Ancestors: The Root of All Things

with Elizabeth Pyjov, JD MTS

Life-Changing Program


To grow as people, first we accept our rootsThis is an important part of our psychological and emotional development.

Besides, every family has everything. There is a whole cosmos in the several generations that came before you. Working with your family tree, we heal in relation to the entire world.

Your ancestors are always present in your life on some level. Once we accept them, you'll feel strong and confident in ways you cannot imagine.

In this 4-week program, we'll also learn how to keep past family scenarios from repeating. (That was your Aunt Irma's scenario, it doesn't have to be yours!).

Through this class you'll see that no matter how we look at it, the roots of everything are love.

This material is rarely taught and it's very powerful.

You'll reach a new level of centeredness and inner peace at the end of this program.


"Exquisite and life-changing."

– Christine N.

"The program has opened up such a vast universe. It is quite literally blowing my mind."

– Molly G.

"I feel confident, supported, thankful."

– Miriam B.

"I feel grounded and like I belong for the first time in my life."

– Rachel S.

"This class improved my relationship with all my kids. For the first time, I spoke from the heart and not from fear."

– Caroline A.

"I have felt an improvement in my health, happiness, levels of energy and growth. I'll be doing the Ancestors program again next year."

– Diane D.


  • 4 pre-recorded sessions of 90 minutes each
  • BEING homework: access to incredible guided meditations you get to keep forever
  • THINKING homework: a new reading each week
  • DOING homework: a new practice on-the-go each week
  • Life-changing inner work


Better relationships with loved ones.



Inner Peace.

More Energy.


An amazing transformation happens when we send compassion to our past selves. We become at peace with ourselves and our lives. We stop living out patterns from the past.

You'll leave this program being kinder to yourself, with more courage, and more at peace with who you are.


Dates: You can do it on your own schedule.

Place: Class recording

Host: Happiness Sangha

Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov



There are many ways for us to keep in touch, even daily.

 DAILY TEXT: If you want to receive occasional inspiring teachings from Elizabeth Pyjov, you can sign up here, and you'll receive fresh inspiration each morning. These daily texts are about mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, intention, happiness, energy, and growth. They're usually very short. They are completely free and you can unsubscribe any time. You can also text back. Elizabeth sees them and often replies : )

 INSTAGRAM: To see visual reminders of upcoming programs, follow @happinesssangha on Instagram here and to see more about what I'm up to follow @elizabethpyjov here.

 FACEBOOK: To receive Facebook invites, join the Continuing Compassion group on Facebook here.

 LINKEDIN: To stay up to date with everything I do, connect with me here.

See you soon in the program, in the realm of social media or anywhere our paths happen to cross!

❤️ Elizabeth