Next Steps
On May 26, 2021, the OEB issued Procedural Order No. 2 (PDF, 16 pages) which summarizes the progress to date, and explains the next steps in this proceeding.
The OEB has made it clear in this Order that the purpose of the proceeding is not to revisit the elimination of the seasonal rates class; the OEB considers that decision final. There are only two issues that will be addressed in this proceeding:
how to implement the decision to eliminate the seasonal class; and
for those who will be experiencing rate increases of 10% or greater a year, what is the best approach to mitigating these increases, exclusive of maintaining the seasonal class.
Organizations or individuals who have been granted intervenor status in the proceeding (including FOCA) may now request from Hydro One by June 29, 2021 any further relevant information or documentation on these issues. Hydro One must respond to such requests by July 20, 2021, and file a written reply to the OEB by August 31, 2021.