaping of the sloping front area immediately adjacent to the G Street sidewalk. A new mix of native and non-native plants and flowers will be installed across the bayscape, further improving the aesthetic of our front lawn.

We will share any special instructions for entering and exiting the church during the work period as we near the start date. A special thanks to the many parishioners who made the RiverSmart project a reality, especially Greg Holeyman, Carrie Miller, Beth Mullin, Derry Riedel, and Chris Wilson. With any questions or comments, feel free to reach out directly.

We are excited for the next chapter for the front lawn and many more memories to come.

John Billington

Join us this Sunday!

Sunday Morning Worship

Join us at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m.* this Sunday in our historic sanctuary to worship in community. We hope to see you at whatever service fits your schedule this weekend. 

*11 a.m. service also live-streamed. By entering the church at 11 a.m., you consent to being filmed, as well as its release as desired by CC+WP. More information linked below.

Additional worship information & livestream links here.

Children's Ministry

Nursery Care is available as usual from 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in the nursery off of the parish hall, and Children's Chapel is on during the 9 a.m. service.

Read more about our Children's Ministries & Sunday School

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Community Prayer List
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CC+WP Events & Updates

News about church-led events & updates!

Become a Member!

Our next New Member Welcome will take place on Kick-Off Sunday (September 8). If you are ready to make your relationship with us official, simply fill out this form (and then send us a brief bio!) You can read more about how we view membership here (spoiler: if you consider yourself a member, we do too, but making it official in our books helps more accurately represent our community to the larger Episcopal Church. Either way, join us on September 8 to feel our warm welcome!

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Acolyte Training

Calling all kids aged 8 and older! Join the group of acolytes who help to lead our worship service each Sunday. Step one? Attend our casual training during the first part of next month's Grill + Chill on September 5! Save the date, with exact timing to come.

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Save the Date: Backpack Blessing

It's hard to believe, but back-to-school time is drawing ever closer! Consider this your reminder to dig that backpack out of summer storage and bring it to church on Sunday, August 25, for our annual backpack blessing. (Adult work bags also welcome.)

Hellos & Goodbyes!

It's a season of transition for us all. Please join us in extending our deepest gratitude and most sincere well-wishes to our own Deacon, the Rev. Martha Jenkins, as she heads back to Kansas to be closer to family next month. Over the past two years, Deacon Martha has been a powerful addition to our Sunday worship, as well as a steadfast leader on our Outreach Committee. She will be deeply missed. We will celebrate Deacon Martha between services on Kick-off Sunday, September 8.

Even as we say goodbye, join us also in welcoming Margaret Belcher to our Children's Ministry team. Margaret (along with her husband & children) has been attending Christ Church for more than two years, and has been an active volunteer with all things children during that time. She will be a critical part of keeping our programs running during Rev. Winnie's maternity leave later this fall, so please thank her for stepping into the role when next you see her! Margaret's tenure began on Monday, August 12.

Outreach Partnerships

Help us help our neighbors through these outreach opportunities!

Back-to-School campaign for EHDC!

Our summer of EHDC continues with our August campaign to raise funds for their back-to-school campaign! EHDC distributes gift cards to families around the District to offset the high costs of back-to-school needs. Last year we raised more than $4,000; we already have $1,200 in pocket. Can you help us top last year's total?! Donate to the Outreach Fund here, or drop a check in the offering plate throughout August.

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Keep that water coming!

With record high temperatures, Shirley's Place is flying through their water and drink supplies. Don't forget to add a flat of water to your grocery list over the coming weeks so we can keep our neighbors safe and hydrated. Thank you!

There's still space to sign up to deliver water in August - the whole process takes just 30 minutes!

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Community Fellowship Group Updates

Comprised of parishioners as well as other Capitol Hill neighbors, the below groups offer opportunities to engage with our neighbors around shared interests.

Friday Night Film Group

The group is off August 16, but join us via Zoom on Friday, August 23, at 7 p.m. to discuss The Way Way Back (2013), a comedy drama about one engaging summer, starring Steve Carell and Sam Rockwell.  Free on Tubi. For more information contact Paul Laymon or Ellen Psychas

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Sermon Spotlight

"I am not merely satiated; I am FULL." Hear Rev. Winnie remind us that the bread of life we consume each Sunday around our altar does so much more to fill us than any earthly consumption ever could.

Past sermons are always on our website.

Sermon: The Rev. Winnie Smith Cavanaugh

August 4, 2024

Christ Church + Washington Parish

Washington, DC

Church Business Hours for Clergy & Staff: Sunday - Thursday, 8:30-3 or by appointment

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