September 23 - Women’s Monday Night Bible Study kicks off with their annual potluck dinner in the vestry room at 6:00 PM. This groups meets every Monday evening from 6:30 - 8:10 PM and will be studying Really Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs - available on Amazon new and used, and on
September 25 - The After Party: Towards Better Christian Politics. Join us for a video and discussion-based program on Wednesday nights for the six weeks leading up to the election (Sept 25 - Oct 30). A small *Agape “meal” will be provided as we learn how to listen with love and put Christ at the center of our political discussions. The After Party is an invitation to model the virtues of hope and humility, bearing Christian witness to a broken and bitterly divided world. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to *What is an Agape meal? This will be a very light, traditional offering of wine, grapes, cheese, etc. Nursery will be available.
September 27-29 - BayLights at Camp Beckwith. A weekend of fun and fellowship to support Camp Beckwith! Live music, BBQ lunch, games, football on the big screen, art, giant swing, Low Country boil, silent auction, and a drawdown to win a 2024 street legal golf cart! Register for BayLights and purchase drawdown tickets at Drawdown tickets can also be purchased from Rev. Forbes Sirmon ( or Maggie Deakle (
October 6 - Blessing of the Animals AND EYC Pet Wash Fundraiser! Join us in the courtyard/rose garden at 5:30 PM for our annual animal blessing. Once your animal is blessed, our youth will be washing your furry friends in the circular drive near the school entrance.
October 10 - St. James Concert Series Begins! 7:00 PM in the Church with organist Monica Berney.
October 20 - Taizé at 7:00 PM in the Chapel.
October 27 - “Spooky” Organ Concert & Trunk or Treat!
Spooky Organ Concert: 4:45 PM
Before the annual Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival begins, organist Joe Setzer will treat us to a “spooky” organ concert. “We hope this event will be a fun opportunity for children (young and old) to get to know the spooky side of this fascinating instrument. This 15-minute concert will take place at 4:45 and you are all invited afterwards to come upstairs to play your own scary tunes! Beware!”
Trunk or Treat: 5:00-6:30 PM
Wear your friendly Halloween costume and come check all the decorated trunks. Trunks needed! Get in touch with Natalie with questions.
Help Needed for Chapel Kneelers - The beautiful needlepoint kneelers in the chapel need to be vacuumed once a month. If you are able to help, this task may be done at your convenience. Please contact the church office if interested.
Saturday Night Supper Clubs - Thank you to everyone who has signed up. There is still room available in these groups! Please contact Bruce Stone to be added to a group.